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  1. Great Things Are Coming At EVI

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    We are pleased to announce that Ebbw Vale Institute (EVI) has successfully been awarded a grant from the UK Community Renewal Fund. This means that the oldest institute in Wales, restored and refurbished by ProMo-Cymru, can reopen after the pandemic with some exciting new developments.

    This funding will allow EVI to develop opportunities with young people and support cultural and economic recovery in Ebbw Vale and Blaenau Gwent. We have lots of exciting plans and ideas for the centre this spring.

    ·  Creating opportunities and pathways into employment for young people involving our café and digital skills training

    ·  Promoting healthy living skills and socialising through our café and garden

    ·  Working with local artists and community groups, hosting cultural events for the community

    ·  Running environmental activities and workshops, increasing positive environmental behaviour both in and outside the building

    Centre of community life

    Although our partner support services have remained open and continue to operate, the centre has been closed to the public during the pandemic. We are so happy to be reopening our community cultural centre in the heart of Ebbw Vale with the launch of this exciting new project. Environmental innovation, sustainability, community and local culture are at the heart of this renewal project, aiming to make Blaenau Gwent a more attractive place to live, work, and visit.

    EVI has been at the centre of community life in Ebbw Vale for 173 years, and this project means it will continue to do so for generations to come

    Find out more

    What do you want to see EVI bring to your community? If you would like to discuss this project or work with us, get in touch with sam@evi.cymru. Follow or like us on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook to keep up to date with what’s happening and join us on our inspiring and exciting journey this spring. 

    Welsh translation of this article is available here

    This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund.

    The UK Community Renewal Fund is a UK Government programme for 2021/22. This aims to support people and communities most in need across the UK to pilot programmes and new approaches to prepare for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It invests in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment. For more information, visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-community-renewal-fund-prospectus

  2. Adnewyddiad £250,000 Adeilad Hanesyddol EVI

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    Mae Canolfan Cymunedol a Diwylliannol Institiwt Glynebwy (EVI) wedi bod yn cynnal gwaith adnewyddu ac atgyweirio ar raddfa fawr yn yr adeilad Gradd 2 hanesyddol ar ôl derbyn £250,000 trwy Raglen Cyfleusterau Cymunedol Llywodraeth Cymru, yn diogelu ei gynaladwyedd er mwynhad cenhedloedd y dyfodol.

    Cynhaliwyd ymgynghoriad gyda defnyddwyr rheolaidd Canolfan EVI, yr institiwt hynaf yng Nghymru, ac mae’r grant yma wedi caniatáu i ni gyflawni llawer o’r gofynion o’r ymgynghoriad yma. Roedd dros 57% eisiau gofod gardd hamddenol i ddysgu a chyfarfod pobl ac roedd 45% eisiau gofod ar gyfer arddangosfeydd celf a ffotograffiaeth.

    Gofod gardd newydd

    Roedd gardd yr EVI yn ardal nad oedd yn cael ei ddefnyddio, gyda gordyfiant a ffensys anniogel, Roedd y gwaith tirwedd a llawrwaith yn ymdrech logistaidd enfawr gyda sawl her. Ar ôl cwblhau’r gwaith adeiladol yn yr ardd, roedd yr ardal, na ellir ei ddefnyddio cynt, wedi cael ei drawsffurfio’n ofod tawel ar gyfer dysgu, gweithgareddau, cyfarfodydd a llesiant.

    Yn dilyn gorffen yr holl lawrwaith, gosodwyd llefydd eistedd, meinciau picnic a phlanwyr trwy Grantiau Adferiad COVID-19 Canol Trefi Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Blaenau Gwent.

    Roedd prosiect amgylcheddol Arian i Bawb y Loteri Genedlaethol yn caniatáu i wirfoddolwyr yr EVI i greu gofod llesiant yn yr ardd wrth blannu blodau sydd yn gyfeillgar i wenyn, perlysiau, ffrwythau a llysiau yn ardd yr EVI.

