EVI | Ebbw Vale Institute : Ebbw Vale InstituteEVI | Ebbw Vale Institute : Ebbw Vale Institute

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PAST EVENT: TikTok Creator Workshop / Gweithdy Creawdwyr TikTok

When is it?

Wednesday 28th September | 10.30am - 3pm

How much is it?


Want to tap into TikTok and learn how to make or improve your own video content?


About this event

Join us for a day of filming, learning and content challenges as you discover how to up your TikTok game. This training will look amazing on your CV and help you promote your own or others’ work!

What we’ll cover

  • The basics – what is TikTok and why is it so popular
  • How to create videos using basic filters and stickers
  • Improve your videos and content by learning about composition, lighting and audio
  • Learn how to take full advantage of hashtags, trending music and other expert tips to maximise your reach
  • Create a series of videos as part of our TikTok challenges throughout the day
  • TikTok alternatives – such as Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts
  • Participants will receive a certificate of completion following the session.


  • Eligibility: In order to book onto this session you must be 16-25 years old.
  • Participants must bring their own phone/tablet.
  • Free lunch and refreshments provided.

Contact sue@promo.cymru with any enquiries relating to the course.


This free-of-charge session is part of EVI’s Summer of Fun and funded by the Welsh Government.

Eisiau buddio mwy o TikTok a dysgu sut i greu neu wella dy gynnwys fideo?

Ymuna gyda ni am ddiwrnod o ffilmio, dysgu a heriau cynnwys wrth i ti ddarganfod sut i wella dy gêm TikTok. Bydd yr hyfforddiant yma yn edrych yn wych ar dy CV ac yn helpu ti i hyrwyddo dy waith, neu waith rhywun arall!

Yr hyn byddem yn ei ddysgu

  • Y sylfaenol – beth yw TikTok a pam ei fod mor boblogaidd
  • Sut i greu fideos gan ddefnyddio ffilter a sticeri syml
  • Gwella dy fideos a dy gynnwys wrth ddysgu am gyfluniad, goleuo a sain
  • Dysgu sut i fanteisio mwyaf o hashnodau, cerddoriaeth boblogaidd ac awgrymiadau arbenigol eraill i dyfu cyrhaeddiad
  • Creu cyfres o fideos yn ystod y dydd fel rhan o’n heriau TikTok
  • Dewisiadau gwahanol i TikTok – fel Instagram Reels a YouTube Shorts
  • Bydd pawb sydd yn cymryd rhan yn derbyn tystysgrif cwblhad yn dilyn y sesiwn.


  • Cwestiynau cyffredin
  • Mae’r hyfforddiant yma yn rhad ac am ddim i rai 16-25 oed.
  • Mae’n rhaid i bawb ddod a ffôn/tabled eu hunain
  • Bydd cinio yn cael ei ddarparu am ddim
  • Cysyllta â sue@promo.cymru am unrhyw ymholiadau yn ymwneud â’r cwrs.

What’s on at EVI?

NEW Over 55’s Luncheon Club

Thursday 4th July & 25th July | 12pm - 2pm


SOLD OUT: EVI Family Fun Day!

Tuesday 30th July | 10am to 1pm


Silk-Painting for Families

Thursday 1st August | 10.30am or 1.30pm


Dementia Café

Thursday 8th August | 2pm - 4pm


NEW Afternoon Film Club

Thursday 15th August | 2pm - 4pm


EVI Repair Café

Monday 19th August | 2pm - 4pm


NEW Crochet Club

Every Tuesday, 2.30 - 4.30pm

£3 (all proceeds go to EVI Pantry)

Card Making & Craft Workshops

Every Wednesday | 2 - 4pm

£3 (all proceeds go to EVI Pantry)

EQUANIMITY Mindfulness Meditation & Relaxation

Mondays 10.30-11.30am & Wednesdays 5.30 - 6.30pm


ChiChi Fit with Nia

Tuesdays | 6.30 - 7.30pm


Yoga with Amanda

Thursdays 6-7pm

£8 drop in or £25 for 4

EVI Pantry

Mondays | 10am - 12pm & 2pm - 4pm

PAST EVENT: The Bee Hive at EVI

Wednesday 24th July | 11am, 1pm, or 2.30pm


PAST EVENT: Summer 2024 Hospitality Academy

Starting Tues 18th June, 9.30am - 3.30pm


PAST EVENT: Hustings 2024: Blaenau Gwent & Rhymney

Wednesday 3rd July | 3pm - 5pm (Doors open 1:45pm)

PAST EVENT: FREE Cooking on a Budget Experience

Starting Tuesday 9th April, 10am - 12pm


PAST EVENT: Jack and the Beanstalk at EVI

Wednesday 27th March | 11am, 1pm or 2.15pm!


PAST EVENT: EVI Pantry Spring Fayre

Saturday 23rd March | 10am - 4pm


PAST EVENT: Breath to Health 3-Day Workshop

Wednesday 20th, Thursday 21st, & Friday 22nd March | 1 - 4pm


PAST EVENT: Breath to Health Workshop

Thursday 14th March | 1pm - 2.30pm


FULLY BOOKED: Sewing for Beginners

Starting Thursday 21st September | 2 - 4.30pm

FREE (bring your own fabrics)

PAST EVENT: EVI Secret Agents

Wednesday 14th February | 11am, 1pm or 2.15pm


PAST EVENT: A Christmas Carol – Live Radio Play

Thursday 23rd November | 7.30pm

£10 / £8 concession

PAST EVENT: EVI Pantry Christmas Gift & Craft Fayre

Saturday 18th November | 11am - 4pm

Free entry

PAST EVENT: FREE: L2 Award in Food Safety and Catering

Thursday 16th November | 9.30am - 4pm

FREE to Blaenau Gwent residents, lunch included.

Foundation Funders:

National Lottery Community Fund Logo
Welsh Government Logo

Current Funders:

Lloyds Bank Foundation Logo
Landfills Tax Scheme Logo
Blaenau Gwent County Council Logo
UK Gov Wales

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