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  1. Music Bursary Competition Winner

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    One lucky winner has been chosen to receive a 12 month bursary place with Session Recall, funded by EVI through the UK Community Renewal Fund. 

    One lucky Blaenau Gwent musician has won a place on a new music production, song writing and business coaching platform, Session Recall. The platform is led by producer and label owner Nick Brine (Oasis, Stone Roses) and Jon Constantine, both of whom run Leeders Vale Studios (EVI’s state-of-the-art recording studio.) 

    Nick and Jon run EVI’s recording studio

    The Winner

    We are delighted to announce that Joshua Hopkins from Nantyglo has won the 12 month bursary place with Session Recall! Joshua wins enrolment onto their Silver Package for 12 months, receiving one to one mentoring with industry professionals, business coaching, song writing tips, online courses, access to production workshops, song writing camps and discount codes for equipment to help with his music moving forward.  

    Panel members loved his track and application statement explaining what it would mean for him to win. Congratulations Josh! EVI are thrilled to award you this bursary place and Session Recall look forward to working with you this year.

    Runners Up

    Session Recall were so impressed by the entries, they have generously awarded 3 runners-up with free access to the Session Recall community;

    Heidi Lewis 

    The Stay

    Teal Flood

    Judging panel members were highly impressed with all entries and would like to express how difficult it was to come to a decision. 

    EVI and Session Recall would like to thank all entrants – and urge them to continue pursuing their music.

    This bursary place was funded through the UK Community Renewal Fund*, secured by ProMo Cymru for the Ebbw Vale Institute.

    *The UK Community Renewal Fund is a UK Government programme for 2021/22. This aims to support people and communities most in need across the UK to pilot programmes and new approaches to prepare for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It invests in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment. For more information, click here.

  2. Teaching Assistant Academy at EVI

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    Looking for a career change or hoping to start a career in education? This is the course for you!

    We are working in partnership with Communities for Work Plus and Adult Learning Wales to deliver our free bespoke Teacher Assistant L2 training, designed to support you gain the necessary skills for employment in the education sector. Whether you are looking for a career change or hoping to start a career in education, this is the course for you!

    Our fully accredited training will be held face to face in a welcoming and relaxed environment of EVI. It is essential to complete all modules to achieve an Agored Cymru L2 Teaching Assistant Qualification.

    During the first and last week of the course representatives from Teacher Active, Prospero and Anzuk Education will visit to chat with participants about registration and employment opportunities.

    To participate in this training, you must live in the Blaenau Gwent Local Authority Area. You will need to bring photographic ID with you. Lunch and refreshments provided.

    Communities For Work Plus can provide you with a personal mentor who can apply for funding to help remove hurdles such as transport, training, and childcare to get you the job you need. Terms and conditions apply.

    Please get in touch with any questions and we will be happy to help. Email megan@promo.cymru.

    This training opportunity is funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund*

    *The  UK Community Renewal Fund is a UK Government programme for 2021/22. This aims to support people and communities most in need across the UK to pilot programmes and new approaches to prepare for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It invests in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment. For more information, visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-community-renewal-fundprospectus

    ProMo Cymru, charity and social enterprise, operates and is the custodian of the Ebbw Vale Institute. We are proud to have saved EVI for future community use.

  3. Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru yn Ymweld â Institiwt Glynebwy (EVI)

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    Mae’r Gwir Anrh Robert Buckland QC AS, Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru, wedi bod yn ymweld â EVI yng Nglynebwy i weld nifer o brosiectau sydd yn cael eu cefnogi gan y Gronfa Adnewyddu Cymunedol ym Mlaenau Gwent.

    Mae EVI yn darparu cyfleoedd i wella iechyd a lles ac yn datblygu hyfforddiant a chyfleoedd profiad gwaith. Roedd EVI a ProMo-Cymru (gwarcheidwaid EVI) yn hapus iawn i siarad gyda Syr Robert Buckland yn ystod ei ymweliad.

    Mae Cronfa Adnewyddu Cymunedol y DU wedi cefnogi EVI i ailagor ei ddrysau i’r cyhoedd ar ôl cau yn rhannol yn ystod y pandemig. Mae’r tîm wedi bod yn brysur yn datblygu gwasanaethau, hyfforddiant, a gweithgareddau i gefnogi Glynebwy a chymunedau ehangach Blaenau Gwent. Daeth dros 350 o aelodau’r gymuned i helpu dathlu ailagor EVI gydag wythnos yn llawn gweithgareddau a gweithdai am ddim i bob oedran. Ymwelwch â’n gwefan i ddarganfod mwy www.evi.cymru

    Marco Gil-Cervantes, Prif Weithredwr ProMo-Cymru (chwith), Syr Robert Buckland, Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru (canol) a Sian Tucker, Rheolwr Canolfan EVI (dde)

    Mae’r ailddatblygiad wedi cael ei ariannu gan Lywodraeth y DU trwy Gronfa Adnewyddu Cymunedol y DU, yn gwobrwyo £260,782 o gyllid i EVI. Mae hyn wedi caniatáu i EVI gyflwyno amrywiaeth o ddosbarthiadau, gweithdai a digwyddiadau llesiant a diwylliannol, hyfforddiant achrededig, datblygu mentrau cymdeithasol, gweithgareddau teuluol, cefnogaeth sgiliau busnes a digidol, lleihau ôl troed carbon ac agor caffi cymunedol!

    Cafodd yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol ei dywys o amgylch yr adeilad, yn siarad gyda staff, gwirfoddolwyr, ac aelodau’r gymuned am ganlyniadau positif yr arian yma. Rhannwyd pa mor brysur yr oeddent yn datblygu gwasanaethau, cyfleoedd hyfforddiant, a llawer o weithgareddau eraill i gefnogi Glynebwy a chymunedau ehangach Blaenau Gwent. Rhannodd y tîm eu cynlluniau i sefydlu banc bwyd, brwydro yn erbyn gwastraff bwyd, clybiau cinio i deuluoedd, dosbarthiadau iechyd a lles, cyfleoedd hyfforddiant… a sefydlu côr!

    Dywedodd Marco Gil-Cervantes, Prif Weithredwr ProMo-Cymru, “Rydym yn ddiolchgar iawn am yr arian o Gronfa Adnewyddu Cymunedol Llywodraeth y DU, sydd, ynghyd â chefnogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru, Cyngor Sir Blaenau Gwent a’r Loteri Fawr, wedi helpu’r canolfan elusennol, cymunedol a diwylliannol yma i symud ymlaen. Rydym yn falch iawn o gael croesawu Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru yma heddiw i gael dangos ein gwaith cymunedol.”

    Dywedodd cynrychiolydd o’r Cyngor Sir, “Roedd yn wych i gael gweld y prosiectau sydd yn derbyn arian gan y Gronfa Adnewyddu Cymunedol heddiw ac i gael gweld y gwaith ffyniant pwysig sydd yn digwydd mewn cymunedau fel Glynebwy. Mae’r gwaith ac ymroddiad y tîm yn EVI, a phawb arall sydd yn cynnig cefnogaeth iddynt, wedi creu argraff fawr. Mae’r gwaith yma mor bwysig. Rwy’n eu llongyfarch am fod yn benderfynol i ddarparu gwasanaethau, hyfforddiant a gweithgareddau i helpu pobl i gael gwaith ac i wella iechyd a llesiant ym Mlaenau Gwent.”

    Chwith i dde: Marco Gil-Cervantes (Prif Weithredwr ProMo-Cymru), Sue Harris (Rheolwr Menter Gymdeithasol ProMo-Cymru), Tara Lane (Cyngor Blaenau Gwent), AS Alun Davies (AS Blaenau Gwent), Syr Robert Buckland (Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru) a Sian Tucker (Rheolwr Canolfan EVI)

    Cysylltiadau’r Wasg

    Swyddog Cefnogi Cyfryngau – megan@promo.cymru

    Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol:





    Manylion CACDU

    Mae Cronfa Adfywio Cymunedol y DU yn rhaglen Llywodraeth y DU ar gyfer 2021/22. Nod hwn yw cefnogi pobl a chymunedau sydd fwyaf mewn angen ledled y DU i dreialu rhaglenni a dulliau newydd i baratoi ar gyfer Cronfa Ffyniant Cyffredinol y DU. Mae’n buddsoddi mewn sgiliau, cymuned a lleoedd, busnes lleol, a chefnogi pobl i mewn i gyflogaeth. Am ragor o wybodaeth, ewch i: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-community-renewalfund-prospectus

    Manylion EVI

    EVI – Institiwt Glynebwy – adeilad llawn hanes a diwylliant. Wedi ei sefydlu yn 1849 i hyrwyddo cyfnewidfa ddiwylliannol yn y gymuned, gorweddai’n wag am sawl blwyddyn cyn mynd drwy broses o adnewyddiad mawr gan ProMo-Cymru wedi ei gefnogi gan Gyngor Blaenau Gwent a Rhaglen Trosglwyddo Asedau Cymunedol y Loteri Fawr. Yn 2019 derbyniodd EVI £249,867 gan Raglen Cyfleusterau Cymunedol Llywodraeth Cymru i gyflawni nifer o welliannau i’r adeilad.

    Mae’r adeilad bellach yn darparu rhaglen o weithgareddau creadigol, dysgu a datblygiadau menter gymdeithasol, yn helpu i adfywio economi Blaenau Gwent.

    Mae’r cyfleusterau yn cynnwys gofodau hyfforddiant a chyfarfod, stiwdio recordio broffesiynol, caffi, bar a gofod perfformiadau byw.

    Mae EVI yn gartref i sawl sefydliad, gan gynnwys Gwasanaeth Ieuenctid Blaenau Gwent, Leeders Vale, N-Gage Gwent, Cymorth i Ferched Cyfannol a Hyfforddiant ACT.

    Manylion ProMo-Cymru

    Mae ProMo-Cymru yn elusen a menter gymdeithasol sydd yn gweithio i sicrhau bod pobl ifanc a chymunedau yn wybodus, yn cyfrannu, yn gysylltiedig ac yn cael eu clywed. Manylion pellach yma: www.promo.cymru

  4. Secretary of State Visits Historic Ebbw Vale Institute (EVI)

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    The RT Hon Robert Buckland QC MP, Secretary of State for Wales, paid a visit to EVI in Ebbw Vale today to see the range of projects supported by the Community Renewal Fund in Blaenau Gwent.

    EVI and ProMo Cymru (EVI’s custodians) were delighted to speak with Sir Robert Buckland during his visit.

    The UK Community Renewal Fund has supported EVI to reopen its doors to the public after partially closing during the pandemic. The team has been busy developing services, training, and activities to support the Ebbw Vale and wider Blaenau Gwent communities. Last week, over 350 community members helped celebrate EVI’s reopening with a week full of free activities and workshops for all ages.

