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Archive: Aug 2022

  1. Teaching Assistant Academy at EVI

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    Looking for a career change or hoping to start a career in education? This is the course for you!

    We are working in partnership with Communities for Work Plus and Adult Learning Wales to deliver our free bespoke Teacher Assistant L2 training, designed to support you gain the necessary skills for employment in the education sector. Whether you are looking for a career change or hoping to start a career in education, this is the course for you!

    Our fully accredited training will be held face to face in a welcoming and relaxed environment of EVI. It is essential to complete all modules to achieve an Agored Cymru L2 Teaching Assistant Qualification.

    During the first and last week of the course representatives from Teacher Active, Prospero and Anzuk Education will visit to chat with participants about registration and employment opportunities.

    To participate in this training, you must live in the Blaenau Gwent Local Authority Area. You will need to bring photographic ID with you. Lunch and refreshments provided.

    Communities For Work Plus can provide you with a personal mentor who can apply for funding to help remove hurdles such as transport, training, and childcare to get you the job you need. Terms and conditions apply.

    Please get in touch with any questions and we will be happy to help. Email megan@promo.cymru.

    This training opportunity is funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund*

    *The  UK Community Renewal Fund is a UK Government programme for 2021/22. This aims to support people and communities most in need across the UK to pilot programmes and new approaches to prepare for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It invests in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment. For more information, visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-community-renewal-fundprospectus

    ProMo Cymru, charity and social enterprise, operates and is the custodian of the Ebbw Vale Institute. We are proud to have saved EVI for future community use.

  2. Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru yn Ymweld â Institiwt Glynebwy (EVI)

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    Mae’r Gwir Anrh Robert Buckland QC AS, Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru, wedi bod yn ymweld â EVI yng Nglynebwy i weld nifer o brosiectau sydd yn cael eu cefnogi gan y Gronfa Adnewyddu Cymunedol ym Mlaenau Gwent.

    Mae EVI yn darparu cyfleoedd i wella iechyd a lles ac yn datblygu hyfforddiant a chyfleoedd profiad gwaith. Roedd EVI a ProMo-Cymru (gwarcheidwaid EVI) yn hapus iawn i siarad gyda Syr Robert Buckland yn ystod ei ymweliad.

    Mae Cronfa Adnewyddu Cymunedol y DU wedi cefnogi EVI i ailagor ei ddrysau i’r cyhoedd ar ôl cau yn rhannol yn ystod y pandemig. Mae’r tîm wedi bod yn brysur yn datblygu gwasanaethau, hyfforddiant, a gweithgareddau i gefnogi Glynebwy a chymunedau ehangach Blaenau Gwent. Daeth dros 350 o aelodau’r gymuned i helpu dathlu ailagor EVI gydag wythnos yn llawn gweithgareddau a gweithdai am ddim i bob oedran. Ymwelwch â’n gwefan i ddarganfod mwy www.evi.cymru

    Marco Gil-Cervantes, Prif Weithredwr ProMo-Cymru (chwith), Syr Robert Buckland, Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru (canol) a Sian Tucker, Rheolwr Canolfan EVI (dde)

    Mae’r ailddatblygiad wedi cael ei ariannu gan Lywodraeth y DU trwy Gronfa Adnewyddu Cymunedol y DU, yn gwobrwyo £260,782 o gyllid i EVI. Mae hyn wedi caniatáu i EVI gyflwyno amrywiaeth o ddosbarthiadau, gweithdai a digwyddiadau llesiant a diwylliannol, hyfforddiant achrededig, datblygu mentrau cymdeithasol, gweithgareddau teuluol, cefnogaeth sgiliau busnes a digidol, lleihau ôl troed carbon ac agor caffi cymunedol!

    Cafodd yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol ei dywys o amgylch yr adeilad, yn siarad gyda staff, gwirfoddolwyr, ac aelodau’r gymuned am ganlyniadau positif yr arian yma. Rhannwyd pa mor brysur yr oeddent yn datblygu gwasanaethau, cyfleoedd hyfforddiant, a llawer o weithgareddau eraill i gefnogi Glynebwy a chymunedau ehangach Blaenau Gwent. Rhannodd y tîm eu cynlluniau i sefydlu banc bwyd, brwydro yn erbyn gwastraff bwyd, clybiau cinio i deuluoedd, dosbarthiadau iechyd a lles, cyfleoedd hyfforddiant… a sefydlu côr!

