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Archive: Nov 2019

  1. Ymunwch â Ni i Ddathlu Nadolig Cynaliadwy

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    English article here

    Dros yr ychydig fisoedd diwethaf mae yna lawer wedi bod yn digwydd yn yr EVI i wella cynaladwyedd yr adeilad a’r ardal gyfagos. Wrth i ni gyrraedd diwedd y cyfnod yma o’n gyriad cynaladwyedd arbennig rydym yn gwahodd trigolion Glynebwy i ymuno â ni mewn dathliad Nadoligaidd a chreu addurniadau sydd yn gyfeillgar i’r amgylchedd.

    Ar ddydd Mercher, 27 Tachwedd rydym yn gwahodd holl aelodau ein cymuned i ymuno gyda ni rhwng 4yp a 7yh ar gyfer ein digwyddiad Hwyl yr Ŵyl i’r teulu. Bydd yna ddisgo pŵer pedal, bwffe i’r plant a gwydriad o win poeth a mins pei i’r rhieni. Byddem hefyd yn cynnal gweithdai ailgylchu hwyl yn creu coed Nadolig o froc môr a bôbls Nadolig… a hyn i gyd AM DDIM.

    Mae’r digwyddiad yn cael ei gynnal i ddathlu diwedd ein prosiect cynaliadwy sydd wedi bod yn rhedeg dros yr ychydig fisoedd nesaf gyda £32,523 o ariannu gan Gynllun Cymunedau’r Dreth Gwarediadau Tirlenwi trwy’r WCVA. Mae’r EVI wedi bod yn fwrlwm o weithgareddau fel rhan o’r prosiect hwn.

    Goleuadau Godidog

    Y peth cyntaf i’w wneud oedd ceisio lleihau’r defnydd o ynni yn yr EVI. Roedd adolygiad ynni’r EVI eisoes wedi’i gyflawni ac yn amlygu’r ardaloedd yn yr adeilad oedd yn gwastraffu ynni fwyaf. Roedd yr arian derbyniodd yr EVI yn caniatáu i ni gyflawni’r gwelliannau awgrymwyd yn yr adroddiad adolygiad ynni. Roedd goleuadau yn wastraff ynni mawr, felly defnyddiwyd peth o’r arian i newid y goleuadau i gyd i rai LED, sydd yn defnyddio 90% llai o ynni. Gosodwyd sychwyr dwylo eco newydd yn y toiledau hefyd, sydd yn defnyddio aer oer yn hytrach na phoeth.

    Roedd drafftiau a gwres yn broblem yn yr adeilad mawr, hanesyddol yma. Rhai o’r problemau mwyaf oedd drysau’n cael eu cadw’n agored, gwresogi ystafelloedd gwag a defnyddio gwresogyddion trydan drud. Cafodd hyn ei ddatrys wrth osod dyfais cau drws awtomatig ar y drysau i gyd, rheolyddion awtomatig ar y rheiddiaduron a mesurwyr ynni. Cafwyd gwared ar y gwresogyddion trydan cludadwy a gosod gwresogyddion wal ynni effeithlon newydd gydag amserydd 10 munud. Roedd y pympiau gwres o’r awyr, gosodwyd pan adferwyd yr adeilad dros ddegawd yn ôl, angen eu trwsio gan am eu bod yn aneffeithlon bellach. Yn y gaeaf roedd rhaid defnyddio’r boeler nwy wrth gefn i gynhesu’r adeilad. Caniataodd yr ariannu yma i ni drwsio’r pympiau, ac felly gallem unwaith eto wresogi’r EVI gyda’r pympiau ynni effeithlon ran amlaf.

    Bug Houses/Tai trychfilod - a Sustainable Christmas - nadolig cynaliadwy

    Ysbrydoli’r Gymuned

    Fel rhan o’n prosiect cynaladwyedd roeddem yn awyddus i gynnwys y gymuned wrth gynnig cyfleoedd gwirfoddoli a hyfforddiant. Y bwriad oedd dysgu sgiliau a hysbysu’r cyhoedd am gynaladwyedd a’r hyn gallant ei wneud. Yn fis Ebrill cynhaliwyd gweithdy llygredd plastig yn yr EVI ar gyfer Diwrnod y Ddaear. Rhannom wybodaeth am gyffredinrwydd plastig yn ein bywydau a’r hyn gellir ei wneud i leihau hyn.

    Yn fis Mehefin cynhaliwyd gweithdy garddio bywyd gwyllt gyda Eggseeds i gynyddu bioamrywiaeth yr ardal. Bu’r gwirfoddolwyr ifanc yn adeiladu sawl gwesty trychfilod a bomiau hadau. Mae’r gwestai trychfilod lliwgar yn sefyll yn falch o flaen yr EVI.

    Grym mewn Gwybodaeth

    Rhan bwysig o’r prosiect i ni ydy annog pobl yn yr ardal i’n helpu i rannu’r neges cynaladwyedd. Rhoddwyd gwahoddiad i’r rhai oedd â diddordeb helpu rhannu’r neges i fynychu dwy sesiwn hyfforddiant gwahanol. Roedd y cyntaf yn weithdy blogio a chreu fideo. Dysgwyd sgiliau cynllunio a chreu fideo eu hunain. Er mai dim ond diwrnod oedd ganddynt i wneud popeth, llwyddwyd i greu’r fideo canlynol hefyd, yn dangos yr holl waith oedd wedi bod yn digwydd yn yr EVI hyd yma.