    The redevelopment has been funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund, providing EVI with £260,782 of funding. This has allowed EVI to deliver a variety of wellbeing and cultural classes, workshops and events, accredited training, social enterprise development, family activities, business and digital skills support, reduce their carbon footprint and open a community café!

    Marco Gil-Cervantes, Chief Executive ProMo-Cymru (left), Sir Robert Buckland, Secretary of State for Wales (centre) and Sian Tucker, EVI Centre Manager (right)

    The Secretary of State toured the building, talking to staff, volunteers, and community members about the positive outcomes of this funding. They shared how they’ve been busy developing services, training opportunities, and many activities to support the Ebbw Vale and wider Blaenau Gwent communities. The team shared their plans to establish a food bank, combat food waste, luncheon clubs for families, health and wellbeing classes, training opportunities… and setting up a choir!

    Marco Gil-Cervantes, Chief Executive of ProMo-Cymru, says, “We are very grateful for the funds from the UK Government’s Community Renewal Fund, that together with support from the Welsh Government, Blaenau Gwent County Council and Big Lottery have helped this charity, community and cultural centre move forward. We were delighted to welcome the Secretary of State today to showcase our community work.”

    A Council spokesperson commented:  “It was great to see the projects funded by the Community Renewal Fund for myself today and the important work to deliver levelling up for communities such as Ebbw Vale.  I am really impressed by the work and dedication of the team in EVI and everyone else who provides them with support. The work is so important, I congratulate them for their determination to provide services, training and activities to help people secure meaningful employment and to improve their health and well-being in Blaenau Gwent.”

    From left to right; Marco Gil-Cervantes (Chief Executive ProMo-Cymru), Sue Harris (Social Enterprise Manager ProMo-Cymru), Tara Lane (Blaenau Gwent Council), MS Alun Davies (MS for Blaenau Gwent), Sir Robert Buckland (Secretary of State for Wales) and Sian Tucker (EVI Centre Manager)

    About UKCRF

    The UK Community Renewal Fund is a UK Government programme for 2021/22. This aims to support people and communities most in need across the UK to pilot programmes and new approaches to prepare for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It invests in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment. For more information, visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-community-renewal-fund-prospectus  

    About EVI

    EVI – Ebbw Vale Institute is a building full of story and culture. Founded in 1849 to promote cultural exchange in the neighbourhood, it was vacant for many years before undergoing extensive refurbishment by ProMo-Cymru supported by Blaenau Gwent Council and the Big Lottery Community Asset Transfer Scheme. In 2019 EVI received £249,867 from the Welsh Government Community Facilities Programme to carry out a range of improvements to the building.  

    The building now provides a programme of creative activities, learning and social enterprise development, helping to revitalise the economy of Blaenau Gwent.

    Its facilities include training and meeting spaces, professional recording studio, café, bar and live performance space.

    EVI is home to various organisations, including Blaenau Gwent Youth Services, Leeders Vale, Gwent N-Gage, Cyfannol Women’s Aid and ACT Training.

    ProMo Cymru, charity and social enterprise, operates and is the custodian of the Ebbw Vale Institute. We are proud to have saved EVI for future community use.

  5. Calling all Blaenau Gwent musicians!

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    Erthygl Gymraeg yma

    Ebbw Vale Institute are giving one lucky musician from Blaenau Gwent the chance to win a 12 month bursary place on the fantastic new Music Production, Song Writing and Business Coaching platform – Session Recall, led by producer and label owner Nick Brine (Oasis, Stone Roses, Bruce Springsteen, Arctic Monkeys).

    The winner will receive free Session Recall membership and an enrolment on to their Silver Package for 12 months.  You will receive one to one mentoring with industry professionals, business coaching, song writing tips, online courses, access to production workshops and song writing camps and discount codes for equipment to help with your music moving forward.  

    All you need to do to enter the competition is email an MP3 of your song of choice with a simple paragraph about yourself, why you think you should get the place on the programme and what it would mean to you to win to competition@sessionrecall.com.

     A judging panel consisting of Producer and label owner Nick Brine, Jon Constantine (university lecturer and business coach, Producer/engineer), Max Rafferty (The Kooks) and a representative from Ebbw Vale Institute will choose their winner. 

    Get your entries in now to be in with a chance of winning this amazing opportunity.

    Entries close on Friday 9th September. Please email competition@sessionrecall.com

    For any queries please email tom@promo.cymru or megan@promo.cymru

    This mentorship programme opportunity is funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund*, secured by ProMo-Cymru for EVI.

    Closing date: 09/09/2022

    *The UK Community Renewal Fund is a UK Government programme for 2021/22. This aims to support people and communities most in need across the UK to pilot programmes and new approaches to prepare for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It invests in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment. For more information, click here.

  6. Galwad ar Gerddorion Blaenau Gwent!

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    Read English here

    Mae Institiwt Glynebwy yn rhoi cyfle i un cerddor lwcus o Flaenau Gwent i ennill lle bwrsari 12 mis ar y platfform newydd Cynhyrchu Cerddoriaeth, Ysgrifennu Caneuon a Mentora Busnes – ‘Session Recall’, wedi’i arwain gan y cynhyrchydd a pherchennog label Nick Brine (Oasis, Stone Roses, Bruce Springsteen, Arctic Monkeys).

    Bydd yr enillydd yn derbyn aelodaeth ‘Session Recall’ am ddim ac yn cael ei gofrestru ar y Pecyn Arian am 12 mis. Byddech yn derbyn mentora un i un gyda phobl broffesiynol o’r diwydiant, mentora busnes, cyngor ysgrifennu caneuon, cyrsiau ar-lein, mynediad i weithdai cynhyrchu a gwersyll ysgrifennu caneuon, codau disgownt offer a chymorth gyda’ch cerddoriaeth wrth i chi symud ymlaen. 

    Yr unig beth sy’n rhaid gwneud yw e-bostio MP3 gyda’ch dewis o gân, gyda pharagraff syml am eich hun a pam y dylech chi gael lle ar y rhaglen, beth fydd ennill yn ei olygu i chi, a byddech yn rhan o’r gystadleuaeth wedyn.

    Bydd panel beirniadu sydd yn cynnwys y cynhyrchydd a pherchennog label  Nick Brine, Jon Constantine (darlithydd prifysgol a mentor busnes, cynhyrchydd/peiriannydd), Max Rafferty (The Kooks) a chynrychiolydd o Institiwt Glynebwy yn dewis yr enillydd. 

    Gyrrwch eich cais nawr am gyfle i ennill y wobr anhygoel yma. 

    Ceisiadau yn cau dydd Gwener 9fed Medi. E-bostiwch: competition@sessionrecall.com 

    Mae’r cyfle rhaglen mentora yma yn cael ei ariannu gan Lywodraeth y DU trwy Gronfa Adfywio Cymunedol y DU*, wedi’i ddiogelu gan ProMo-Cymru ar gyfer EVI.

    Dyddiad cau: 09/09/2022

    *Mae Cronfa Adfywio Cymunedol y DU yn rhaglen Llywodraeth y DU ar gyfer 2021/22. Y bwriad ydy cefnogi pobl a chymunedau sydd â’r angen mwyaf ledled y DU i gynnal rhaglenni peilot a dulliau newydd i baratoi ar gyfer Cronfa Ffyniant Cyffredin y DU. Mae’n buddsoddi mewn sgiliau, cymunedau a llefydd busnesau lleol, ac yn cefnogi pobl i mewn i swyddi. Am wybodaeth bellach, cliciwch yma.

  7. Haf o Hwyl EVI

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    Read English here

    Mae EVI yn hapus iawn i dderbyn arian trwy CWVYS ar gyfer y cynllun Haf o Hwyl Llywodraeth Cymru.

    Fel rhan o’r gweithgareddau Haf o Hwyl, byddem yn cynnal Gweithdai Cerddorol, Hyfforddiant Cynhyrchu Fideo Achrededig a Sesiynau Dylunio Graffeg Canva i bobl ifanc 16-25 oed ym Mlaenau Gwent yn ystod Awst a Medi.

    Nod y cynllun Haf o Hwyl ydy i gefnogi lles plant a phobl ifanc yn dilyn cyfyngiadau Covid y ddwy flynedd diwethaf. Bydd ProMo-Cymru (gwarcheidwaid EVI) yn un o’r sawl sefydliad o Gymru fydd yn cynnig gweithgareddau rhyngweithiol, creadigol ac addysgiadol cymunedol i bobl ifanc.

    Haf o Hwyl EVI

    Bydd y sesiynau cynhelir yn cynnwys hyfforddiant cynhyrchu fideo achrededig, a sesiynau hyfforddiant cynhyrchu cerddoriaeth a dylunio graffeg Canva. Manylion isod am y gweithgareddau a diweddariadau dyddiol.

    Os oes gen ti ddiddordeb mewn cymryd rhan, neu yn adnabod rhywun fydda wrth eu boddau yn ymuno â ni, cysyllta â megan@promo.cymru.

    Chwilia’r hashnodau #HafoHwyl a #SummerofFun ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol am ddiweddariadau digwyddiadau Haf o Hwyl cynhelir yn agos i ti.

    Sesiynau i Ddod

    28ain Medi | Gweithdy Creawdwyr TikTok

    Eisiau buddio mwy o TikTok a dysgu sut i greu neu wella dy gynnwys fideo? 

    Gwybodaeth bellach yma.

    30ain Medi | Hyfforddiant Dylunio Graffeg Canva (2 awr o sesiwn)

    Eisiau dylunio taflenni, creu logos, neu roi hwb i’ch cyfryngau cymdeithasol gyda dyluniadau anhygoel?

    Gwybodaeth bellach yma.

    5ed Medi | Hyfforddiant Dylunio Graffeg Canva (2 awr o sesiwn)

    Eisiau dylunio taflenni, creu logos, neu roi hwb i’ch cyfryngau cymdeithasol gyda dyluniadau anhygoel?

    Gwybodaeth bellach yma.

    7fed – 8fed Medi | Cynhyrchu Fideo Achrededig (cwrs 2 ddiwrnod)

    ​​Diddordeb mewn gyrfa’n cynhyrchu fideo neu’n creu fideos byr proffesiynol i helpu hyrwyddo’ch gwaith neu waith eraill?

    Gwybodaeth bellach yma.

  8. EVI’s Summer of Fun

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    Darllenwch yn Gymraeg yma

    EVI is thrilled to have been awarded funding through CWVYS for the Welsh Government’s Summer of Fun scheme.

    Scroll down to see our upcoming events.

    As part of our Summer of Fun activities, we will be running Musical Workshops, Accredited Video Production Training and Canva Graphic Design Sessions for young people aged 16 – 25 in Blaenau Gwent throughout August and September.

