EVI | Ebbw Vale Institute : Ebbw Vale InstituteEVI | Ebbw Vale Institute : Ebbw Vale Institute

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PAST EVENT: Canva Graphic Design Training / Hyfforddiant Dylunio Graffeg Canva

When is it?

5th September | 10am - 12pm

How much is it?


Want to tap into TikTok and learn how to make or improve your own video content?



Join our exclusive workshop at EVI with a professional graphic designer who will help you get to grips with Canva, a free graphic design tool for everyone. The possibilities are endless!

Explore how the platform works by using the most important features and theory aspects to keep in mind for your daily design needs. You’ll be surprised by how excellent your graphics will look.

This workshop is a brilliant way to expand your portfolio of skills, and impress people with your professional-standard graphics.

Participants will receive a certification of completion at the end of the session.

Free refreshments will be provided.

This free-of-charge session at EVI is part of EVI’s Summer of Fun and funded by the Welsh Government. Read more here.

Eligibility: In order to book onto this session you must be 16-25 years old and living in the Blaenau Gwent local authority area. Contact megan@promo.cymru with any queries.



Eisiau dylunio taflenni, creu logos, neu roi hwb i’ch cyfryngau cymdeithasol gyda dyluniadau anhygoel?


Ymunwch yn ein gweithdy arbennig yn EVI gyda dylunydd graffeg broffesiynol o ProMo-Cymru a fydd yn eich cynorthwyo i ddefnyddio Canva, rhaglen dylunio graffeg am ddim i bawb. Mae’r posibiliadau yn ddiddiwedd!

Dysgwch sut i ddefnyddio’r rhaglen a deall y nodweddion a’r agweddau theori bwysicaf i’w defnyddio wrth i chi fynd ati i ddylunio o ddydd i ddydd. Byddech yn synnu pa mor wych gall eich graffeg edrych!

Mae’r gweithdy yma yn ffordd grêt i ehangu eich portffolio sgiliau, ac i greu argraff gyda’ch graffeg o safon broffesiynol.

Bydd cyfranogwyr yn derbyn tystysgrif cwblhad ar ddiwedd y sesiwn.

Darparir lluniaeth ysgafn am ddim.

Mae’r sesiwn rhad ac am ddim yma yn rhan o Hwyl o Haf EVI ac yn cael ei ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru.

Cymhwysedd: I gael lle ar y sesiwn yma mae’n rhaid i ti fod yn 16-25 oed ac yn byw yn ardal awdurdod lleol Blaenau Gwent. Cysylltwch â megan@promo.cymru gydag unrhyw ymholiadau.



What’s on at EVI?

Art & Craft Workshops

Every Tuesday | 1 - 3pm


Free Mind and Body Wellness Sessions

Thursday 20th February | 9.30am - 11am (and then every Thursday until 20th March)


EQUANIMITY Mindfulness Meditation & Relaxation

Mondays 10.30-11.30am & Wednesdays 5.30 - 6.30pm


ChiChi Fit with Nia

Tuesdays (6.30 - 7.30pm) & Wednesdays (6.00 - 7.00pm)


Yoga with Amanda

Thursdays | 6-7pm

£8 drop in or £25 for 4

EVI Repair Café

Monday 17th March | 2pm - 4pm


Afternoon Film Club

Thursday 20th March | 2pm - 4pm


Over 55’s Luncheon Club

Thursday 27th Feb & 6th March | 12pm - 2pm


Sunflower Café

Thursday 13th February | 2pm - 4pm


Crochet Club

Every Tuesday, 2.30 - 4.30pm

£3 (all proceeds go to EVI Pantry)

Card Making & Craft Workshops

Every Wednesday | 2 - 4pm

£3 (all proceeds go to EVI Pantry)

EVI Pantry

Mondays | 10am - 12pm & 2pm - 4pm

PAST EVENT: A Child’s Christmas with Lighthouse Theatre

Thursday 12th December | 7.30pm - 10pm

£10 (£8 concession)

PAST EVENT: Grandma’s Gingerbread Tale | Louby Lou Storytelling

Wednesday 26th February | 11am or 2.30pm

£7.50 - £8.50

PAST EVENT: Transformative Breath to Health Workshop

Weds 27th Nov - Fri 29th Nov | 9:30am - 12:30pm

£50 for the full 3-days

PAST EVENT: EVI Pantry Christmas Gift & Craft Fayre

Saturday 16th November | 11am - 2pm

Free entry

PAST EVENT: Concert, Cuppa & Cake with Richard Beavis

Tuesday 12th November | 1.15pm - 2.45pm


PAST EVENT: Free Mind and Body Wellness Sessions

Thursday, 10th October, 9:30am - 11:00am (and then every Thursday until 7th November)


PAST EVENT: Doctor Dark’s Laboratory at EVI

Friday 1st November | 11am, 1pm, or 2.15pm


PAST EVENT: The Money Course

Monday 30th Sept, 7th Oct & 14th Oct | 12pm to 1.30pm


FULLY BOOKED: Sewing Workshops

Starting Thursday 26th September | 2pm - 4.30pm

Free (bring your own fabrics)

PAST EVENT: Soup4TheSoul Self-Love Workshop

Thursday 3rd October | 6 - 7.30pm


PAST EVENT: Silk-Painting for Families

Thursday 1st August | 10.30am or 1.30pm


PAST EVENT: EVI Family Fun Day!

Tuesday 30th July | 10am to 1pm


PAST EVENT: The Bee Hive at EVI

Wednesday 24th July | 11am, 1pm, or 2.30pm


PAST EVENT: Summer 2024 Hospitality Academy

Starting Tues 18th June, 9.30am - 3.30pm


PAST EVENT: Hustings 2024: Blaenau Gwent & Rhymney

Wednesday 3rd July | 3pm - 5pm (Doors open 1:45pm)

Foundation Funders:

National Lottery Community Fund Logo
Welsh Government Logo

Current Funders:

Lloyds Bank Foundation Logo
Landfills Tax Scheme Logo
Blaenau Gwent County Council Logo
UK Gov Wales

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