    Gosodwyd mesuriadau diogelwch newydd gan osod grisiau tân a ffensys diogelwch newydd yn yr ardd.

    Gosod to newydd

    Roedd to newydd yn hanfodol i gynaladwyedd adeilad EVI. Yn dilyn sawl achos o ddŵr yn gollwng, teils yn llithro o hyd, ac angen newid y landeri gan ei fod yn achosi difrod dŵr i’r adeilad.

    Datblygiadau pellach

    Mae’r rhaglen Cyfleusterau Cymunedol wedi ariannu sawl cyfleuster arall yn yr EVI, gan gynnwys:

    • – Taflunydd ansawdd sinema a sgrin 4m o led
    • – Cyfleusterau arddangos i artistiaid a ffotograffwyr
    • – Cyfleusterau newid babanod
    • – Dau ‘llwybr mynedfa/allanfa unffordd’ COVID ddiogel i ddysgwyr a chleientiaid.
    • – Atgyweiriadau hanfodol ac adferiad y grisiau
    • – System intercom a CCTV newydd
    • – Uwchraddio gwres
    • – Gofod swyddfa/storio mewn ardaloedd annefnyddadwy cynt
    • – Mynedfa newydd i Hyfforddiant ACT
    • – System intercom newydd

    Adnewyddu grisiau’r EVI

    Mae Cronfa Rhaglen Cyfleusterau Cymunedol Llywodraeth Cymru wedi diogelu’r adeilad cymunedol yma. Mae atgyweiriadau hanfodol wedi’u cwblhau, diogelwch COVID wedi ei fwyhau, gofodau annefnyddadwy bellach yn cael eu defnyddio a chyfleusterau ychwanegol ar gael i’r gymuned.

    Rydym yn falch o gyhoeddi bod yr adnewyddiad a’r atgyweiriadau hanfodol wedi’u cwblhau, ac edrychwn ymlaen at gael agor ein drysau i’r gymuned eto yn y dyfodol. Ar hyn o bryd, mae’r EVI yn agored i wasanaethau apwyntiad yn unig. I gael gwybod y diweddaraf am yr EVI dilynwch ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol. Bydd unrhyw newyddion am ail-agor yn cael ei bostio ar wefan yr EVI ac ar ein tudalennau Facebook a Twitter.

  3. £250,000 Refurbishment at the Historic EVI

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    The Ebbw Vale Institute (EVI) Community and Cultural Centre has been carrying out extensive refurbishment and essential repairs at the historic Grade 2 listed building after being awarded £250,000 through the Welsh Government Communities Facilities Programme, securing its sustainability for future generations to enjoy.

    We carried out a consultation with regular users of the EVI Centre, the oldest institute in Wales, and this grant has enabled us to fulfil many of the requests. Over 57% wanted a garden space for recreation, learning and meeting people and 45% wanted space for art and photography exhibitions.

    A new garden space

    The EVI garden was a disused area for many years, overgrown with unsafe fencing. The landscaping and ground works was a huge logistical endeavour with many challenges. With the garden structural works completed, this formally unusable area has been transformed into a tranquil space for learning, activities, meetings, and wellbeing.

    With all the groundworks completed new seating, picnic benches and planters were placed via the BGCBC Town Centre COVID recovery scheme.

    The Big Lottery Awards for All Environmental project enabled EVI volunteers to create a wellbeing space in the garden by planting bee friendly flowers, herbs, fruits and vegetables in the EVI garden.

    New safety measures were put in place with a new fire escape staircase and safety fencing being installed in the garden.

    Placing a new roof

    A new roof was essential to the sustainability of the EVI building. There had been several leaks, tiles were continuously slipping, and the guttering needed replacing as it was causing water damage to the fabric of the building.