    The Summer of Fun initiative aims to support the wellbeing of children and young people to continue their recovery from the Covid restrictions of the last two years. ProMo Cymru (EVI’s custodians) will be one of many organisations across Wales delivering community-based interactive, creative and educational activities for young people.

    EVI’s Summer of Fun

    The sessions we’ll be running will involve accredited video production training, music production workshops and Canva graphic design training sessions. See below for our activities and daily updates.

    If you are interested in taking part or know someone who would love to join us, please get in touch with megan@promo.cymru.

    Search the #SummerofFun and #HafoHwyl hashtags on social media to keep up-to-date with Summer of Fun activities near you. 

    Upcoming Sessions

    27th September | TikTok Creator Workshop

    Want to tap into TikTok and learn how to make or improve your own video content?

    Find out more here.

    30th September | Canva Graphic Design Training (2 hour session)

    Want to design leaflets, create logos, or boost your social media with fantastic designs?

    Find out more here.

    7th & 8th September | Accredited Video Production (2 day course)

    Interested in a career in video production or social media? Want to learn how to create professional-standard short videos?

    Find out more here.

    5th September | Canva Graphic Design Training (2 hour session)

    Want to design leaflets, create logos, or boost your social media with fantastic designs?

    Find out more here.

    More sessions coming soon! Check this page for daily updates.

    ProMo Cymru, charity and social enterprise, operates and is the custodian of the Ebbw Vale Institute. We are proud to have saved EVI for future community use.

  9. Open Week 1st – 5th August 

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    Darllenwch yn Gymraeg yma

    Join us for a week full of free activities and food to celebrate EVI opening its doors again! 

    Family crafting and wildlife activities, cultural exhibition, wellbeing classes, business/ digital support workshops, afternoon tea, creative writing and singing, and the opening of our new ‘Café at EVI’ – we have a week full of free and fun activities planned for all ages in Blaenau Gwent!

    To celebrate our Open Week and the new ‘Café at EVI’, all children will be provided with a free, healthy lunchbox to eat in or takeaway throughout the week. Keep checking this page for daily updates, and don’t hesitate to get in touch with any queries by emailing megan@promo.cymru, ringing 01495708022 or popping in.  

    Some events will require pre-booking, others are available for anyone to pop in. See below for our full programme of activities – click the links to find out more. Come and join us! 

    This Open Week is funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund*

    Programme of Events:

    ‘Let Paul Robeson Sing’ Exhibition

    Throughout our Open Week, EVI will host an inspirational exhibition about the life of actor, singer, and civil rights activist Paul Robeson. This exhibition chronicles Robeson’s struggle against prejudice and intolerance, his connection with the miners of South Wales, and his work to promote diversity and racial equality. One of his first appearances was at the Ebbw Vale National Eisteddfod in August 1958. 64 years on, Robeson’s story returns to Ebbw Vale. All ages can pop in any day during our opening hours for free to learn about Robeson’s fascinating life and important impact in Wales. Grab a cuppa and cake from our new ‘Café at EVI’ while you’re here!

    “There is no place in the world I like more than Wales.” – Paul Robeson  

    Monday 1st

    Digital Skills Drop In Support and Q&A

    11am – 1pm

    Learn how to effectively use social media to get seen and heard in Blaenau Gwent, with digital communications expert Andrew Collins from ProMo Cymru. Pop in and receive one to one advice and training, tailored just for you! Learn how to promote your work and events on social media, or just come along to generally improve your digital skills in a friendly, informal atmosphere. We can help you get to grips with a particular social media platform, setting up a page, creating engaging content, short form video, paid advertising, basic websites, algorithms, trends and more. Pop in for 10 minutes or the whole session, it’s up to you!

    Email megan@promo.cymru to register your interest and let us know what we can do for you. There will also be free refreshments. Business in Focus will also be on hand to support you with any business questions you may have.

    Singing For Beginners

    1.30- 2.30pm (For all ages) BOOKING REQUIRED

    This singing class introduces techniques to support best singing practice, like scales, tongue twisters, breathing and enunciation. Jonathon’s class will both elevate and encourage participants with their confidence, working through vocal exercises on projection, breath control, diction and enunciation. The sessions help develop a ‘tool kit’ which can be implemented in group singing. 

    Facilitated by Inside Out Cymru.

    Book here.

    Afternoon Tea and Film


    Join us at EVI for free Afternoon Tea from the new Café at EVI, and a film showing of ‘The Proud Valley’ (1940) starring Paul Robeson to celebrate our ‘Let Paul Robeson Sing’ Exhibition. The exhibition chronicles Robeson’s struggle against prejudice and intolerance and his connection with the miners of South Wales. Pop in!

    Tuesday 2nd

    Driftwood Craft, Pyrography, Pebble Art & Seed Bomb Making

    11am – 4pm BOOKING REQUIRED

    A day full of free and fun natural crafts for the whole family in the EVI garden, with EggSeeds, “Bringing Education to Life”. There will be two different sessions, a morning and afternoon session. Come along for the day!

    Free lunch for children.
    Adult supervision is required.

    Limited spaces – book here.

    Session 1: 11am – 1pm
    Driftwood Craft (suitable for all ages) – Pick your driftwood biscuits and make cool decorative pieces to take away.
    Pyrography (Suitable for 4+) – Lend your hand to the art of wood burning – simple, fun and relaxing! From patterns, words or pictures create your own personal pieces to take away.

    Session 2: 2pm – 4pm
    Pebble Craft & Painting (suitable for all ages) – Help make some nature themed or inspiring stones to find in our garden or have a go at pebble art to take away.
    Seed bombs (suitable for all ages) – Help bring some colour and wildlife to our garden, providing wildlife places to eat, hide and look amazing for us to all come back and see. Take some home to enjoy! 

    EVI Official Reopening with Ebbw Vale Male Voice Choir


    Join us for our official reopening event! EVI will be officially reopened by Alun Davies, MS for Blaenau Gwent. Free food and refreshments and a short performance from the Ebbw Vale Male Voice Choir.

    Youth Entrepreneur Session

    1.30pm – 3.30pm (25 years and under)

    Join Big Ideas Wales Youth Entrepreneur Session, where young people will leave with ideas on how to turn their hobbies, interests and passions into side hustles and businesses. Mental health and wellbeing advice will also be incorporated.

    Business in Focus will also be on hand to support you with your business questions (for all ages). Email megan@promo.cymru to register your interest.

    Wednesday 3rd

    Wellbeing Classes for 16+

    Free taster sessions for a variety of wellbeing classes for 16+. Prioritise your wellbeing and come and relax at EVI!

    11am – 12pm – Mindfulness – Andrew

    Mindfulness techniques can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, by helping you; understand your emotions better, cope better with difficult thoughts, feel calmer, boost your attention and concentration, and improve your relationships.

    12.15pm – 1pm – Yoga Relaxation – Clare

    2pm – 3pm Tai Chi / Qigong – Keith

    Come along for the day and grab lunch in the new Café at EVI , or pop in for whichever class you fancy.

    For more information and to register your interest, email megan@promo.cymru, ring 01495708022 or pop in!

    Thursday 4th

    MORNING SESSION FULLY BOOKED: Silk-Painting for Families

    10am – 12pm / 1pm – 3pm BOOKING REQUIRED (suitable for 5+)

    Come along to a fun, creative and vibrant family silk-painting session with talented artist Nina Morgan. This relaxing session is perfect for families to spend quality time together. Join us for either the morning session (10am-12pm) or afternoon session (1pm-3pm).

    All children will be provided with a free, healthy lunchbox.

    Limited spaces – book here.

    Friday 5th

    FULLY BOOKED: Perfect Pollinators: Bug Home Making

    10am – 12.30pm BOOKING REQUIRED (suitable for all ages)

    Fun and educational wildlife activities with Gwent Wildlife Trust. Join Rob Magee to learn about pollinating insects like bees, butterflies, moths and beetles. There will be moth identification at 10am followed by a fun bug home making session. There is also the opportunity to learn how to identify butterflies and bees and how to help in your garden. Join us for this educational and exciting workshop for all the family!

    Free lunch is provided for children.
    Adult supervision required.

    The bug home making has limited spaces – book here.

    Creative Writing Workshop

    11am – 12pm (suitable for 14+ – we look forward to welcoming a wide range of ages to this workshop!) BOOKING REQUIRED

    Art practitioner Jonathon Rowland-Beer will provide interesting and inspiring creative writing prompts as the participants are encouraged to draft their own short stories, poems, memories or just word play. The group share their writing before giving each other tips and inspiration. Jonathon can also include poetry, dialogue, and the concept of ‘show don’t tell’. Everyone has the chance to listen as well as quiet time to ignite that spark of creativity. 

    Facilitated by Inside Out Cymru.

    Book here

    Owl Sanctuary Visit

    1pm – 2pm

    We look forward to welcoming the Ebbw Vale Owl Sanctuary to EVI. Interact with owls and birds of prey from The Owl Sanctuary while learning all about them. No need to book, just pop in! All ages welcome. 

    *The  UK Community Renewal Fund is a UK Government programme for 2021/22. This aims to support people and communities most in need across the UK to pilot programmes and new approaches to prepare for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It invests in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment. For more information, visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-community-renewal-fundprospectus

  10. Wythnos Agored 1af – 5ed Awst

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    Read English here

    Ymunwch â ni am wythnos llawn gweithgareddau a bwyd am ddim i ddathlu drysau’r EVI yn agor unwaith eto!

    Gweithgareddau crefft a bywyd gwyllt i’r teulu, arddangosfa ddiwylliannol, dosbarthiadau lles, gweithdai cefnogi busnes / digidol, te prynhawn, ysgrifennu creadigol a chanu, ac agoriad ein caffi newydd ‘Café at EVI’ – mae gennym wythnos lawn o weithgareddau hwyl ac am ddim wedi’u cynllunio ar gyfer pob oedran ym Mlaenau Gwent!

    I ddathlu ein Hwythnos Agored a’r ‘Café at EVI’ newydd, bydd pob plentyn yn derbyn bocs bwyd iach am ddim i fwyta mewn neu i fynd allan bob dydd yn ystod yr wythnos. Cadwch olwg ar y dudalen hon am ddiweddariadau dyddiol, a chofiwch gysylltu gydag unrhyw ymholiadau wrth e-bostio megan@promo.cymru neu ffonio 01495 708022 neu galwch draw.

    Bydd angen archebu lle (am ddim) i rai o’r digwyddiadau, tra bod eraill yn agored i bawb galw draw. Edrychwch isod am y rhaglen lawn o weithgareddau – cliciwch ar y dolenni i ddarganfod mwy. Dewch draw ac ymuno gyda ni!