    Dywedodd Marco Gil-Cervantes, Prif Weithredwr ProMo-Cymru, “Rydym yn ddiolchgar iawn am yr arian o Gronfa Adnewyddu Cymunedol Llywodraeth y DU, sydd, ynghyd â chefnogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru, Cyngor Sir Blaenau Gwent a’r Loteri Fawr, wedi helpu’r canolfan elusennol, cymunedol a diwylliannol yma i symud ymlaen. Rydym yn falch iawn o gael croesawu Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru yma heddiw i gael dangos ein gwaith cymunedol.”

    Dywedodd cynrychiolydd o’r Cyngor Sir, “Roedd yn wych i gael gweld y prosiectau sydd yn derbyn arian gan y Gronfa Adnewyddu Cymunedol heddiw ac i gael gweld y gwaith ffyniant pwysig sydd yn digwydd mewn cymunedau fel Glynebwy. Mae’r gwaith ac ymroddiad y tîm yn EVI, a phawb arall sydd yn cynnig cefnogaeth iddynt, wedi creu argraff fawr. Mae’r gwaith yma mor bwysig. Rwy’n eu llongyfarch am fod yn benderfynol i ddarparu gwasanaethau, hyfforddiant a gweithgareddau i helpu pobl i gael gwaith ac i wella iechyd a llesiant ym Mlaenau Gwent.”

    Chwith i dde: Marco Gil-Cervantes (Prif Weithredwr ProMo-Cymru), Sue Harris (Rheolwr Menter Gymdeithasol ProMo-Cymru), Tara Lane (Cyngor Blaenau Gwent), AS Alun Davies (AS Blaenau Gwent), Syr Robert Buckland (Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru) a Sian Tucker (Rheolwr Canolfan EVI)

    Cysylltiadau’r Wasg

    Swyddog Cefnogi Cyfryngau – megan@promo.cymru

    Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol:





    Manylion CACDU

    Mae Cronfa Adfywio Cymunedol y DU yn rhaglen Llywodraeth y DU ar gyfer 2021/22. Nod hwn yw cefnogi pobl a chymunedau sydd fwyaf mewn angen ledled y DU i dreialu rhaglenni a dulliau newydd i baratoi ar gyfer Cronfa Ffyniant Cyffredinol y DU. Mae’n buddsoddi mewn sgiliau, cymuned a lleoedd, busnes lleol, a chefnogi pobl i mewn i gyflogaeth. Am ragor o wybodaeth, ewch i: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-community-renewalfund-prospectus

    Manylion EVI

    EVI – Institiwt Glynebwy – adeilad llawn hanes a diwylliant. Wedi ei sefydlu yn 1849 i hyrwyddo cyfnewidfa ddiwylliannol yn y gymuned, gorweddai’n wag am sawl blwyddyn cyn mynd drwy broses o adnewyddiad mawr gan ProMo-Cymru wedi ei gefnogi gan Gyngor Blaenau Gwent a Rhaglen Trosglwyddo Asedau Cymunedol y Loteri Fawr. Yn 2019 derbyniodd EVI £249,867 gan Raglen Cyfleusterau Cymunedol Llywodraeth Cymru i gyflawni nifer o welliannau i’r adeilad.

    Mae’r adeilad bellach yn darparu rhaglen o weithgareddau creadigol, dysgu a datblygiadau menter gymdeithasol, yn helpu i adfywio economi Blaenau Gwent.

    Mae’r cyfleusterau yn cynnwys gofodau hyfforddiant a chyfarfod, stiwdio recordio broffesiynol, caffi, bar a gofod perfformiadau byw.

    Mae EVI yn gartref i sawl sefydliad, gan gynnwys Gwasanaeth Ieuenctid Blaenau Gwent, Leeders Vale, N-Gage Gwent, Cymorth i Ferched Cyfannol a Hyfforddiant ACT.

    Manylion ProMo-Cymru

    Mae ProMo-Cymru yn elusen a menter gymdeithasol sydd yn gweithio i sicrhau bod pobl ifanc a chymunedau yn wybodus, yn cyfrannu, yn gysylltiedig ac yn cael eu clywed. Manylion pellach yma: www.promo.cymru

  3. Secretary of State Visits Historic Ebbw Vale Institute (EVI)

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    The RT Hon Robert Buckland QC MP, Secretary of State for Wales, paid a visit to EVI in Ebbw Vale today to see the range of projects supported by the Community Renewal Fund in Blaenau Gwent.