    Further developments

    The Communities Facilities programme funded several other facilities at the EVI, including:

    • – A cinema quality projector and 4m wide screen
    • – Exhibition facilities for artists and photographers
    • – Baby changing facilities
    • – Two new COVID secure ‘one way entrance / exit routes’ for learners and clients
    • – Essential repairs and restoration of the staircase
    • – Intercom and CCTV system
    • – Heating upgrades
    • – Office / storage space from previously unusable areas

    The Welsh Government Communities Facilities Programme Fund has secured the fabric of this community building. Essential repairs have been made, COVID safety enhanced, formally disused spaces are now in use and additional facilities are now on offer to the community.

    We are pleased to announce that the refurbishment and essential repairs are now complete, and we look forward to fully opening our doors again to the community at a future date. We are currently only open for appointment-based services. To keep updated on EVI developments follow us on our social media pages. Any news about reopening will be posted on the EVI website and on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

    Welsh translation of this article is available here

  4. ‘Awards for All’ Volunteers create homes for garden wildlife

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    Awards for All Volunteers take local environmental action by creating wildlife habitats for birds, bats, hedgehogs and pollinating insects in the EVI garden …

    The next stage of our Big Lottery Community Fund Awards for All project was to create wildlife habitat, to help attract nesting birds and bats to the EVI garden and create homes for hedgehogs.

    Everyone had a task and were challenged to use tools and techniques that had not been used before.

    Supporting our garden wildlife

    Awards for All Volunteers from Llamau, ACT Training, Barod Gwent N-Gage and Cyfannol Women’s Aid, have created several bird and bat boxes to help attract nesting birds and bats to the EVI garden.
    Visit Gwent Wildlife Trust for more ways you can get involved locally and support garden wildlife.

    We also have a hedgehog home that will be relocated where it is most needed. If you find a hedgehog out in the day or injured, please visit hedgehoghelplinecymru.org.uk for information and advice on what to do next.

    Spreading the Seeds…

    Some of our younger volunteers made seed bombs and had great fun spreading them throughout the garden. We also relocated our pollinator bee and bug hotel and talked about how over a third of our food depends on pollinating insects.

    Wellbeing in Nature …

    Volunteers also created colourful images and words to remind people to spend more time in nature and how we can increase our wellbeing when spending time outdoors – over 18 posts were painted.

    Keeping up the great work

    ‘Awards for All’ Volunteers will continue taking care of the EVI garden throughout the seasons and utilise the wellbeing space for learning, meetings and activities.

    Organisations based at EVI, (Llamau, ACT Training, Cyfannol, Barod and BGCBC Youth Services) will also undertake further environmental and wellbeing projects in the EVI garden.

    Special thanks

    Thanks to Sam Holt, Eggseeds for leading the environmental workshops, MallowArt for the painting workshop and Promo Cymru (the charity that runs EVI) for providing the ‘graphic design with canva’ and ‘Film making on your mobile’ online workshops to support the volunteers in increasing their skills in digital communications.

    A special thank you to all our volunteers for creating a wellbeing space at the EVI garden. Everyone worked together with staff and clients from other organisations, with children and families; many new skills were learned along the way and so much has been accomplished to support our local wildlife.

  5. Volunteers Create a Wellbeing Garden at EVI

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    An environmental project at EVI, made possible by the National Lottery Community Fund Awards For All programme, has brought organisations and volunteers together to create a wellbeing space in the garden.

    What did we do?

    The first step was to plant bee friendly flowers, herbs, fruits, and vegetables that will be looked after by the volunteers throughout the seasons.

    Over the two sessions, facilitated by Eggseeds‘ Sam Holt, the volunteers and staff from ACT Training and Llamau prepared the soil and planted flowers, herbs (like rosemary and chives), fruit trees (like raspberry and gooseberry) and vegetables (chard, sprouts, peas). Everyone worked really hard and for many, this was a new experience.