    Roedd yr ail sesiwn yn weithdy ysgrifennu blogiau. Dewisodd y mynychwyr bwnc oedd o ddiddordeb iddynt a chreu sawl erthygl yn hyrwyddo’r neges cynaladwyedd ac effeithiolrwydd ynni. Roedd yr erthyglau yn cynnwys sut i leihau’n defnydd o garbon, plannu coed, te cynaliadwy a mwy. Mae’r erthyglau yma i gyd wedi cael eu cyhoeddi ar y wefan yr EVI. Mae’r rhestr lawn i’w weld yn yr Erthyglau Perthnasol isod.

    Ymunwch â ni

    Mae’r digwyddiad Hwyl yr Ŵyl yn ffordd o ddathlu’r holl waith sydd wedi’i gyflawni ac i barhau i rannu’r neges cynaladwyedd mewn ffordd hwyl wrth greu addurniadau Nadolig i fynd adref gyda chi. Felly i ailadrodd – disgo pŵer pedal, bwffe, gwin poeth a mins peis – a glywsoch chi ei fod yn rhad ac AM DDIM? Ymunwch â ni i ddathlu a chreu gan gofrestru’ch diddordeb yma:


    Erthyglau perthnasol:

  2. Join Us To Celebrate A Sustainable Christmas

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    Erthygl Gymraeg yma

    Over the last few months the EVI has been doing lots to improve the sustainability of the building and the surrounding area. As we come to the end of this period of our special sustainability drive we’re inviting the residents of Ebbw Vale to join us in a Christmas Celebration and create some environmentally friendly decorations.

    On Wednesday, 27th November we invite all members of the community to join us between 4pm and 7pm for our Festive Family Fun event. There will be a pedal powered disco, a buffet for the kids and a glass of mulled wine and a mince pie for the parents. We’ll also have some fun recycling workshops turning driftwood into fun Christmas trees and creating Christmas baubles… and we’ll be doing all this for FREE.

    Festive Fun Day - a Sustainable Christmas

    The event is being held to celebrate the end of our sustainability project that has been running for the past few months with £32,523 funding from the Landfill Disposals Tax Communities Scheme through WCVA. A load has been going on at the EVI as a part of this project.

    EVI light - a Sustainable Christmas

    The Light Fantastic

    The first thing we did was attempted to reduce energy consumption at the EVI. An energy review that had been carried out previously at the EVI highlighted where energy was being wasted the most in the building. The funding the EVI received allowed us to carry out improvements based on recommendations made in the energy review report. Lighting was a huge energy waster therefore some of the funding was used to convert all the lighting to LED, which uses 90% less energy. New eco driers that use cold air rather than cold air were also fitted in the bathrooms.

    Drafts and heating were also an issue in this large, historic building. Doors being left open, heating empty rooms and expensive electric heaters being used was a big issue. This was solved by fitting automatic door closers on all the doors, automatic controls were fitted on radiators and energy meters were installed. The portable electric heaters were banished as new energy efficient wall heaters were fitted with 10-minute timers. The air source heat pumps that were installed when the EVI underwent restoration over a decade ago were in dire need of repair works as they had become inefficient meaning that in the winter we had to rely on heating the building with a back up gas boiler. The fund allowed the repairs to take place meaning the EVI was once again being heated primarily through the energy efficient pumps.

    Bug houses - a Sustainable Christmas

    Community Spirit

    As a part of our sustainability project we wanted to involve the community by offering volunteering and training opportunities. The aim was to teach skills and inform the public about sustainability and what they could do. In April we ran a plastic pollution workshop at the EVI for Earth Day. Here we shared information about the prevalence of plastics in our lives and what we could do to cut down on this.

    In June we held a wildlife gardening workshop with Eggseeds to increase the biodiversity of the area. Young volunteers built bug hotels and made seed bombs. The colourful bug hotels take pride of place at the front of the EVI.

    Knowledge is Power

    An important part of the project for us is that we encourage people in the area to help us share the sustainability message. We invited those that were interested in helping us spread the word to attend two separate training sessions. The first was a blogging and video creation workshop. Attendees learnt skills on how to plan and create their own videos. They also, despite only having a day to fit in everything, managed to create the following video detailing all the work that had gone on at the EVI so far.

    The second session was a blog writing workshop. Attendees chose a subject that interested them and created a number of articles to promote the sustainability and energy efficiency message.  Articles included how to cut down on carbon, planting trees, sustainable tea and more. All these articles have been published on the EVI website. Check them out in the related articles below.

    Join us

    This Festive Fun event is our way of celebrating all the work that has been done and to keep spreading the sustainability message in a fun way by creating some Christmas goodies to take home. To reiterate – a pedal powered disco, buffet, mulled wine and mince pies – and did we mention it was FREE? Join us to celebrate and make by registering your interest here:


    Related articles:

    5 Steps To Live A More Sustainable Life

    5 Things You Can Do To Help The Earth

    The Ultimate Guide To Sustainabili-TEA

    Planting Trees To Save The World

    Easy Ways To Cut Carbon For The Environment

Foundation Funders:

National Lottery Community Fund Logo
Welsh Government Logo

Current Funders:

Lloyds Bank Foundation Logo
Landfills Tax Scheme Logo
Blaenau Gwent County Council Logo
UK Gov Wales

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