    Mae’r Wythnos Agored yn cael ei ariannu gan Gronfa Adfywio Cymunedol y DU*

    Rhaglen y Digwyddiadau:

    Arddangosfa ‘Let Paul Robeson Sing’

    Trwy gydol yr Wythnos Agored, bydd yr EVI yn cynnal arddangosfa ysbrydoledig am fywyd yr actor, canwr a gweithredwr hawliau sifil Paul Robeson. Mae’r arddangosfa yn gronicl o ymdrechion Robeson yn erbyn rhagfarn ac anoddefgarwch, ei gysylltiad gyda glowyr De Cymru, a’i waith yn hyrwyddo amrywiaeth a chydraddoldeb hiliol. Un o’i ymddangosiadau cyntaf oedd yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Glynebwy yn fis Awst 1958. Nawr, 64 mlynedd yn ddiweddarach, mae stori Robeson yn dychwelyd i Lynebwy. Mae croeso i bob oedran alw draw, am ddim, yn ystod ein horiau agored i ddysgu am fywyd diddorol Robeson a’r effaith pwysig y cafodd yng Nghymru. A thra bod chi yma, helpwch eich hunain i baned a chacen am ddim!

    “There is no place in the world I like more than Wales.” – Paul Robeson  

    Dydd Llun 1af

    Cefnogaeth Sgiliau Digidol a Sesiwn Cwestiwn ac Ateb ‘Galw Draw’

    11yb – 1yp

    Dysgwch sut i ddefnyddio cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn effeithiol i gael eich gweld a’ch clywed ym Mlaenau Gwent, gydag arbenigwr cyfathrebiadau digidol o ProMo-Cymru, Andrew Collins. Galwch draw a derbyn cyngor a hyfforddiant un i un, wedi’i deilwro yn arbennig i chi! Dysgwch sut i hyrwyddo eich gwaith a’ch digwyddiadau ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol, neu galwch draw i wella eich sgiliau digidol yn gyffredinol mewn awyrgylch cyfeillgar, anffurfiol. Gallem eich helpu i ddeall sut i greu tudalen, creu cynnwys diddorol, fideo ffurf fer, talu am hysbysebu, gwefannau syml, algorithmau, tueddiadau a mwy!

    E-bostiwch megan@promo.cymru i gofrestru’ch diddordeb a rhowch wybod beth allem ei wneud i chi. Bydd yna luniaeth am ddim hefyd. Bydd Busnes Mewn Ffocws yno hefyd i’ch cefnogi gydag unrhyw gwestiynau busnes sydd gennych chi.

    Canu i Gychwynwyr

    1:30-2:30yp (Ar gyfer pob oedran) RHAID CADW LLE

    Mae’r dosbarth canu yma yn cyflwyno technegau i gefnogi ymarfer canu gorau, fel graddfa, cylymau tafod (tounge twister), anadlu ac ynganu. Bydd dosbarth Jonathon yn codi ac yn annog hyder y rhai sydd yn cymryd rhan, yn gweithio ar daflu’r llais, rheoli anadlu, geirio ac ynganu. Bydd y sesiynau yma yn helpu i ddatblygu ‘pecyn cymorth’ fydd yn gallu cael ei ddefnyddio gyda chanu grŵp.

    Yn cael ei hwyluso gan Inside Out Cymru.

    Te Prynhawn a Ffilm


    Dydd Mawrth 2il

    Crefftau Broc Môr, Pyrograffeg, Celf Cerrig Bychan a Chreu Bomiau Hadau

    11yb – 4yp RHAID CADW LLE

    Diwrnod llawn crefftau naturiol, hwyl, ac am ddim i’r teulu oll yn ardd yr EVI, gyda EggSeeds, “Yn Dod ag Addysg yn Fyw”. Bydd dau sesiwn gwahanol, un bore ac un prynhawn. Dewch draw am y dydd!

    Cinio am ddim i blant.
    Mae’n rhaid i oedolyn fod yn bresennol.

    Llefydd yn brin – hawliwch eich lle yma.

    Sesiwn 1: 11yb – 1yp
    Crefftau Broc Môr (addas ar gyfer pob oedran) – Dewiswch eich bisgedi broc môr a chreu darnau addurniadol cŵl i fynd adref gyda chi.
    Pyrograffeg (addas ar gyfer oedran 4+) – Rhowch dro ar y gelf o losgi pren – syml, hwyl ac ymlaciol! O batrymau, geiriau neu luniau, gallwch greu darnau personol eich hun i fynd adref gyda chi.

    Sesiwn 2: 2yp – 4yp
    Crefft a Pheintio Cerrig Bychan (addas ar gyfer pob oedran) – Helpwch i greu cerrig ysbrydoledig neu thema natur i’w darganfod yn ein gardd, neu creu celf cerrig bychan i fynd adref gyda chi. Bomiau Hadau (addas ar gyfer pob oedran) – Helpwch i gyflwyno lliw a bywyd gwyllt i’n gardd, yn rhoi lle i fywyd gwyllt fwyta, cuddio ac edrych yn anhygoel i bawb ddod yn ôl i’w weld. Ewch â rhai adref i fwynhau!

    Lansiad Swyddogol gyda Chôr Meibion Glynebwy


    Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer ein lansiad swyddogol! Bydd EVI yn cael ei ailagor yn swyddogol gan AS Blaenau Gwent, Alun Davies. Bwyd a lluniaeth am ddim a Chôr Meibion Glynebwy yn canu.

    Sesiwn Entrepreneuriaid Ifanc

    1.30yp – 3.30yp

    Ymunwch â Sesiwn Entrepreneuriaid Ifanc Syniadau Mawr Cymru, ble fydd pobl ifanc yn gadael gyda syniadau am sut i droi hobi, diddordebau ac angerdd yn weithred ar yr ochr a busnes. Bydd cyngor iechyd meddwl a lles yn cael ei gynnwys hefyd.

    Bydd Busnes Mewn Ffocws yno i’ch cefnogi gydag unrhyw gwestiynau busnes.

    Dydd Mercher 3ydd

    Dosbarthiadau Lles i 16+

    Sesiynau blasu am ddim ar gyfer amrywiaeth o ddosbarthiadau lles i rai 16+.

    11yb -12yp – Meddylgarwch – Andrew
    12:15yp – 1yp – Ymlacio gydag Yoga – Clare
    2pm – 3pm – Tai Chi / Qigong – Keith

    Am wybodaeth bellach ac i gofrestru eich diddordeb, e-bostiwch megan@promo.cymru, ffoniwch ar 01495 708022 neu galwch draw!

    Dydd Iau 4ydd

    Peintio Sidan i Deuluoedd

    10yb – 12yp / 1yp – 3yp RHAID CADW LLE (addas i oedran 5+)

    Galwch draw i sesiwn peintio sidan hwyl, creadigol a bywiog gyda’r artist talentog Nina Morgan. Mae’r sesiwn ymlaciol yma yn berffaith ar gyfer teuluoedd i dreulio amser â’i gilydd. Ymunwch am y sesiwn bore (10yb – 12yp) neu’r sesiwn prynhawn (1yp-3yp).

    Bydd pob plentyn yn derbyn bocs bwyd iach am ddim.

    Llefydd yn brin – hawliwch eich lle yma.

    Dydd Gwener 5ed

    Peillwyr Perffaith: Creu Cartref Pryfed

    10yb – 12.30yp RHAID CADW LLE (addas ar gyfer pob oedran)

    Gweithgareddau bywyd gwyllt hwyl ac addysgiadol gydag Ymddiriedolaeth Natur Gwent. Ymunwch â Rob Magee i ddysgu am bryfaid peillio fel gwenyn, pili-pala, gwyfynod a chwilod. Byddant yn dod i adnabod gwyfynod (moths) am 10yb, a dilynir hyn gyda sesiwn hwyl yn creu cartrefi i bryfed. Bydd cyfle hefyd i ddysgu sut i adnabod gwahanol bili-pala a gwenyn a sut gallech chi helpu yn eich gardd. Ymunwch â ni am y gweithdy addysgiadol a chyffroes yma i’r teulu oll!

    Darparir cinio am ddim i’r plant. Mae’n rhaid i oedolyn fod yn bresennol.

    Mae llefydd yn brin ar gyfer y sesiwn creu cartref pryfed – hawliwch eich lle yma.

    Gweithdy Ysgrifennu Creadigol

    11yb – 12yp (addas ar gyfer 14+) RHAID CADW LEE

    Bydd yr ymarferydd celf Jonathan Rowland-Beer yn cynnig awgrymiadau ysgrifennu creadigol diddorol ac ysbrydoledig wrth annog y rhai sydd yn cymryd rhan i ddrafftio stori fer, barddoniaeth, atgofion neu chwarae ar eiriau eu hunain. Bydd y grŵp yn rhannu’r hyn maent wedi ysgrifennu cyn rhoi cyngor ac ysbrydoli ei gilydd. Gall Jonathan hefyd gynnwys barddoniaeth, dialog, a’r cysyniad o ‘dangos paid dweud’. Mae pawb yn cael cyfle i wrando yn ogystal ag amser distaw i sbarduno’r creadigrwydd.

    Hwylusir gan Inside Out Cymru.

    Ymweliad y Warchodfa Tylluanod

    1yp – 2yp

    Edrychwn ymlaen at groesawu Gwarchodfa Tylluanod Glynebwy i EVI. Cysylltwch gyda’r tylluanod ac adar ysglyfaethus o’r Warchodfa Tylluanod wrth i chi ddysgu amdanynt. Nid oes angen cadw lle, dewch draw! Croeso i bob oedran.

    *Mae Cronfa Adfywio Cymunedol y DU yn rhaglen Llywodraeth y DU ar gyfer 2021/22. Nod hwn yw cefnogi pobl a chymunedau sydd fwyaf mewn angen ledled y DU i dreialu rhaglenni a dulliau newydd i baratoi argyfer Cronfa Ffyniant Cyffredinol y DU. Mae’n buddsoddi mewn sgiliau, cymuned a lleoedd, busnes lleol, a chefnogi pobl i mewn i gyflogaeth. Am ragor o wybodaeth, ewch i: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-community-renewalfund-prospectus

  11. Volunteering at EVI

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    EVI are looking for volunteers to help support the many community services and activities available at the centre.

    Did you know that EVI is a charity? The profits we make go straight back into our various community projects, providing services and activities for the people of Blaenau Gwent.

    Be a part of our volunteer team and help us make a change in your area. Volunteers are invaluable to the successful future of our community and cultural centre. Make friends, gain work experience, and help others! We’d love to welcome you to our team.

    We’re looking for:

    -Repair Café Volunteers

    -Community Garden Volunteers

    -Events Volunteers

    -Café Assistants

    -Community Bank Volunteers

    -NEW ROLE: Community Pantry Volunteers

    We’re also in need of volunteers to help us co-ordinate and plan new upcoming projects and support the centre in a variety of different ways. Click below to find out more about some of our volunteering roles:

    By volunteering at EVI, you can also earn Time Credits for supporting your community.