    Some of the volunteers spent time creating wellbeing posts, painting vibrant colours and wellbeing quotes onto the old fencing posts, so that everyone is reminded of the benefits of spending time in nature.

    Providing new experiences for young people

    For many of the young people aged between 16 and 18 that were taking part, gardening was a totally new experience for them. Here’s what some of them had to say:

    “It’s my first time gardening I am usually an indoor person”

    “It feels nice being outdoors”

    “With lockdown, people could have got more into gardening”

    “I am enjoying it more than I thought I would”

    ACT Training – EVI Volunteers

    “It’s quite peaceful, relaxing”

    “I like to cook with a lot of these herbs so I am looking forward to planting them”

    “I like building computers so this is being creative in a different environment”

    “It feels nice being outdoors”

    Llamau – EVI Volunteers

    What are the next steps?

    The next step in this environmental project is to carry out the ‘local environmental and wellbeing in nature’ actions that were raised during a focus group with Llamau. These included displaying QR codes around EVI that linked to wellbeing information.

    EVI volunteers will create wildlife habitats, facilitated by Eggseeds, such as bird and bat boxes, hedgehog homes, and homes for pollinating insects. This workshop will be held on Tuesday 3rd August 2021.

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  6. Awards for All Environmental Project at EVI

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    Thanks to The National Lottery Community Fund – Awards for All, ProMo Cymru will be delivering environmental activities in our new EVI garden, with volunteers learning new skills and raising awareness of how we can all take LOCAL environmental action and increase our wellbeing in Nature

    The EVI (Ebbw Vale Institute) is a community hub offering support, learning and cultural activities to young people and families, with a cafe, venue and conference/training facility, cinema quality screen and exhibition facilities available to the community.

    We are working on this exciting project with the organisations based at EVI, Llamau, Cyfannol Women’s Aid, Blaenau Gwent CBC Youth Services, ACT Training and Barod Gwent N-Gage.

    To start the project, Llamau, Learning 4 Life volunteers held a focus group, discussing different ways we can all take local environmental action and increase our wellbeing in nature. Volunteers suggested planting bee friendly flowers, fruit, vegetables, herbs and installing a water capture barrel in the EVI garden. Other suggestions included joining the BGCBC Litter Champion scheme and making wildlife habitat such as bird boxes, hedgehog homes and bug hotels for pollinating insects. A mood board was created to help present their ideas.

    During the focus group, volunteers discussed how we can increase our wellbeing in nature and what they would like to see in the EVI garden. Some of their wellbeing ideas included tending to plants, listening to the birds, meeting and learning outdoors, getting vitamin D and time for reflection and sitting quietly.

    The learners engaged really well in the focus group session and wanted to continue the mood board and the discussion into the following week. The moodboard activity really focussed one of our harder to engage learners, and the whole group are excited about being able to create a space outside that will help them improve their moods

    Laura Wheeler, LLamau Learning 4 Life Tutor

    Llamau volunteers also came up with many wellbeing words that could be displayed as a mural on the garden wall, and a fantastic idea to display QR code linking to nature videos, sounds and relaxation music to help remind everyone to spend more time in nature.

    In response to the ideas generated by the volunteers, ProMo Cymru will tailor environmental workshops to support ways we can all take local environmental action and increase our wellbeing in nature. We will also deliver digital communication training to help support the volunteers in their work.

  7. Dathliadau Nadolig a Chynaladwyedd

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    English article here

    Gwahoddwyd teuluoedd Glynebwy i ddigwyddiad Dathlu Nadoligaidd yn yr EVI yn ddiweddar. Roeddem yn nodi diwedd prosiect cynaladwyedd blwyddyn o hyd, yn gwella effeithlonrwydd ynni yn yr adeilad hanesyddol ac yn hyfforddi gwirfoddolwyr o’r gymuned.