    EVI and ProMo Cymru (EVI’s custodians) were delighted to speak with Sir Robert Buckland during his visit.

    The UK Community Renewal Fund has supported EVI to reopen its doors to the public after partially closing during the pandemic. The team has been busy developing services, training, and activities to support the Ebbw Vale and wider Blaenau Gwent communities. Last week, over 350 community members helped celebrate EVI’s reopening with a week full of free activities and workshops for all ages.

    The redevelopment has been funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund, providing EVI with £260,782 of funding. This has allowed EVI to deliver a variety of wellbeing and cultural classes, workshops and events, accredited training, social enterprise development, family activities, business and digital skills support, reduce their carbon footprint and open a community café!

    Marco Gil-Cervantes, Chief Executive ProMo-Cymru (left), Sir Robert Buckland, Secretary of State for Wales (centre) and Sian Tucker, EVI Centre Manager (right)

    The Secretary of State toured the building, talking to staff, volunteers, and community members about the positive outcomes of this funding. They shared how they’ve been busy developing services, training opportunities, and many activities to support the Ebbw Vale and wider Blaenau Gwent communities. The team shared their plans to establish a food bank, combat food waste, luncheon clubs for families, health and wellbeing classes, training opportunities… and setting up a choir!

    Marco Gil-Cervantes, Chief Executive of ProMo-Cymru, says, “We are very grateful for the funds from the UK Government’s Community Renewal Fund, that together with support from the Welsh Government, Blaenau Gwent County Council and Big Lottery have helped this charity, community and cultural centre move forward. We were delighted to welcome the Secretary of State today to showcase our community work.”

    A Council spokesperson commented:  “It was great to see the projects funded by the Community Renewal Fund for myself today and the important work to deliver levelling up for communities such as Ebbw Vale.  I am really impressed by the work and dedication of the team in EVI and everyone else who provides them with support. The work is so important, I congratulate them for their determination to provide services, training and activities to help people secure meaningful employment and to improve their health and well-being in Blaenau Gwent.”

    From left to right; Marco Gil-Cervantes (Chief Executive ProMo-Cymru), Sue Harris (Social Enterprise Manager ProMo-Cymru), Tara Lane (Blaenau Gwent Council), MS Alun Davies (MS for Blaenau Gwent), Sir Robert Buckland (Secretary of State for Wales) and Sian Tucker (EVI Centre Manager)

    About UKCRF

    The UK Community Renewal Fund is a UK Government programme for 2021/22. This aims to support people and communities most in need across the UK to pilot programmes and new approaches to prepare for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It invests in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment. For more information, visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-community-renewal-fund-prospectus  

    About EVI

    EVI – Ebbw Vale Institute is a building full of story and culture. Founded in 1849 to promote cultural exchange in the neighbourhood, it was vacant for many years before undergoing extensive refurbishment by ProMo-Cymru supported by Blaenau Gwent Council and the Big Lottery Community Asset Transfer Scheme. In 2019 EVI received £249,867 from the Welsh Government Community Facilities Programme to carry out a range of improvements to the building.  

    The building now provides a programme of creative activities, learning and social enterprise development, helping to revitalise the economy of Blaenau Gwent.

    Its facilities include training and meeting spaces, professional recording studio, café, bar and live performance space.

    EVI is home to various organisations, including Blaenau Gwent Youth Services, Leeders Vale, Gwent N-Gage, Cyfannol Women’s Aid and ACT Training.

    ProMo Cymru, charity and social enterprise, operates and is the custodian of the Ebbw Vale Institute. We are proud to have saved EVI for future community use.

  4. Calling all Blaenau Gwent musicians!

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    Erthygl Gymraeg yma

    Ebbw Vale Institute are giving one lucky musician from Blaenau Gwent the chance to win a 12 month bursary place on the fantastic new Music Production, Song Writing and Business Coaching platform – Session Recall, led by producer and label owner Nick Brine (Oasis, Stone Roses, Bruce Springsteen, Arctic Monkeys).

    The winner will receive free Session Recall membership and an enrolment on to their Silver Package for 12 months.  You will receive one to one mentoring with industry professionals, business coaching, song writing tips, online courses, access to production workshops and song writing camps and discount codes for equipment to help with your music moving forward.  

