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Industrial Dreams: Voices from industry erased – resistance and archive in Ebbw Vale and the Ukrainian East

When is it?

Friday 21st October | 3 - 8pm (join us for all or part of this event)

How much is it?


Join us for Industrial Dreams, a workshop exploring industry, archive, war, erasure, and community resilience.

Sign Up for FREE and learn more here.

What is it like to live with a past that most people would prefer to forget? How do we dream, resist, and create in industrial places? Can we reach out to the past, to archival materials, and other generations, and take the narrative into our own hands?

This one-day festival will bring together artists, film makers, archivists and people fleeing conflict to look at how the histories and experiences from industrial areas in the Ukrainian East and South Wales intertwine.

In this workshop, we will explore the ways that the industrial legacies of these places, and other industrialized regions in the UK and Ukraine, are entangled and how they speak to each other through the archive. We will bring together archival documentation of the steelworks, including records of their demise and utopian projects for the post-industrial future (e.g. the Ebbw Vale Garden Festival), with contemporary art from Wales and Ukraine that responds to the post-industrial condition in various ways, from mourning to humour and resistance.

Our workshop will culminate with the UK premiere of EURODONBAS, a documentary film exploring the historic links between industrial communities in Europe and the Ukrainian East, and the local communities in Ukraine exploring these links before Russia’s full-scale invasion of February 2022. The film also addresses the history of Welsh labour migration to Hughesovka (today’s Donetsk) at the end of the nineteenth century. We will be joined by the film’s director Kornyi Gricyuk and producer Olena Kirichek for a discussion and Q&A after the film.

Join us for part or all of this exciting event!

This workshop is realised with the support of the Art and Humanities Research Council in partnership with the University of St Andrews, EVI, and Gwent Archives.

Schedule for the day:

3pm Welcome and Introduction – Main Hall

3.10 Archival workshop – Main Hall – Whatever happened to Gryff? The industrial imaginary in Ebbw Vale and Azovstal. Centre for Urban History of East Central Europe, Lviv; Ebbw Vale Works Archive; Gwent Archives

4pm Break – Cafe (free Ukrainian-style drinks and snacks will be served)

4.10 Film Screening – Main Hall – ‘Life Beyond the CV’ introduced by Freefilmers, a filmmaking collective formerly based in Mariupol (now displaced to Zaporizhzhia)

4.30 Practical workshop – Main Hall – Engaging the archive & community re-photography

5:30 Break – Cafe (free Welsh and Ukrainian-style drinks and snacks will be served)

6pm Film Screening – Main Hall – UK Premiere of ‘EuroDonbas’ documentary. Introduced and discussed by producer Olena Kirichek & director Kornyi Gricyuk

8:00 END


Image: Oleksandr Kuchynskyi, from the series “De-industry?” produced using archival photographs by Pavlo Kashkel from the Mariupol Local History Museum.

What’s on at EVI?

Art & Craft Workshops

Every Tuesday | 1 - 3pm


Free Mind and Body Wellness Sessions

Thursday 20th February | 9.30am - 11am (and then every Thursday until 20th March)


EQUANIMITY Mindfulness Meditation & Relaxation

Mondays 10.30-11.30am & Wednesdays 5.30 - 6.30pm


ChiChi Fit with Nia

Tuesdays (6.30 - 7.30pm) & Wednesdays (6.00 - 7.00pm)


Yoga with Amanda

Thursdays | 6-7pm

£8 drop in or £25 for 4

EVI Repair Café

Monday 17th March | 2pm - 4pm


Afternoon Film Club

Thursday 20th March | 2pm - 4pm


Over 55’s Luncheon Club

Thursday 27th Feb & 6th March | 12pm - 2pm


Sunflower Café

Thursday 13th February | 2pm - 4pm


Crochet Club

Every Tuesday, 2.30 - 4.30pm

£3 (all proceeds go to EVI Pantry)

Card Making & Craft Workshops

Every Wednesday | 2 - 4pm

£3 (all proceeds go to EVI Pantry)

EVI Pantry

Mondays | 10am - 12pm & 2pm - 4pm

PAST EVENT: A Child’s Christmas with Lighthouse Theatre

Thursday 12th December | 7.30pm - 10pm

£10 (£8 concession)

PAST EVENT: Grandma’s Gingerbread Tale | Louby Lou Storytelling

Wednesday 26th February | 11am or 2.30pm

£7.50 - £8.50

PAST EVENT: Transformative Breath to Health Workshop

Weds 27th Nov - Fri 29th Nov | 9:30am - 12:30pm

£50 for the full 3-days

PAST EVENT: EVI Pantry Christmas Gift & Craft Fayre

Saturday 16th November | 11am - 2pm

Free entry

PAST EVENT: Concert, Cuppa & Cake with Richard Beavis

Tuesday 12th November | 1.15pm - 2.45pm


PAST EVENT: Free Mind and Body Wellness Sessions

Thursday, 10th October, 9:30am - 11:00am (and then every Thursday until 7th November)


PAST EVENT: Doctor Dark’s Laboratory at EVI

Friday 1st November | 11am, 1pm, or 2.15pm


PAST EVENT: The Money Course

Monday 30th Sept, 7th Oct & 14th Oct | 12pm to 1.30pm


FULLY BOOKED: Sewing Workshops

Starting Thursday 26th September | 2pm - 4.30pm

Free (bring your own fabrics)

PAST EVENT: Soup4TheSoul Self-Love Workshop

Thursday 3rd October | 6 - 7.30pm


PAST EVENT: Silk-Painting for Families

Thursday 1st August | 10.30am or 1.30pm


PAST EVENT: EVI Family Fun Day!

Tuesday 30th July | 10am to 1pm


PAST EVENT: The Bee Hive at EVI

Wednesday 24th July | 11am, 1pm, or 2.30pm


PAST EVENT: Summer 2024 Hospitality Academy

Starting Tues 18th June, 9.30am - 3.30pm


PAST EVENT: Hustings 2024: Blaenau Gwent & Rhymney

Wednesday 3rd July | 3pm - 5pm (Doors open 1:45pm)

Foundation Funders:

National Lottery Community Fund Logo
Welsh Government Logo

Current Funders:

Lloyds Bank Foundation Logo
Landfills Tax Scheme Logo
Blaenau Gwent County Council Logo
UK Gov Wales

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