Join Mindfulness Meditation & Relaxation sessions with Dr Andrew Lewis at EVI and learn techniques to help ease feelings of anxiety, distress and unhappiness in mind and body. The sessions will help you to;
– Come home to awareness
– Calm the body and mind
– Discover peace and tranquillity
– Cultivate contentment
– Manage time, productivity and purpose
Mindfulness techniques and understanding can help you deal more confidently with your problems, worries & fears, make better decisions, enjoy more positive relationships with others, and work effectively with negative emotions rather than become overwhelmed by them.
Andrew is a Registered Meditation Teacher and has delivered Mindfulness courses and Relaxation/Meditation sessions for established service providers and charities, GP practices, hospitals and day centres, private groups, individual clients, schools, colleges, evening classes, and in the workplace/corporate environment. Find out more here
Take some important time for yourself and join us at EVI. No advance booking required. Email with any queries.
EVI is currently funded by the UK Gov through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. Click here to find out more.
Wednesday 26th March - Friday 28th March | 9.30am - 12.30am
£50 for the full 3 days
Thursday 20th February | 9.30am - 11am (and then every Thursday until 20th March)
Thursday 12th December | 7.30pm - 10pm
£10 (£8 concession)
Wednesday 26th February | 11am or 2.30pm
£7.50 - £8.50
Weds 27th Nov - Fri 29th Nov | 9:30am - 12:30pm
£50 for the full 3-days
Thursday, 10th October, 9:30am - 11:00am (and then every Thursday until 7th November)
Starting Thursday 26th September | 2pm - 4.30pm
Free (bring your own fabrics)