    All you need to do to enter the competition is email an MP3 of your song of choice with a simple paragraph about yourself, why you think you should get the place on the programme and what it would mean to you to win to competition@sessionrecall.com.

     A judging panel consisting of Producer and label owner Nick Brine, Jon Constantine (university lecturer and business coach, Producer/engineer), Max Rafferty (The Kooks) and a representative from Ebbw Vale Institute will choose their winner. 

    Get your entries in now to be in with a chance of winning this amazing opportunity.

    Entries close on Friday 9th September. Please email competition@sessionrecall.com

    For any queries please email tom@promo.cymru or megan@promo.cymru

    This mentorship programme opportunity is funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund*, secured by ProMo-Cymru for EVI.

    Closing date: 09/09/2022

    *The UK Community Renewal Fund is a UK Government programme for 2021/22. This aims to support people and communities most in need across the UK to pilot programmes and new approaches to prepare for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It invests in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment. For more information, click here.

  5. Galwad ar Gerddorion Blaenau Gwent!

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    Read English here

    Mae Institiwt Glynebwy yn rhoi cyfle i un cerddor lwcus o Flaenau Gwent i ennill lle bwrsari 12 mis ar y platfform newydd Cynhyrchu Cerddoriaeth, Ysgrifennu Caneuon a Mentora Busnes – ‘Session Recall’, wedi’i arwain gan y cynhyrchydd a pherchennog label Nick Brine (Oasis, Stone Roses, Bruce Springsteen, Arctic Monkeys).

    Bydd yr enillydd yn derbyn aelodaeth ‘Session Recall’ am ddim ac yn cael ei gofrestru ar y Pecyn Arian am 12 mis. Byddech yn derbyn mentora un i un gyda phobl broffesiynol o’r diwydiant, mentora busnes, cyngor ysgrifennu caneuon, cyrsiau ar-lein, mynediad i weithdai cynhyrchu a gwersyll ysgrifennu caneuon, codau disgownt offer a chymorth gyda’ch cerddoriaeth wrth i chi symud ymlaen. 

    Yr unig beth sy’n rhaid gwneud yw e-bostio MP3 gyda’ch dewis o gân, gyda pharagraff syml am eich hun a pam y dylech chi gael lle ar y rhaglen, beth fydd ennill yn ei olygu i chi, a byddech yn rhan o’r gystadleuaeth wedyn.

    Bydd panel beirniadu sydd yn cynnwys y cynhyrchydd a pherchennog label  Nick Brine, Jon Constantine (darlithydd prifysgol a mentor busnes, cynhyrchydd/peiriannydd), Max Rafferty (The Kooks) a chynrychiolydd o Institiwt Glynebwy yn dewis yr enillydd. 

    Gyrrwch eich cais nawr am gyfle i ennill y wobr anhygoel yma. 

    Ceisiadau yn cau dydd Gwener 9fed Medi. E-bostiwch: competition@sessionrecall.com 

    Mae’r cyfle rhaglen mentora yma yn cael ei ariannu gan Lywodraeth y DU trwy Gronfa Adfywio Cymunedol y DU*, wedi’i ddiogelu gan ProMo-Cymru ar gyfer EVI.

    Dyddiad cau: 09/09/2022

    *Mae Cronfa Adfywio Cymunedol y DU yn rhaglen Llywodraeth y DU ar gyfer 2021/22. Y bwriad ydy cefnogi pobl a chymunedau sydd â’r angen mwyaf ledled y DU i gynnal rhaglenni peilot a dulliau newydd i baratoi ar gyfer Cronfa Ffyniant Cyffredin y DU. Mae’n buddsoddi mewn sgiliau, cymunedau a llefydd busnesau lleol, ac yn cefnogi pobl i mewn i swyddi. Am wybodaeth bellach, cliciwch yma.

  6. Haf o Hwyl EVI

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    Read English here

    Mae EVI yn hapus iawn i dderbyn arian trwy CWVYS ar gyfer y cynllun Haf o Hwyl Llywodraeth Cymru.

    Fel rhan o’r gweithgareddau Haf o Hwyl, byddem yn cynnal Gweithdai Cerddorol, Hyfforddiant Cynhyrchu Fideo Achrededig a Sesiynau Dylunio Graffeg Canva i bobl ifanc 16-25 oed ym Mlaenau Gwent yn ystod Awst a Medi.

