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Archive: Sep 2022

  1. Families Get Hands On With Nature At EVI

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    Over 80 local children and families visited our historic Ebbw Vale Institute (EVI) during our Open Week recently to take part in a variety of free natural outdoor crafts and wildlife educational workshops.

    Local families had the opportunity to spend quality time together, learn outdoors and receive free, healthy children’s lunchboxes from the Café at EVI this summer holidays due to UK Community Renewal Fund funding.

    Getting Creative

    EggSeeds (an educational charity) carried out workshops, sharing their passion and innovative ways to inspire and connect with children and families through natural crafting. Activities included pyrography (the art of decorating wood with burn marks), driftwood craft, pebble painting and making and sowing seed bombs to decorate the EVI community garden and take home with them. Children were excited to return to EVI’s garden in the future to see how their insect friendly plants and flowers had grown, and hid their painted bug themed pebbles around the garden.

    Building Bug Homes

    The Gwent Wildlife Trust also took part in the week, helping everyone to build bug homes and identify different moths in moth boxes (a friendly and harmless way of collecting moths). They explained the important nocturnal pollinating role of moths and how they use their long proboscis to drink nectar from flowers. They also shared interesting information with the group about other pollinating insects like bees, butterflies and beetles. Surrounded by flowers, plants and insects in the beautiful outdoor sunshine, families worked on their bug homes and learnt how important they were in providing a safe space for bugs to live, lay eggs, raise their young, and seek refuge from predators.

    One parent commented, “There’s so much plastic and pointless waste involved in children’s activities. It’s great to come here and use natural and sustainable resources for crafts that are fun, educational and have an actual purpose. They can take them home, put them to use, be reminded of what they learnt and discover even more when the insects come to stay. It’s great for them to be surrounded by the environment that they’re learning about.”

    Hands On Learning

    Lastly, the Ebbw Vale Owl Sanctuary visited with their rescued owls and birds of prey, using the centre and its garden to give families the chance to interact with them and find out about their natural habitats, diets, and conservation. 

    Sian Tucker, EVI Centre Manager stated, “It’s magical to see all these families here at the oldest institute in Wales learning about the importance of biodiversity, nature and wildlife – just like generations did 170 years before them when the building was a Scientific Institute. A focus on sustainability, the environment and education are a key part of our community ethos here at EVI”.

    Click here for our Open Week picture gallery!

    EVI’s Open Week activities were funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund, secured by ProMo Cymru for EVI.

    *The UK Community Renewal Fund is a UK Government programme for 2021/22. This aims to support people and communities most in need across the UK to pilot programmes and new approaches to prepare for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It invests in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment. For more information, click here.

    ProMo Cymru, charity and social enterprise, operates and is the custodian of the Ebbw Vale Institute. We are proud to have saved EVI for future community use.

  2. Teuluoedd yn Dysgu am Natur yn Institiwt Glynebwy

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    Ymwelodd dros 80 o blant a theuluoedd lleol ein hadeilad hanesyddol Institiwt Glynebwy (EVI) yn ystod ein Hwythnos Agored ddiweddar i gymryd rhan mewn amrywiaeth o weithdai addysgiadol crefftau awyr agored a bywyd gwyllt.

    Cafodd teuluoedd lleol y cyfle i dreulio amser arbennig â’i gilydd, dysgu yn yr awyr agored a derbyn pecynnau bwyd iach am ddim i blant o’r Caffi yn EVI dros y gwyliau haf.

    Bod yn Greadigol

    Roedd EggSeeds (elusen addysgiadol) yn cyflwyno gweithdai, yn rhannu eu hangerdd a ffyrdd arloesol i ysbrydoli a chysylltu gyda phlant a theuluoedd gyda chrefftau naturiol. Roedd gweithgareddau yn cynnwys pyrograffeg (y gelf o addurno pren wrth ei losgi), crefft broc môr, peintio cerrig bach a chreu a phlannu bomiau hadau i addurno gardd gymunedol EVI ac i fynd adref gyda nhw. Roedd y plant yn gyffrous iawn i gael dychwelyd i ardd EVI yn y dyfodol i weld tyfiant y planhigion a’r blodau sydd yn gyfeillgar i chwilod, ac aethant ati i guddio cerrig wedi’u peintio ar themâu chwilod o gwmpas yr ardd.

    Adeiladu Cartrefi Chwilod

    Roedd Ymddiriedolaeth Natur Gwent hefyd yn rhan o’r wythnos, yn helpu pawb i adeiladu cartref chwilod eu hunain ac i adnabod gwahanol wyfynod mewn bylchau gwyfod (ffordd gyfeillgar a diogel i gasglu gwyfod). Eglurwyd pwysigrwydd y gwyfod i beillio gyda’r nos a’r ffordd maent yn defnyddio’u trwyn hir i yfed neithdar o flodau. Rhannwyd gwybodaeth ddiddorol gyda’r grŵp am bryfaid peillio eraill fel gwenyn, pili-pala a chwilod. Yn gweithio yn yr ardd braf, gyda blodau, planhigion a chwilod o’u cwmpas, roedd y teuluoedd yn gweithio ar y cartrefi chwilod ac yn dysgu am eu gwaith pwysig fel rhoi lle diogel i chwilod fyw, gadael wyau, magu a chadw’n ddiogel o reibwyr.