    Yn fis Rhagfyr 2019 derbyniodd yr EVI £32.523 o Gynllun Cymunedau’r Dreth Gwarediadau Tirlenwi, rhaglen Llywodraeth Cymru sydd yn cael ei reoli gan CGGC. Dros y flwyddyn rydym wedi gwella’r gwresogi a’r goleuadau yn yr EVI, wedi cynnal gweithdy Llygredd Plastig gyda phobl ifanc, creu paradwys trychfilod yn yr ardd o flaen yr adeilad yn ystod gweithdy garddio bywyd gwyllt, wedi hyfforddi gwirfoddolwyr mewn ysgrifennu blogiau a chreu fideos gan greu banc o erthyglau ar ein gwefan, ac yn olaf, dathliad Nadolig mawr gyda thwist cynaliadwy.

    Gwahoddiad i ddathlu

    Ymestynnwyd gwahoddiad i bobl y gymuned i ddod i ymuno gyda ni ar ddiwedd mis Tachwedd i ddathlu Nadolig cynaliadwy gyda bwyd a disgo pŵer pedal i’r plant, gwin poeth a mins pei i’r rhieni, a gweithdai yn creu nwyddau Nadolig o ddefnyddiau wedi’u hailgylchu.

    Roedd 100 o lefydd ar gael, a llenwyd y rhain yn sydyn iawn. Darparwyd adloniant gan U3A (University of the Third Age) fu’n canu ac yn cynnal gweithgareddau canu i’r plant. Roedd y bwyd yn llwyddiant mawr, a phob briwsyn wedi’i fwyta, dim gwastraff o gwbl!

    Pweru parti

    Roedd pawb wedi gwirioni gyda’r disgo pŵer pedal, a’r dyn eira, gyda’r plant yn cadw’r gerddoriaeth i fynd, y dyn eira llawn aer a goleuadau’r goeden Nadolig i fflachio drwy’r nos. Pŵer y bobl!

    Roedd y gweithdai yn boblogaidd iawn, gyda phawb yn cymryd rhan. Roedd pobl wrth eu boddau yn cael creu’r coed Nadolig a’r bôbls allan o froc môr a hen baledi, dysgu ychydig o pyrograffeg a chael mynd â’r rhain gartref gyda nhw.

    Daeth dau o’r gwirfoddolwyr fu’n rhan o’n hyfforddiant ysgrifennu blog draw i helpu. Roedd Jamie Lee a Victoria yn gymorth mawr gyda’r gweithdai ac roeddem wrth ein boddau cael clywed sut roedd erthygl Jamie Lee, Plannu Coed i Achub y Byd, wedi’u hysbrydoli i blannu coed mewn coedwig gwarchodfa.

    Addewid i fod yn wyrddach

    Daeth adran ailgylchu a gwastraff Cyngor Blaenau Gwent draw i roi gwybodaeth a chyngor am gasgliadau ailgylchu wythnosol.

    Daeth dysgwyr Llamau (fu’n cymryd rhan yn rhai o’n gweithdai) draw hefyd gydag arddangosfa ryngweithiol. Roeddent yn gofyn i bobl i wneud addewidion ar gyfer Nadolig cynaliadwy ac i helpu’r amgylchedd.

    Cafodd y dysgwyr amser da iawn yn gweithio â’i gilydd i greu’r byrddau arddangos, a dysgodd pawb rywbeth newydd am gynaladwyedd, a gobeithio bydd y negeseuon yma yn cael eu rhannu.” meddai tiwtor Learning 4 Life Llamau.

    Cafwyd addewidion gwych ar y goeden addewidion. Dyma ychydig ohonynt:

    • – Defnyddio bagiau cotwm i siopa
    • – Addo ceisio defnyddio’r swm lleiaf o blastig bosib
    • – Lapio anrhegion Nadolig mewn papur newydd!
    • – Ailgylchu cymaint ag sy’n bosib
    • – Clirio plastig oddi ar y traeth

    Roedd Llamau yn cymryd archebion am glecars ‘Dolig di-blastig ac yn cynnig awgrymiadau defnyddiol am ffyrdd cyfeillgar i’r amgylchedd i lapio anrhegion.

