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Archive: Aug 2020

  1. EVI’s plan over the next 12 months…

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    We have a busy 12 months ahead; we’d like to share our plans with you and keep you up to date with our progress.

    Where we’re at now…

    For the time being, EVI will remain closed to the general public. Our venue, café and room hire facilities will also remain closed until further notice. This means that our program of classes and events will restart September 2021 – we apologise for the inconvenience and very much look forward to welcoming you back next year.

    EVI tenant services are open and will continue to provide essential support for young people and families. From 1st September 2020, these services can be accessed 5 days a week (9am-5pm).
    When visiting EVI (by appointment) please follow our safety guidelines.

    EVI’s refurbishment plans

    EVI consultation - people deciding the future of EV

    Following a community consultation and with financial support from the Welsh Government Communities Facilities Fund, we will be carrying out a major refurbishment, which includes the creation of a community garden, re-roofing our building and undertaking other essential restorations.

    Welcoming you back, September 2021

    We look forward to creating a vibrant program of activities and welcoming everyone back to EVI next September (2021).

    A big thank you to all our visitors, hirers, staff and volunteers for your continued support.

  2. COVID19 Safety during your visit to EVI…

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    When visiting EVI (by appointment) please follow our safety guidelines and liase closely with the support service you are visiting.

    COVID19 Safety Guidelines at EVI:

    ProMo-Cymru and EVI continues to monitor and follow Welsh Government Guidance and we will be taking a number of steps to ensure tenants, visitors and EVI staff all remain safe and healthy while in the building. 

    Here are some of the measures we have taken:

    We ask that anyone who have symptoms such as a raised temperature, new cough or breathing difficulties, to not enter EVI.

    We also advise those who are shielding to not visit EVI at this time.

    We clean all communal area touchpoints (keypads, door handles, stair rails, toilets/hand basins) twice a day and deep clean at the end of each day.

    There are ‘stay safe’ information signs throughout EVI communal areas and hand sanitation points. 

    All routes/entrances/exits have floor markings and signs to assist with 2m social distancing requirements around the building. 

    We have allocated each tenant organisation a toilet to be used by their staff and clients, with anti bacterial wipes to clean down after every use.

    We will advise that face masks are worn in EVI and will have an emergency stock of face masks available, if required.  

    All staff and visitors must sign in / out to comply with test, trace and protect protocols – please bring your own pen.

    We have closed our café, kitchens and smoking areas until such times as is safe to reopen. 

    For further information

    We are here to support all users of EVI during this difficult time and should you need to discuss any related matter please do not hesitate to contact: – 

    Sam  James– EVI operations coordinator 

     sam@evi.cymru tel – 01495 708022 

    John McKernan – Deputy CEO promo Cymru 

     john@promo.cymru  tel –  07968111636 

Foundation Funders:

National Lottery Community Fund Logo
Welsh Government Logo

Current Funders:

Lloyds Bank Foundation Logo
Landfills Tax Scheme Logo
Blaenau Gwent County Council Logo
UK Gov Wales

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