    For every hour you give, you earn one Time Credit. This can then be spent at EVI (events, classes and in the Café) or other venues throughout the UK e.g. the Tower of London, and can also be shared with friends and family.

    Please contact 01495 70 8022, email sam@evi.cymru, or pop in to apply or for more information.

    We look forward to welcoming you to the EVI Team!

  12. Rhaglen Hyfforddi Lletygarwch EVI

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    Rydym yn falch iawn o’n cydweithrediad gyda Chymunedau dros Waith a Mwy ac Addysg Oedolion Cymru i gynnig ein Rhaglen Hyfforddiant Lletygarwch yn rhad ac am ddim, wedi’i gynllunio’n arbennig i’ch cefnogi i feithrin y sgiliau angenrheidiol ar gyfer cyflogaeth yn y diwydiant lletygarwch.

    Pa un ai hoffech chi ddiweddaru eich sgiliau craidd, neu eich bod yn edrych i gychwyn gyrfa lletygarwch, dyma’r rhaglen i chi.

    Bydd yr hyfforddiant yn cael ei gynnal wyneb-yn-wyneb mewn amgylchedd cynnes ac anffurfiol EVI. Mae’r hyfforddiant achrededig hwn yn rhoi sylw i bob agwedd o weithio o fewn y sector lletygarwch, gan gynnwys:

    -Diogelwch Bwyd

    -Iechyd a Diogelwch

    -Diogelwch Tân

    -Cymorth Cyntaf

    -Gwasanaeth Cwsmer

    -Rheoliadau Rheoli Sylweddau Peryglus i Iechyd (COSHH)

    -Codi a Chario

    Mae’r Rhaglen Hyfforddi Lletygarwch hefyd yn cynnwys Hyfforddiant Bar a Hyfforddiant Barista anffurfiol yn ychwanegol i’r cyfle cyffrous hwn. Ariannwyd yr hyfforddiant hwn Lywodraeth y DU drwy Gronfa Adfywio Gymunedol y DU*, ac mae’n rhad ac am ddim i drigolion Blaenau Gwent.

    Os oes angen mwy o fanylion, peidiwch ag oedi i gysylltu gyda sian@evi.cymru neu sam@evi.cymru neu ffoniwch Sian neu Sam ar 01495 708022.

    *Mae Cronfa Adfywio Cymunedol y DU yn rhaglen Llywodraeth y DU ar gyfer 2021/22. Nod hwn yw cefnogi pobl a chymunedau sydd fwyaf mewn angen ledled y DU i dreialu rhaglenni a dulliau newydd i baratoi argyfer Cronfa Ffyniant Cyffredinol y DU. Mae’n buddsoddi mewn sgiliau, cymuned a lleoedd, busnes lleol, a chefnogi pobl i mewn i gyflogaeth. Am ragor o wybodaeth, ewch i: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-community-renewalfund-prospectus

  13. Hospitality Training Programme at EVI

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    We are delighted to be working in partnership with Communities for Work Plus and Adult Learning Wales to deliver our free bespoke Hospitality Training Programme, designed to support you to gain the necessary skills for employment within the hospitality sector.

    Whether you are planning to renew your basic skills, looking for a career change, or hoping to start a career in hospitality then this is the programme for you.

    Our training will be held face-to-face at EVI in a welcoming and relaxed environment. The bespoke accredited training covers all aspects of working within the hospitality sector and includes;

    – Food Safety

    – Customer Service

    – Health & Safety

    – COSHH

    – Manual Handling

    – Fire Safety

    – First Aid

    The Hospitality Training Programme also includes Informal Bar Training and Barista Training to add to this very exciting opportunity. This training opportunity is funded by the UK Community Renewal Fund* and is free of charge to people living in Blaenau Gwent.

    If you need any more information, please do not hesitate to contact sian@evi.cymru or sam@evi.cymru or ring Sian or Sam on 01495 708022

    *The  UK Community Renewal Fund is a UK Government programme for 2021/22. This aims to support people and communities most in need across the UK to pilot programmes and new approaches to prepare for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It invests in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment. For more information, visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-community-renewal-fundprospectus

  14. Children’s Laureate Wales Visits EVI

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    On Thursday 19th May, we invited Connor Allen, Children’s Laureate Wales 2021– 2023, to run two free poetry workshops at EVI for the local pupils of All Saints RC Primary School.

    Connor’s priority as Children’s Laureate Wales is to empower children and young people to tell their own unique stories through poetry. The children were introduced to poetry by using a variety of objects in our main hall, helping them realise that poetry can be about anything they like!

    They then wrote ‘I am’ poems using their favourite season, place, smell, game, toy and person to start as the basis of a poem. Pupils also used an acrostic poetry technique to describe themselves using the letters in their names.


    Children involved said they would take away feelings of “confidence” and “how cool they are”, a sense that “I am unique” and “never to give up”, all they had learnt about “acrostic poetry”… and how “delicious” the squash was!!

    A huge thank you to Connor for leading such a brilliant and engaging session, and to all the talented young children from All Saint’s RC Primary School for getting involved and sharing their fantastic imaginations with us! You can read more about the Children’s Laureate role here.

    Further Information

    We’re hoping to hold more sessions like this in the future. If you are an artist looking to run a session for young people, or a school teacher/ youth worker looking for a space to hold a workshop, get in touch with tom@promo.cymru or ring 01495 70 8022.

    This session was funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund*

    *The UK Community Renewal Fund is a UK Government programme for 2021/22. This aims to support people and communities most in need across the UK to pilot programmes and new approaches to prepare for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It invests in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment. For more information, click here.

  15. Adborth Gwych o’n Hyfforddiant Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol

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    English article here

    Cynhaliodd EVI sesiwn hyfforddi cyfryngau cymdeithasol ar-lein am ddim i fusnesau a sefydliadau trydydd sector Blaenau Gwent yn ddiweddar. Roedd y sesiwn llawn gwybodaeth yma, cyflwynir gan ProMo-Cymru, arbenigwyr y diwydiant, yn datblygu sgiliau cyfryngau cymdeithasol i helpu denu mwy o sylw i’w gwasanaeth.

    Roedd Andrew Collins, arbenigwr cyfathrebu digidol ProMo-Cymru, yn ymdrin â sawl pwnc defnyddiol fel:

    • – Fideo ffurf fer (TikTok, reels Instagram a YouTube shorts)
    • – Tueddiadau cyfryngau cymdeithasol
    • – Hysbysebion taladwy cyfryngau cymdeithasol
    • – Algorithmau cyfryngau cymdeithasol

    Llwyddodd y rhai mynychodd i ddysgu sgiliau cyfryngau cymdeithasol gwerthfawr i symud eu tudalennau ymlaen i’r lefel nesaf, gan hefyd fanteisio ar y cyfle i ofyn cwestiynau a derbyn cyngor penodol gan arbenigwr yn y maes.


    Ymwybyddiaeth wych o’r pwnc, dymunol iawn ac yn ymateb yn dda i gwestiynau pobl”


    Hyfforddiant defnyddiol iawn, perthnasol iawn, hawdd i’w ddilyn. Sesiwn grêt!


    Roedd yn llawn gwybodaeth, ac yn trafod pethau nad oeddwn i erioed wedi meddwl amdanynt


    Egni anhygoel, yn amlwg yn angerddol iawn am y pwnc, yn sicrhau bod pawb yn cael ei glywed

    Gwybodaeth bellach

    Os oes gennych chi ddiddordeb mewn derbyn hyfforddiant sgiliau digidol (hysbysebion taledig, Canva, fideo ar gyfer cyfryngau cymdeithasol a mwy) i helpu hyrwyddo eich gwasanaeth ym Mlaenau Gwent, cysylltwch gyda’r EVI drwy e-bost sian@evi.cymru.

    Mae ProMo-Cymru, gwarcheidwaid EVI, yn cynnig amrywiaeth o sesiynau hyfforddi wedi’u teilwro – dysgwch fwy yma.

    Ariennir yr hyfforddiant yma gan Lywodraeth y DU drwy Gronfa Adfywio Cymunedol y DU*.

    *Mae Cronfa Adfywio Cymunedol y DU yn rhaglen Llywodraeth y DU ar gyfer 2021/22. Y bwriad ydy cefnogi pobl a chymunedau sydd â’r angen mwyaf ledled y DU i gynnal rhaglenni peilot a dulliau newydd i baratoi ar gyfer Cronfa Ffyniant Cyffredin y DU. Mae’n buddsoddi mewn sgiliau, cymunedau a llefydd busnesau lleol, ac yn cefnogi pobl i mewn i swyddi. Am wybodaeth bellach, cliciwch yma.

  16. Great Feedback From Our Social Media Training

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    Erthygl Gymraeg yma

    EVI recently provided a free online social media training session for Blaenau Gwent businesses and third sector organisations. This informative session, delivered by industry experts ProMo-Cymru, developed attendees social media skills to help get their service seen and heard.

    Andrew Collins, a digital communications specialist from ProMo-Cymru, covered a range of useful topics such as:

    • – Short form video (TikTok, Instagram reels and YouTube shorts)
    • – Social media trends
    • – Paid social media ads
    • – Social media algorithms

    Attendees gained valuable social media skills to help take their pages to the next level, while also getting the opportunity to ask questions and receive tailored advice from an industry expert.


    “Excellent subject knowledge, very personable and reactive to people’s questions”


    “Really useful training, very relevant, easy to follow. A great session!”


    “It was very informative, covered things I hadn’t even thought of”


    “Amazing energy, clearly passionate about the topic, ensured everyone was heard”


    “Really useful training, very relevant, easy to follow. A great session!”

    Further Information

    If you are interested in receiving digital skills training (paid advertising, Canva, video for social media and more) to help promote your service in Blaenau Gwent, get in touch with EVI by emailing sian@evi.cymru.

    ProMo-Cymru, custodians of EVI, offer a range of tailored training sessions – find out more here.

    This training was funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund*. 

    *The UK Community Renewal Fund is a UK Government programme for 2021/22. This aims to support people and communities most in need across the UK to pilot programmes and new approaches to prepare for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It invests in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment. For more information, click here.

  17. Hysbyseb swydd: Cogydd/Hyfforddwr yng Nghaffi 1849

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    Mae ProMo-Cymru yn chwilio am Gogydd/Hyfforddwr i ymuno’r tîm yn Institiwt Glynebwy (EVI).

    Byddech yn ymuno tîm sydd yn ymroddedig i wneud gwahaniaeth ym mywydau’r gymuned rydym yn ei gefnogi. Ein bwriad ydy darparu prydau iach, i bob angen dietegol, i’r gymuned ei fwynhau yn y caffi, neu adref. 