    Nid dyma’r diwedd

    Roedd Samantha James, Cydlynydd Gweithrediadau’r EVI, wrth ei bodd gyda llwyddiant y digwyddiad ac yn meddwl mai dyma oedd y ffordd berffaith i gloi’r prosiect blwyddyn.

    “Rydym wedi cyrraedd pen taith y prosiect hwn, ac wedi cyflawni cymaint yma yn yr EVI,” meddai.

    “Rydym wedi helpu codi ymwybyddiaeth o fioamrywiaeth a materion amgylcheddol ac mae’r gwirfoddolwyr wedi bod yn integrol i hyn. Maent wedi helpu gyda’r ymgyrch cyfathrebu. Ar ôl derbyn hyfforddiant mae rhai ohonynt wedi symud ymlaen i helpu prosiectau amgylcheddol eraill. Roedd y digwyddiad Nadolig yn ffordd berffaith i derfyn pethau, wrth gynnwys y gymuned gyfan yn yr hyn sydd wedi bod yn digwydd yma.”

    Ac nid dyma ddiwedd y daith i’r gwaith cynaladwyedd yn yr EVI meddai Sam.

    “Dim ond megis cychwyn mae’r gwaith i greu EVI mwy cynaliadwy a gwyrddach. Rydym wedi dysgu llawer o wybodaeth a  sgiliau newydd ar hyd y daith ac yn awyddus i barhau’r gwaith yma”.

  8. Christmas & Sustainability Celebrations

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    Erthygl Gymraeg yma

    Ebbw Vale families were invited to a Christmas Celebration event at the EVI recently. We were marking the end of a yearlong sustainability project, improving energy efficiency at the historic building and involving and training volunteers from the community.

    In December 2018 the EVI received £32,523 from the Landfill Disposals Tax Communities Scheme, a Welsh Government Programme managed by the WCVA. Over the year we’ve made improvements to the heating and lighting at the EVI, held a Plastic Pollution workshop with young people, created a bug paradise in the front of our building during a wildlife gardening workshop, trained volunteers in blog writing and creating videos creating a bank of sustainability articles on our website, and lastly a huge Christmas celebration with a sustainable twist.

    Driftwood christmas trees at Landfill Christmas celebration event

    An invitation to celebrate

    We invited people in the community to join us at the end of November to celebrate a sustainable Christmas with festive food and a pedal powered disco for the children, mulled wine and a mince pie for the parents, and workshops making Christmas goods from recycled materials.

    The 100 spaces we had on offer for the event filled up quickly. Entertainment was provided by the U3A (University of the Third Age) singing group, who sang and held singing activities for the children. The food went down very well, and every scrap was eaten, no wastage here!

    Pedal powered snowman at Landfill Christmas celebration event

    Powering a party

    Everyone loved the pedal powered disco, and the snowman, with the children keeping the music playing, the snowman inflated and the Christmas tree lights powered all night. People power!

    The workshops proved popular with everyone taking part, people loved taking home the Christmas trees and baubles they had made using driftwood and old pallets and learning a bit of pyrography.

    Two of the volunteers who had been part of our blog writing training came to help out. Jamie Lee and Victoria helped with the workshops and we loved hearing how Jamie Lee’s Planting Trees to Save the World article inspired them to plant trees in a woodland sanctuary.

    Llamau's pledge tree at Landfill Christmas celebration event

    Pledging to be greener

    Blaenau Gwent Council’s waste and recycling department also came along to give information and advice about weekly recycling collections.

    Llamau learners (who also took part in some of our previous workshops) came along with an interactive display. They asked people to make pledges for a sustainable Christmas and help the environment.