    Dywedodd un rhiant, “Mae gweithgareddau plant yn aml yn defnyddio llawer o blastig a gwastraff dibwynt. Mae’n wych dod yma a defnyddio deunyddiau naturiol, cynaliadwy ar gyfer crefftau hwyl, addysgiadol ac sydd â phwrpas. Gallant fynd â nhw adref, eu rhoi ar ddefnydd, a chael eu hatgoffa o’r hyn dysgwyd yn ogystal â dysgu mwy pan fydd y chwilod yn dod i aros. Mae’n wych iddynt fod yn yr amgylchedd maent yn dysgu amdano.”

    Dysgu Ymarferol

    Yn olaf, daeth Gwarchodfa Tylluanod Glynebwy draw gyda’r tylluanod a’r adar ysglyfaethus sydd wedi’u hachub, gan ddefnyddio’r ganolfan a’r ardd i roi cyfle i’r teuluoedd gysylltu gyda nhw a darganfod mwy am eu cynefin naturiol, diet a’u gwarchodaeth.

    Dywedodd Sian Tucker, Rheolwr Canolfan EVI, “Mae’n hudol gweld yr holl deuluoedd yma yn institiwt hynaf Cymru, yn dysgu am bwysigrwydd bioamrywiaeth, natur a bywyd gwyllt – yn union fel yr oedd pobl 170 mlynedd yn ôl pan roedd yr adeilad yn Institiwt Gwyddonol. Mae canolbwyntio ar gynaladwyedd, yr amgylchedd ac addysg yn rhan allweddol o’n hethos cymunedol yma yn EVI.”

    Ariannwyd gweithgareddau Wythnos Agored EVI gan Lywodraeth y DU drwy Gronfa Adnewyddu Cymunedol y DU.

    *Mae Cronfa Adfywio Cymunedol y DU yn rhaglen Llywodraeth y DU ar gyfer 2021/22. Y bwriad ydy cefnogi pobl a chymunedau sydd â’r angen mwyaf ledled y DU i gynnal rhaglenni peilot a dulliau newydd i baratoi ar gyfer Cronfa Ffyniant Cyffredin y DU. Mae’n buddsoddi mewn sgiliau, cymunedau a llefydd busnesau lleol, ac yn cefnogi pobl i mewn i swyddi. Am wybodaeth bellach, cliciwch yma.

  3. Open Week Success & Picture Gallery

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    Over 350 members of the community helped us celebrate our jam-packed Open Week recently, taking part in a wide variety of free wellbeing, cultural and educational workshops and activities.

    EVI was able to reopen to the public this year after partial closure during the pandemic, due to funding from the UK Government*. To celebrate, we put on an eclectic Open Week full of free activities for the community. From digital skills training, wellbeing classes and a Paul Robeson exhibition, to family crafting and educational workshops, providing free healthy children’s lunches in the summer holidays, and a chance to socialise at Afternoon Tea – the week had activities and sessions for everyone. Click the images below and scroll through!

    Open Week Timetable

    Our Open Week was funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund*

    *The  UK Community Renewal Fund is a UK Government programme for 2021/22. This aims to support people and communities most in need across the UK to pilot programmes and new approaches to prepare for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It invests in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment. For more information, visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-community-renewal-fundprospectus

    ProMo Cymru, charity and social enterprise, operates and is the custodian of the Ebbw Vale Institute. We are proud to have saved EVI for future community use.

  4. Music Bursary Competition Winner

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    One lucky winner has been chosen to receive a 12 month bursary place with Session Recall, funded by EVI through the UK Community Renewal Fund. 

    One lucky Blaenau Gwent musician has won a place on a new music production, song writing and business coaching platform, Session Recall. The platform is led by producer and label owner Nick Brine (Oasis, Stone Roses) and Jon Constantine, both of whom run Leeders Vale Studios (EVI’s state-of-the-art recording studio.) 

    Nick and Jon run EVI’s recording studio

    The Winner

    We are delighted to announce that Joshua Hopkins from Nantyglo has won the 12 month bursary place with Session Recall! Joshua wins enrolment onto their Silver Package for 12 months, receiving one to one mentoring with industry professionals, business coaching, song writing tips, online courses, access to production workshops, song writing camps and discount codes for equipment to help with his music moving forward.  

    Panel members loved his track and application statement explaining what it would mean for him to win. Congratulations Josh! EVI are thrilled to award you this bursary place and Session Recall look forward to working with you this year.

    Runners Up

    Session Recall were so impressed by the entries, they have generously awarded 3 runners-up with free access to the Session Recall community;

    Heidi Lewis 

    The Stay

    Teal Flood

    Judging panel members were highly impressed with all entries and would like to express how difficult it was to come to a decision. 

    EVI and Session Recall would like to thank all entrants – and urge them to continue pursuing their music.

    This bursary place was funded through the UK Community Renewal Fund*, secured by ProMo Cymru for the Ebbw Vale Institute.

    *The UK Community Renewal Fund is a UK Government programme for 2021/22. This aims to support people and communities most in need across the UK to pilot programmes and new approaches to prepare for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It invests in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment. For more information, click here.

Foundation Funders:

National Lottery Community Fund Logo
Welsh Government Logo

Current Funders:

Lloyds Bank Foundation Logo
Landfills Tax Scheme Logo
Blaenau Gwent County Council Logo
UK Gov Wales

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