This article was written by Jamie Lee Morris during a recent workshop held at the EVI. Community members volunteered themselves to create content focusing on environmental issues. During these video and blogging workshops they were taught the skills to create their own online content. This was all made possible with funding from the Landfill Disposals Tax Communities Scheme. Check out the related articles at the bottom of the page.
Deforestation is the most unacknowledged environmental issue that needs to be recognised. The loss of trees and other vegetation can result in a plethora of concerning problems to the world and to our planet.
These problems include:
- – Climate change
- – Flooding
- – Increased greenhouse gases
- – Desertification
- – Habitat Destruction

Climate change
According to the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, deforestation accounts for more than 18% of all global emissions. That is more than the global emissions from all transport- outrageous!
It also found that deforestation could increase the risk of flooding. Vegetation absorbs and intercepts water to balance water levels.
The South Wales Valleys are made up of impermeable rocks (sandstone in particular, which is popular with climbers), which increase the surface run off. This can result in floods.
Increase in greenhouse gases
Cutting down trees results in an imbalance of greenhouses gases in the atmosphere. This means that there is a rise in carbon dioxide levels. This contributes to global warming and the disruption of habitats from climate change.
Deforestation is the main cause of the loss of vegetation in areas, thus creating a desert in what was once fertile land. This also destroys wildlife and the homes of animals.
It is evident that the impact trees have on the environment is major in regards to maintaining a sustainable world. Imagine a world with no trees and the detrimental outcomes that would bring. We can all make a difference. Help us allow the world to flourish.
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