    “The learners had a really good time working together to make the display boards up, and they all learned something new about sustainability, and we hope these messages will be passed on,” said a Llamau Learning 4 Life tutor.

    There were some great pledges made and stuck onto the pledge tree. Here are just some of them:

    • – Use cotton carrier bags for my shopping
    • – I promise to us as less plastic as I possibly can
    • – Wrap all my Christmas presents in newspaper!
    • – I will recycle as much as I can
    • – Pick up the plastic at the beach

    People could also put in orders with Llamau for plastic free Christmas crackers and were given handy tips on environmentally friendly ways to wrap presents.

    Christmas tree pyrography at Landfill Christmas celebration event

    This is not the end

    Samantha James, Operations Coordinator at the EVi, was overjoyed with the success of the event and thought it was a perfect end to the yearlong project.

    “We’ve come to the end of this project and we’ve achieved so much here at the EVI,” she said.

    “We’ve helped raise awareness of biodiversity and environmental issues and our volunteers have been integral to this. They’ve helped us with our communication campaign. After receiving training with us some of them have gone on to help other environmental projects. The Christmas event was great to cap it all off by involving the whole community in what we’ve been doing here.

    And this is not the end for the EVI’s sustainability drive says Sam.

    “This has just been the beginning of the EVI becoming more sustainable and greener. We have learnt lots of new skills and information along the way and strive to keep up this good work”.

  9. Ymunwch â Ni i Ddathlu Nadolig Cynaliadwy

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    English article here

    Dros yr ychydig fisoedd diwethaf mae yna lawer wedi bod yn digwydd yn yr EVI i wella cynaladwyedd yr adeilad a’r ardal gyfagos. Wrth i ni gyrraedd diwedd y cyfnod yma o’n gyriad cynaladwyedd arbennig rydym yn gwahodd trigolion Glynebwy i ymuno â ni mewn dathliad Nadoligaidd a chreu addurniadau sydd yn gyfeillgar i’r amgylchedd.

    Ar ddydd Mercher, 27 Tachwedd rydym yn gwahodd holl aelodau ein cymuned i ymuno gyda ni rhwng 4yp a 7yh ar gyfer ein digwyddiad Hwyl yr Ŵyl i’r teulu. Bydd yna ddisgo pŵer pedal, bwffe i’r plant a gwydriad o win poeth a mins pei i’r rhieni. Byddem hefyd yn cynnal gweithdai ailgylchu hwyl yn creu coed Nadolig o froc môr a bôbls Nadolig… a hyn i gyd AM DDIM.

    Mae’r digwyddiad yn cael ei gynnal i ddathlu diwedd ein prosiect cynaliadwy sydd wedi bod yn rhedeg dros yr ychydig fisoedd nesaf gyda £32,523 o ariannu gan Gynllun Cymunedau’r Dreth Gwarediadau Tirlenwi trwy’r WCVA. Mae’r EVI wedi bod yn fwrlwm o weithgareddau fel rhan o’r prosiect hwn.

    Goleuadau Godidog

    Y peth cyntaf i’w wneud oedd ceisio lleihau’r defnydd o ynni yn yr EVI. Roedd adolygiad ynni’r EVI eisoes wedi’i gyflawni ac yn amlygu’r ardaloedd yn yr adeilad oedd yn gwastraffu ynni fwyaf. Roedd yr arian derbyniodd yr EVI yn caniatáu i ni gyflawni’r gwelliannau awgrymwyd yn yr adroddiad adolygiad ynni. Roedd goleuadau yn wastraff ynni mawr, felly defnyddiwyd peth o’r arian i newid y goleuadau i gyd i rai LED, sydd yn defnyddio 90% llai o ynni. Gosodwyd sychwyr dwylo eco newydd yn y toiledau hefyd, sydd yn defnyddio aer oer yn hytrach na phoeth.