    Yn gweithio’n agos gyda gwirfoddolwyr cymunedol, byddech yn gyfrifol am eu cefnogi wrth iddynt ddatblygu sgiliau lletygarwch. 

    Byddech yn gyfrifol am: 

    – Paratoi, coginio a gweini prydau yn ôl yr angen, mewn modd amserol 
    – Darparu diet amrywiol, arlwyo ar gyfer dewisiadau diwylliannol y rhai sydd yn defnyddio ein gwasanaethau 
    – Arlwyo i ddefnyddwyr y gwasanaeth a digwyddiadau teuluol e.e. partïon, angladdau, cyfarfodydd bach 
    – Archebu cyflenwadau o fewn y gyllideb arlwyo, gan ddefnyddio cyflenwyr cymeradwy 
    – Creu prydau gan ddefnyddio cynhwysion FareShare 
    – Cadw cofnodion arlwyo cywir yn unol â HACCP 
    – Cymryd rhan mewn arolygiadau gan Iechyd yr Amgylchedd a/neu reolyddion gofal ac Awdurdodau Lleol 
    – Cadw safon uchel o hylendid yn y gegin wrth gadw at ganllawiau HACCP a COSHH 
    – Gallu rheoli gwirfoddolwyr a gweithio ar y cyd â staff eraill 


    £11.74 – £12.90 yr awr 

    (yn cyfateb i £21,358 – £23,471, pro rata, yn ddibynnol ar brofiad) 

    Oriau gwaith 

    Cytundeb 21 awr /14 awr 

    Dyddiad Cau

    5pm, dydd Gwener 13 Mai 2022

    Am wybodaeth cysylltwch â: pat@promo.cymru
    Gyrrwch ffurflenni cais electroneg at: pat@promo.cymru

    RHOWCH GAIS I MEWN HEDDIW! Ymunwch â thîm EVI a helpu i wneud gwahaniaeth! 

  18. (CLOSED) Job Opportunity: Cook/Trainer at Café 1849

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    ProMo-Cymru is looking for a Cook/Trainer to join their team at Ebbw Vale Institute (EVI). 

    You will be joining a team that is fully committed to making a difference in the lives of the community we support. Our aim is to provide healthy meals for the community to enjoy within the café, or at home, for all dietary needs. 

    You will work closely with community volunteers and will be responsible for supporting them as they develop their hospitality skills. 

    You will be responsible for: 

    – Preparing, cooking, and serving meals as required, in a timely manner 
    – Providing a varied diet, catering for the cultural preferences of those who use our services 
    – Catering for service users and family events, e.g. parties, funerals, small meetings 
    – Ordering supplies within the catering budget, using approved suppliers 
    – Creating meals using FareShare ingredients 
    – Maintaining accurate catering records in accordance with HACCP
    – Participating in inspections by Environmental Health and/or care regulators and Local Authorities 
    – Maintaining a high standard of hygiene within the kitchen by adhering to HACCP and COSHH guidelines 
    – Ability to manage volunteers and work alongside other staff 


    £11.74 – £12.90 per hour 
    (equates to £21,358 – £23,471, pro-rata, depending on experience) 

    Working Hours 

    21 hrs /14 hrs contract 

    Closing date

    5pm, Friday 13th May 2022

    To apply send your CV and letter of application to pat@promo.cymru

    APPLY TODAY! Join the EVI team and help make a difference!

  19. FREE SOCIAL MEDIA TRAINING: Get your service seen and heard in Blaenau Gwent!

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    Expert advice on how to use social media to promote your service in Blaenau Gwent!

    What can I expect?

    Guidance on  how you can increase engagement and promote your service on social media to get seen and heard in Blaenau Gwent and beyond! Join this 2.5 hour insightful and informative free-of-charge online social media training session with industry expert, Andrew Collins.


    During this session you’ll:

    ·  Explore everything you need to know about social media trends in 2022

    · Get to grips with short-form video (TikTok, Instagram reels and YouTube shorts)

    · Receive free and easy social media tips and tricks to save you time and money

    · Learn the benefits of paid social media ads and how to harness them for your organisation or business

    · Beat the algorithms by understanding how they work and use them to your advantage

    · Gain valuable social media skills to help promote your service in Blaenau Gwent

    Who is this training for?

    This free online session is for businesses or voluntary organisations that operate within the Blaenau Gwent local authority area who want to take their social media to the next level and improve their pages.

    What’s the course format?

    This session is offered in English and will be delivered on Zoom.

    Date and Duration

    Join us on Wednesday 6th April 2022 10am – 12.30pm 


    Spaces are limited on a first-come first-served basis.

    Contact andrew@promo.cymru for any training or eligibility queries.


    This training is being delivered by ProMo-Cymru. The facilitation of the course is being funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund*. 

    ProMo-Cymru offers a range of tailored training sessions and bespoke consultancy options. Find out more here https://www.promo.cymru/services/training-and-consulting/ 

    *The UK Community Renewal Fund is a UK Government programme for 2021/22. This aims to support people and communities most in need across the UK to pilot programmes and new approaches to prepare for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It invests in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment. For more information, visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-community-renewal-fundprospectus

  20. HYFFORDDIANT CYFRYNGAU CYMDEITHASOL AM DDIM: Dysgwch sut i hybu eich gwasanaeth ym Mlaenau Gwent

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    Cyngor arbenigol ar sut i ddefnyddio cyfryngau cymdeithasol i hybu eich gwasanaeth ym Mlaenau Gwent!

    Beth i’w ddisgwyl:

    Arweiniad ar sut i wella cyrhaeddiad a hybu eich gwasanaeth ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol fel eich bod yn denu sylw ym Mlaenau Gwent a thu hwnt! Ymunwch yn y sesiwn hyfforddiant cyfryngau cymdeithasol rhad ac am ddim yma, sydd yn 2.5 awr llawn gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol gydag arbenigwr yn y maes, Andrew Collins.


    Yn y sesiwn yma byddech yn:

    ·  Archwilio popeth sydd angen ei wybod am dueddiadau cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn 2022

    ·  Dod i ddeall fideo ar ffurf fer (TikTok, Instagram reels a YouTube shorts)

    ·  Derbyn cyngor a thriciau cyfryngau cymdeithasol hawdd ac am ddim fydd yn arbed amser ac arian i chi

    ·  Dysgu am fuddiannau talu am hysbysebion cyfryngau cymdeithasol a sut i ddefnyddio’r rhain ar gyfer eich sefydliad neu fusnes

    ·  Trechu’r algorithmau wrth ddeall sut maent yn gweithio a’u defnyddio i’ch budd

    ·  Dysgu sgiliau cyfryngau cymdeithasol gwerthfawr fydd yn helpu chi i hybu eich gwasanaeth ym Mlaenau Gwent

    I bwy mae’r hyfforddiant yma?

    Mae’r sesiwn ar-lein am ddim yma ar gyfer busnesau neu sefydliadau gwirfoddol sydd yn gweithio o fewn ardal awdurdod lleol Blaenau Gwent sydd yn awyddus i symud ymlaen gyda’u cyfryngau cymdeithasol a gwella eu tudalennau.

    Ar ba ffurf mae’r hyfforddiant yma?

    Mae’r sesiwn yn cael ei gynnig yn Saesneg ac yn cael ei gyflwyno dros Zoom.

    Dyddiad a hyd:

    Ymunwch â ni ar ddydd Mercher 6ed Ebrill 2022 10yb – 12:30yp


    Llefydd cyfyngedig felly cyntaf i’r felin.

    Cysylltwch â andrew@promo.cymru ar gyfer unrhyw ymholiadau hyfforddiant neu os ydych chi’n gymwys.


    Mae’r hyfforddiant yma yn cael ei gyflwyno gan ProMo-Cymru. Mae cwrs yma yn cael ei ariannu gan Lywodraeth y DU trwy Gronfa Adfywio Cymunedol y DU.*

    Mae ProMo-Cymru yn cynnig amrywiaeth o sesiynau hyfforddiant wedi’u teilwra ac opsiynau ymgynghoriaeth arbennig. Gwybodaeth bellach yma: https://www.promo.cymru/services/hyfforddiant-ac-ymgynghoriad/?lang=cy 

    *Mae Cronfa Adfywio Cymunedol y DU yn rhaglen Llywodraeth y DU ar gyfer 2021/22. Nod hwn yw cefnogi pobl a chymunedau sydd fwyaf mewn angen ledled y DU i dreialu rhaglenni a dulliau newydd i baratoi ar gyfer Cronfa Ffyniant Cyffredinol y DU. Mae’n buddsoddi mewn sgiliau, cymuned a lleoedd, busnes lleol, a chefnogi pobl i mewn i gyflogaeth. Am ragor o wybodaeth, ewch i: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-community-renewalfund-prospectus 

  21. Have Your Say On What Happens at EVI 

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    Do you live in Ebbw Vale or Blaenau Gwent and would like a say on the live events that happen in your area? Ebbw Vale Institute (EVI) is setting up a Community Programming Group to plan what’s going on in this historic community building. 

    After a period of closure due to COVID-19, EVI is reopening, and we want YOU to help us decide on a programme of cultural events for the town and surrounding area. Think live music, comedy, theatre, family events, exhibitions and more!  

    About EVI 

    EVI was founded in 1849 to promote cultural exchange in the neighbourhood. ProMo-Cymru regenerated the empty building to develop EVI as a community and cultural centre, with facilities including training and meeting spaces, a professional recording studio, café, bar and live performance space. It is a venue that offers a programme of creative activities, learning and social enterprise development for the communities it serves. 

    Join our group 

    As we get ready to open our doors to the public once again, we’re looking for your help. 

    The EVI Community Programming group will be a unique opportunity to have a say about what happens in your area. Volunteering your time means you will learn new skills about how a building like ours operates and what goes on behind the scenes when programming and promoting events. You don’t need to have any experience – we want to hear from anyone of any age or background. Tell us about the type of events that you, your friends and family would like to see taking place in the building.  

    The EVI Community Meet will be held every other Thursday, 5-6pm, starting on 24 March 2022. You will be able to attend in person or join us on Zoom.  

    To register your interest or to find out more, email Tom: tom@promo.cymru or contact EVI: 01495 708022  

    This work is being developed with funding from the UK Community Renewal Fund. To find out more, click here. 

  22. Help i Benderfynu Beth Sy’n Digwydd Yn EVI 

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    Ydych chi’n byw yng Nglynebwy neu Flaenau Gwent ac eisiau barn ar ddigwyddiadau byw sydd yn digwydd yn eich ardal? Mae Institiwt Glynebwy (EVI) yn sefydlu Grŵp Rhaglennu Cymunedol i gynllunio’r hyn fydd yn digwydd yn yr adeilad cymunedol hanesyddol yma. 