    Nod y cynllun Haf o Hwyl ydy i gefnogi lles plant a phobl ifanc yn dilyn cyfyngiadau Covid y ddwy flynedd diwethaf. Bydd ProMo-Cymru (gwarcheidwaid EVI) yn un o’r sawl sefydliad o Gymru fydd yn cynnig gweithgareddau rhyngweithiol, creadigol ac addysgiadol cymunedol i bobl ifanc.

    Haf o Hwyl EVI

    Bydd y sesiynau cynhelir yn cynnwys hyfforddiant cynhyrchu fideo achrededig, a sesiynau hyfforddiant cynhyrchu cerddoriaeth a dylunio graffeg Canva. Manylion isod am y gweithgareddau a diweddariadau dyddiol.

    Os oes gen ti ddiddordeb mewn cymryd rhan, neu yn adnabod rhywun fydda wrth eu boddau yn ymuno â ni, cysyllta â megan@promo.cymru.

    Chwilia’r hashnodau #HafoHwyl a #SummerofFun ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol am ddiweddariadau digwyddiadau Haf o Hwyl cynhelir yn agos i ti.

    Sesiynau i Ddod

    28ain Medi | Gweithdy Creawdwyr TikTok

    Eisiau buddio mwy o TikTok a dysgu sut i greu neu wella dy gynnwys fideo? 

    Gwybodaeth bellach yma.

    30ain Medi | Hyfforddiant Dylunio Graffeg Canva (2 awr o sesiwn)

    Eisiau dylunio taflenni, creu logos, neu roi hwb i’ch cyfryngau cymdeithasol gyda dyluniadau anhygoel?

    Gwybodaeth bellach yma.

    5ed Medi | Hyfforddiant Dylunio Graffeg Canva (2 awr o sesiwn)

    Eisiau dylunio taflenni, creu logos, neu roi hwb i’ch cyfryngau cymdeithasol gyda dyluniadau anhygoel?

    Gwybodaeth bellach yma.

    7fed – 8fed Medi | Cynhyrchu Fideo Achrededig (cwrs 2 ddiwrnod)

    ​​Diddordeb mewn gyrfa’n cynhyrchu fideo neu’n creu fideos byr proffesiynol i helpu hyrwyddo’ch gwaith neu waith eraill?

    Gwybodaeth bellach yma.

  7. EVI’s Summer of Fun

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    Darllenwch yn Gymraeg yma

    EVI is thrilled to have been awarded funding through CWVYS for the Welsh Government’s Summer of Fun scheme.

    Scroll down to see our upcoming events.

    As part of our Summer of Fun activities, we will be running Musical Workshops, Accredited Video Production Training and Canva Graphic Design Sessions for young people aged 16 – 25 in Blaenau Gwent throughout August and September.

    The Summer of Fun initiative aims to support the wellbeing of children and young people to continue their recovery from the Covid restrictions of the last two years. ProMo Cymru (EVI’s custodians) will be one of many organisations across Wales delivering community-based interactive, creative and educational activities for young people.

    EVI’s Summer of Fun

    The sessions we’ll be running will involve accredited video production training, music production workshops and Canva graphic design training sessions. See below for our activities and daily updates.

    If you are interested in taking part or know someone who would love to join us, please get in touch with megan@promo.cymru.

    Search the #SummerofFun and #HafoHwyl hashtags on social media to keep up-to-date with Summer of Fun activities near you. 

    Upcoming Sessions

    27th September | TikTok Creator Workshop

    Want to tap into TikTok and learn how to make or improve your own video content?

    Find out more here.

    30th September | Canva Graphic Design Training (2 hour session)

    Want to design leaflets, create logos, or boost your social media with fantastic designs?

    Find out more here.

    7th & 8th September | Accredited Video Production (2 day course)

    Interested in a career in video production or social media? Want to learn how to create professional-standard short videos?

    Find out more here.

    5th September | Canva Graphic Design Training (2 hour session)

    Want to design leaflets, create logos, or boost your social media with fantastic designs?

    Find out more here.

    More sessions coming soon! Check this page for daily updates.

    ProMo Cymru, charity and social enterprise, operates and is the custodian of the Ebbw Vale Institute. We are proud to have saved EVI for future community use.

Foundation Funders:

National Lottery Community Fund Logo
Welsh Government Logo

Current Funders:

Lloyds Bank Foundation Logo
Landfills Tax Scheme Logo
Blaenau Gwent County Council Logo
UK Gov Wales

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