    Yn dilyn cyfnod o fod wedi cau oherwydd COVID-19, mae EVI yn ailagor, ac rydym yn chwilio am eich help CHI i benderfynu ar raglen o ddigwyddiadau diwylliannol ar gyfer y dref a’r ardal gyfagos. Dychmygwch gerddoriaeth byw, comedi, theatr, digwyddiadau teuluol, arddangosfeydd a mwy! 

    Mwy am EVI 

    Sefydlwyd EVI yn 1849 i hyrwyddo cyfnewid diwylliannol yn yr ardal. Cafodd yr adeilad gwag ei adfywio gan ProMo-Cymru i ddatblygu’r EVI fel canolfan cymunedol a diwylliannol, gydag adnoddau yn cynnwys gofodau hyfforddi a chyfarfod, stiwdio recordio broffesiynol, caffi, bar a gofod perfformio byw. Mae’n lleoliad sydd yn cynnig rhaglen o weithgareddau creadigol, dysgu a datblygiad menter gymdeithasol ar gyfer y cymunedau mae’n ei wasanaethu. 

    Ymunwch â’n grŵp 

    Wrth i ni baratoi i agor ein drysau i’r cyhoedd unwaith eto, rydym yn chwilio am eich cymorth chi. Bydd grŵp Rhaglennu Cymunedol EVI yn gyfle unigryw i gael dweud eich dweud am yr hyn sydd yn digwydd yn eich ardal. Wrth wirfoddoli eich amser byddech yn dysgu sgiliau newydd am sut mae adeilad fel hyn yn gweithredu a’r pethau sydd yn digwydd y tu ôl i’r llenni wrth baratoi rhaglen a hyrwyddo digwyddiadau. Nid oes rhaid i chi fod â phrofiad – rydym yn awyddus i glywed gan unrhyw un, o unrhyw oedran neu gefndir. Rhannwch y math o ddigwyddiadau hoffech chi, eich ffrindiau a’ch teulu ei weld yn digwydd yn yr adeilad. 

    Bydd cyfarfodydd yn cael eu cynnal bob yn ail ddydd Iau, 5-6yh, yn cychwyn ar 24 Mawrth 2022. Gallech ddewis mynychu’r cyfarfod wyneb i wyneb neu ymuno ar Zoom. 

    I gofrestru eich diddordeb neu i ddarganfod mwy, e-bostiwch Tom: tom@promo.cymru neu cysylltwch EVI:  01495 708022 

    Mae’r gwaith yma yn cael ei ddatblygu gyda chyllid o grant Cronfa Adfywio Gymunedol y DU. I ddarganfod mwy, cliciwch yma. 

  23. Great Things Are Coming At EVI

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    We are pleased to announce that Ebbw Vale Institute (EVI) has successfully been awarded a grant from the UK Community Renewal Fund. This means that the oldest institute in Wales, restored and refurbished by ProMo-Cymru, can reopen after the pandemic with some exciting new developments.

    This funding will allow EVI to develop opportunities with young people and support cultural and economic recovery in Ebbw Vale and Blaenau Gwent. We have lots of exciting plans and ideas for the centre this spring.

    ·  Creating opportunities and pathways into employment for young people involving our café and digital skills training

    ·  Promoting healthy living skills and socialising through our café and garden

    ·  Working with local artists and community groups, hosting cultural events for the community

    ·  Running environmental activities and workshops, increasing positive environmental behaviour both in and outside the building

    Centre of community life

    Although our partner support services have remained open and continue to operate, the centre has been closed to the public during the pandemic. We are so happy to be reopening our community cultural centre in the heart of Ebbw Vale with the launch of this exciting new project. Environmental innovation, sustainability, community and local culture are at the heart of this renewal project, aiming to make Blaenau Gwent a more attractive place to live, work, and visit.

    EVI has been at the centre of community life in Ebbw Vale for 173 years, and this project means it will continue to do so for generations to come

    Find out more

    What do you want to see EVI bring to your community? If you would like to discuss this project or work with us, get in touch with sam@evi.cymru. Follow or like us on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook to keep up to date with what’s happening and join us on our inspiring and exciting journey this spring. 

    Welsh translation of this article is available here

    This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund.

    The UK Community Renewal Fund is a UK Government programme for 2021/22. This aims to support people and communities most in need across the UK to pilot programmes and new approaches to prepare for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It invests in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment. For more information, visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-community-renewal-fund-prospectus

  24. Pethau Cyffrous ar y Gweill yn EVI

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    Rydym yn falch iawn o gael cyhoeddi bod Institiwt Glynebwy (EVI) wedi derbyn grant gan Gronfa Adfywio Gymunedol y DU. Felly, bydd yr institiwt hynaf yng Nghymru, sydd wedi ei adfywio a’i adnewyddu gan ProMo-Cymru, yn gallu ailagor ar ôl y pandemig gyda datblygiadau newydd cyffrous.

    Bydd y cyllid yma yn caniatáu i EVI ddatblygu cyfleoedd gyda phobl ifanc a chefnogi adferiad diwylliannol ac economaidd yng Nglynebwy a Blaenau Gwent. Mae nifer o gynlluniau a syniadau cyffrous ar y gweill yn y ganolfan y gwanwyn hwn.

    ·  Creu cyfleoedd a llwybrau i gyflogaeth ar gyfer pobl ifanc gan ddefnyddio ein caffi a hyfforddiant sgiliau digidol

    ·  Hyrwyddo sgiliau byw’n iach a chymdeithasol gan ddefnyddio’r caffi a’r ardd

    ·  Gweithio gydag artistiaid lleol a grwpiau cymunedol, cynnal digwyddiadau diwylliannol ar gyfer y gymuned

    ·  Cynnal gweithgareddau a gweithdai amgylcheddol, cynyddu ymddygiad amgylcheddol positif y tu mewn a’r tu allan i’r adeilad

    Canolbwynt bywyd cymunedol

    Er bod ein gwasanaethau tenantiaid gwych wedi parhau i fod yn agored ac yn dal i weithredu, mae’r ganolfan wedi bod ar gau i’r cyhoedd yn ystod y pandemig. Rydym yn falch iawn o gael ailagor y ganolfan ddiwylliannol gymunedol yma yng nghanol Glynebwy gyda lansiad y prosiect cyffrous yma. Wrth galon y prosiect adfywio mae arloesi amgylcheddol, cynaliadwyedd, a diwylliant cymunedol a lleol, gyda’r bwriad o greu Blaenau Gwent sydd yn le mwy deniadol i fyw, gweithio ac ymweld.

    Mae EVI wedi bod wrth galon bywyd cymunedol Glynebwy ers 173 o flynyddoedd, a bydd yn parhau i wneud hynny am sawl cenhedlaeth i ddod diolch i’r prosiect yma.

    Darganfod mwy

    Pa fath o bethau ydych chi’n awyddus i EVI gyflwyno yn eich cymuned? Os hoffech drafod y prosiect neu’r gwaith â ni, cysylltwch â sam@evi.cymru. Dilynwch neu hoffwch ar Twitter, Instagram neu Facebook i gael gwybod y diweddaraf am yr hyn sydd yn digwydd, ac i ymuno â ni ar ein siwrne gyffrous dros y gwanwyn.

    English translation of this article is available here

  25. Adnewyddiad £250,000 Adeilad Hanesyddol EVI

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    Mae Canolfan Cymunedol a Diwylliannol Institiwt Glynebwy (EVI) wedi bod yn cynnal gwaith adnewyddu ac atgyweirio ar raddfa fawr yn yr adeilad Gradd 2 hanesyddol ar ôl derbyn £250,000 trwy Raglen Cyfleusterau Cymunedol Llywodraeth Cymru, yn diogelu ei gynaladwyedd er mwynhad cenhedloedd y dyfodol.

    Cynhaliwyd ymgynghoriad gyda defnyddwyr rheolaidd Canolfan EVI, yr institiwt hynaf yng Nghymru, ac mae’r grant yma wedi caniatáu i ni gyflawni llawer o’r gofynion o’r ymgynghoriad yma. Roedd dros 57% eisiau gofod gardd hamddenol i ddysgu a chyfarfod pobl ac roedd 45% eisiau gofod ar gyfer arddangosfeydd celf a ffotograffiaeth.

    Gofod gardd newydd

    Roedd gardd yr EVI yn ardal nad oedd yn cael ei ddefnyddio, gyda gordyfiant a ffensys anniogel, Roedd y gwaith tirwedd a llawrwaith yn ymdrech logistaidd enfawr gyda sawl her. Ar ôl cwblhau’r gwaith adeiladol yn yr ardd, roedd yr ardal, na ellir ei ddefnyddio cynt, wedi cael ei drawsffurfio’n ofod tawel ar gyfer dysgu, gweithgareddau, cyfarfodydd a llesiant.

    Yn dilyn gorffen yr holl lawrwaith, gosodwyd llefydd eistedd, meinciau picnic a phlanwyr trwy Grantiau Adferiad COVID-19 Canol Trefi Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Blaenau Gwent.

    Roedd prosiect amgylcheddol Arian i Bawb y Loteri Genedlaethol yn caniatáu i wirfoddolwyr yr EVI i greu gofod llesiant yn yr ardd wrth blannu blodau sydd yn gyfeillgar i wenyn, perlysiau, ffrwythau a llysiau yn ardd yr EVI.

    Gosodwyd mesuriadau diogelwch newydd gan osod grisiau tân a ffensys diogelwch newydd yn yr ardd.

    Gosod to newydd

    Roedd to newydd yn hanfodol i gynaladwyedd adeilad EVI. Yn dilyn sawl achos o ddŵr yn gollwng, teils yn llithro o hyd, ac angen newid y landeri gan ei fod yn achosi difrod dŵr i’r adeilad.

    Datblygiadau pellach

    Mae’r rhaglen Cyfleusterau Cymunedol wedi ariannu sawl cyfleuster arall yn yr EVI, gan gynnwys:

    • – Taflunydd ansawdd sinema a sgrin 4m o led
    • – Cyfleusterau arddangos i artistiaid a ffotograffwyr
    • – Cyfleusterau newid babanod
    • – Dau ‘llwybr mynedfa/allanfa unffordd’ COVID ddiogel i ddysgwyr a chleientiaid.
    • – Atgyweiriadau hanfodol ac adferiad y grisiau
    • – System intercom a CCTV newydd
    • – Uwchraddio gwres
    • – Gofod swyddfa/storio mewn ardaloedd annefnyddadwy cynt
    • – Mynedfa newydd i Hyfforddiant ACT
    • – System intercom newydd

    Adnewyddu grisiau’r EVI

    Mae Cronfa Rhaglen Cyfleusterau Cymunedol Llywodraeth Cymru wedi diogelu’r adeilad cymunedol yma. Mae atgyweiriadau hanfodol wedi’u cwblhau, diogelwch COVID wedi ei fwyhau, gofodau annefnyddadwy bellach yn cael eu defnyddio a chyfleusterau ychwanegol ar gael i’r gymuned.

    Rydym yn falch o gyhoeddi bod yr adnewyddiad a’r atgyweiriadau hanfodol wedi’u cwblhau, ac edrychwn ymlaen at gael agor ein drysau i’r gymuned eto yn y dyfodol. Ar hyn o bryd, mae’r EVI yn agored i wasanaethau apwyntiad yn unig. I gael gwybod y diweddaraf am yr EVI dilynwch ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol. Bydd unrhyw newyddion am ail-agor yn cael ei bostio ar wefan yr EVI ac ar ein tudalennau Facebook a Twitter.

  26. £250,000 Refurbishment at the Historic EVI

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    The Ebbw Vale Institute (EVI) Community and Cultural Centre has been carrying out extensive refurbishment and essential repairs at the historic Grade 2 listed building after being awarded £250,000 through the Welsh Government Communities Facilities Programme, securing its sustainability for future generations to enjoy.

    We carried out a consultation with regular users of the EVI Centre, the oldest institute in Wales, and this grant has enabled us to fulfil many of the requests. Over 57% wanted a garden space for recreation, learning and meeting people and 45% wanted space for art and photography exhibitions.

    A new garden space

    The EVI garden was a disused area for many years, overgrown with unsafe fencing. The landscaping and ground works was a huge logistical endeavour with many challenges. With the garden structural works completed, this formally unusable area has been transformed into a tranquil space for learning, activities, meetings, and wellbeing.

    With all the groundworks completed new seating, picnic benches and planters were placed via the BGCBC Town Centre COVID recovery scheme.

    The Big Lottery Awards for All Environmental project enabled EVI volunteers to create a wellbeing space in the garden by planting bee friendly flowers, herbs, fruits and vegetables in the EVI garden.

    New safety measures were put in place with a new fire escape staircase and safety fencing being installed in the garden.

    Placing a new roof

    A new roof was essential to the sustainability of the EVI building. There had been several leaks, tiles were continuously slipping, and the guttering needed replacing as it was causing water damage to the fabric of the building.

    Further developments

    The Communities Facilities programme funded several other facilities at the EVI, including:

    • – A cinema quality projector and 4m wide screen
    • – Exhibition facilities for artists and photographers
    • – Baby changing facilities
    • – Two new COVID secure ‘one way entrance / exit routes’ for learners and clients
    • – Essential repairs and restoration of the staircase
    • – Intercom and CCTV system
    • – Heating upgrades
    • – Office / storage space from previously unusable areas

    The Welsh Government Communities Facilities Programme Fund has secured the fabric of this community building. Essential repairs have been made, COVID safety enhanced, formally disused spaces are now in use and additional facilities are now on offer to the community.

    We are pleased to announce that the refurbishment and essential repairs are now complete, and we look forward to fully opening our doors again to the community at a future date. We are currently only open for appointment-based services. To keep updated on EVI developments follow us on our social media pages. Any news about reopening will be posted on the EVI website and on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

    Welsh translation of this article is available here

  27. ‘Awards for All’ Volunteers create homes for garden wildlife

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    Awards for All Volunteers take local environmental action by creating wildlife habitats for birds, bats, hedgehogs and pollinating insects in the EVI garden …

    The next stage of our Big Lottery Community Fund Awards for All project was to create wildlife habitat, to help attract nesting birds and bats to the EVI garden and create homes for hedgehogs.

    Everyone had a task and were challenged to use tools and techniques that had not been used before.

    Supporting our garden wildlife

    Awards for All Volunteers from Llamau, ACT Training, Barod Gwent N-Gage and Cyfannol Women’s Aid, have created several bird and bat boxes to help attract nesting birds and bats to the EVI garden.
    Visit Gwent Wildlife Trust for more ways you can get involved locally and support garden wildlife.

    We also have a hedgehog home that will be relocated where it is most needed. If you find a hedgehog out in the day or injured, please visit hedgehoghelplinecymru.org.uk for information and advice on what to do next.

    Spreading the Seeds…

    Some of our younger volunteers made seed bombs and had great fun spreading them throughout the garden. We also relocated our pollinator bee and bug hotel and talked about how over a third of our food depends on pollinating insects.

    Wellbeing in Nature …

    Volunteers also created colourful images and words to remind people to spend more time in nature and how we can increase our wellbeing when spending time outdoors – over 18 posts were painted.

    Keeping up the great work

    ‘Awards for All’ Volunteers will continue taking care of the EVI garden throughout the seasons and utilise the wellbeing space for learning, meetings and activities.

    Organisations based at EVI, (Llamau, ACT Training, Cyfannol, Barod and BGCBC Youth Services) will also undertake further environmental and wellbeing projects in the EVI garden.

    Special thanks

    Thanks to Sam Holt, Eggseeds for leading the environmental workshops, MallowArt for the painting workshop and Promo Cymru (the charity that runs EVI) for providing the ‘graphic design with canva’ and ‘Film making on your mobile’ online workshops to support the volunteers in increasing their skills in digital communications.

    A special thank you to all our volunteers for creating a wellbeing space at the EVI garden. Everyone worked together with staff and clients from other organisations, with children and families; many new skills were learned along the way and so much has been accomplished to support our local wildlife.

  28. Volunteers Create a Wellbeing Garden at EVI

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    An environmental project at EVI, made possible by the National Lottery Community Fund Awards For All programme, has brought organisations and volunteers together to create a wellbeing space in the garden.

    What did we do?

    The first step was to plant bee friendly flowers, herbs, fruits, and vegetables that will be looked after by the volunteers throughout the seasons.

    Over the two sessions, facilitated by Eggseeds‘ Sam Holt, the volunteers and staff from ACT Training and Llamau prepared the soil and planted flowers, herbs (like rosemary and chives), fruit trees (like raspberry and gooseberry) and vegetables (chard, sprouts, peas). Everyone worked really hard and for many, this was a new experience.

    Some of the volunteers spent time creating wellbeing posts, painting vibrant colours and wellbeing quotes onto the old fencing posts, so that everyone is reminded of the benefits of spending time in nature.

    Providing new experiences for young people

    For many of the young people aged between 16 and 18 that were taking part, gardening was a totally new experience for them. Here’s what some of them had to say:

    “It’s my first time gardening I am usually an indoor person”

    “It feels nice being outdoors”

    “With lockdown, people could have got more into gardening”

    “I am enjoying it more than I thought I would”

    ACT Training – EVI Volunteers

    “It’s quite peaceful, relaxing”

    “I like to cook with a lot of these herbs so I am looking forward to planting them”

    “I like building computers so this is being creative in a different environment”

    “It feels nice being outdoors”

    Llamau – EVI Volunteers

    What are the next steps?

    The next step in this environmental project is to carry out the ‘local environmental and wellbeing in nature’ actions that were raised during a focus group with Llamau. These included displaying QR codes around EVI that linked to wellbeing information.

    EVI volunteers will create wildlife habitats, facilitated by Eggseeds, such as bird and bat boxes, hedgehog homes, and homes for pollinating insects. This workshop will be held on Tuesday 3rd August 2021.

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  29. Awards for All Environmental Project at EVI

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    Thanks to The National Lottery Community Fund – Awards for All, ProMo Cymru will be delivering environmental activities in our new EVI garden, with volunteers learning new skills and raising awareness of how we can all take LOCAL environmental action and increase our wellbeing in Nature

    The EVI (Ebbw Vale Institute) is a community hub offering support, learning and cultural activities to young people and families, with a cafe, venue and conference/training facility, cinema quality screen and exhibition facilities available to the community.

    We are working on this exciting project with the organisations based at EVI, Llamau, Cyfannol Women’s Aid, Blaenau Gwent CBC Youth Services, ACT Training and Barod Gwent N-Gage.

    To start the project, Llamau, Learning 4 Life volunteers held a focus group, discussing different ways we can all take local environmental action and increase our wellbeing in nature. Volunteers suggested planting bee friendly flowers, fruit, vegetables, herbs and installing a water capture barrel in the EVI garden. Other suggestions included joining the BGCBC Litter Champion scheme and making wildlife habitat such as bird boxes, hedgehog homes and bug hotels for pollinating insects. A mood board was created to help present their ideas.

    During the focus group, volunteers discussed how we can increase our wellbeing in nature and what they would like to see in the EVI garden. Some of their wellbeing ideas included tending to plants, listening to the birds, meeting and learning outdoors, getting vitamin D and time for reflection and sitting quietly.

    The learners engaged really well in the focus group session and wanted to continue the mood board and the discussion into the following week. The moodboard activity really focussed one of our harder to engage learners, and the whole group are excited about being able to create a space outside that will help them improve their moods

    Laura Wheeler, LLamau Learning 4 Life Tutor

    Llamau volunteers also came up with many wellbeing words that could be displayed as a mural on the garden wall, and a fantastic idea to display QR code linking to nature videos, sounds and relaxation music to help remind everyone to spend more time in nature.

    In response to the ideas generated by the volunteers, ProMo Cymru will tailor environmental workshops to support ways we can all take local environmental action and increase our wellbeing in nature. We will also deliver digital communication training to help support the volunteers in their work.

  30. EVI’s plan over the next 12 months…

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    We have a busy 12 months ahead; we’d like to share our plans with you and keep you up to date with our progress.

    Where we’re at now…

    For the time being, EVI will remain closed to the general public. Our venue, café and room hire facilities will also remain closed until further notice. This means that our program of classes and events will restart September 2021 – we apologise for the inconvenience and very much look forward to welcoming you back next year.

    EVI tenant services are open and will continue to provide essential support for young people and families. From 1st September 2020, these services can be accessed 5 days a week (9am-5pm).
    When visiting EVI (by appointment) please follow our safety guidelines.

    EVI’s refurbishment plans

    EVI consultation - people deciding the future of EV

    Following a community consultation and with financial support from the Welsh Government Communities Facilities Fund, we will be carrying out a major refurbishment, which includes the creation of a community garden, re-roofing our building and undertaking other essential restorations.

    Welcoming you back, September 2021

    We look forward to creating a vibrant program of activities and welcoming everyone back to EVI next September (2021).

    A big thank you to all our visitors, hirers, staff and volunteers for your continued support.

Foundation Funders:

National Lottery Community Fund Logo
Welsh Government Logo

Current Funders:

Lloyds Bank Foundation Logo
Landfills Tax Scheme Logo
Blaenau Gwent County Council Logo
UK Gov Wales

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