    Roedd drafftiau a gwres yn broblem yn yr adeilad mawr, hanesyddol yma. Rhai o’r problemau mwyaf oedd drysau’n cael eu cadw’n agored, gwresogi ystafelloedd gwag a defnyddio gwresogyddion trydan drud. Cafodd hyn ei ddatrys wrth osod dyfais cau drws awtomatig ar y drysau i gyd, rheolyddion awtomatig ar y rheiddiaduron a mesurwyr ynni. Cafwyd gwared ar y gwresogyddion trydan cludadwy a gosod gwresogyddion wal ynni effeithlon newydd gydag amserydd 10 munud. Roedd y pympiau gwres o’r awyr, gosodwyd pan adferwyd yr adeilad dros ddegawd yn ôl, angen eu trwsio gan am eu bod yn aneffeithlon bellach. Yn y gaeaf roedd rhaid defnyddio’r boeler nwy wrth gefn i gynhesu’r adeilad. Caniataodd yr ariannu yma i ni drwsio’r pympiau, ac felly gallem unwaith eto wresogi’r EVI gyda’r pympiau ynni effeithlon ran amlaf.

    Bug Houses/Tai trychfilod - a Sustainable Christmas - nadolig cynaliadwy

    Ysbrydoli’r Gymuned

    Fel rhan o’n prosiect cynaladwyedd roeddem yn awyddus i gynnwys y gymuned wrth gynnig cyfleoedd gwirfoddoli a hyfforddiant. Y bwriad oedd dysgu sgiliau a hysbysu’r cyhoedd am gynaladwyedd a’r hyn gallant ei wneud. Yn fis Ebrill cynhaliwyd gweithdy llygredd plastig yn yr EVI ar gyfer Diwrnod y Ddaear. Rhannom wybodaeth am gyffredinrwydd plastig yn ein bywydau a’r hyn gellir ei wneud i leihau hyn.

    Yn fis Mehefin cynhaliwyd gweithdy garddio bywyd gwyllt gyda Eggseeds i gynyddu bioamrywiaeth yr ardal. Bu’r gwirfoddolwyr ifanc yn adeiladu sawl gwesty trychfilod a bomiau hadau. Mae’r gwestai trychfilod lliwgar yn sefyll yn falch o flaen yr EVI.

    Grym mewn Gwybodaeth

    Rhan bwysig o’r prosiect i ni ydy annog pobl yn yr ardal i’n helpu i rannu’r neges cynaladwyedd. Rhoddwyd gwahoddiad i’r rhai oedd â diddordeb helpu rhannu’r neges i fynychu dwy sesiwn hyfforddiant gwahanol. Roedd y cyntaf yn weithdy blogio a chreu fideo. Dysgwyd sgiliau cynllunio a chreu fideo eu hunain. Er mai dim ond diwrnod oedd ganddynt i wneud popeth, llwyddwyd i greu’r fideo canlynol hefyd, yn dangos yr holl waith oedd wedi bod yn digwydd yn yr EVI hyd yma.

    Roedd yr ail sesiwn yn weithdy ysgrifennu blogiau. Dewisodd y mynychwyr bwnc oedd o ddiddordeb iddynt a chreu sawl erthygl yn hyrwyddo’r neges cynaladwyedd ac effeithiolrwydd ynni. Roedd yr erthyglau yn cynnwys sut i leihau’n defnydd o garbon, plannu coed, te cynaliadwy a mwy. Mae’r erthyglau yma i gyd wedi cael eu cyhoeddi ar y wefan yr EVI. Mae’r rhestr lawn i’w weld yn yr Erthyglau Perthnasol isod.

    Ymunwch â ni

    Mae’r digwyddiad Hwyl yr Ŵyl yn ffordd o ddathlu’r holl waith sydd wedi’i gyflawni ac i barhau i rannu’r neges cynaladwyedd mewn ffordd hwyl wrth greu addurniadau Nadolig i fynd adref gyda chi. Felly i ailadrodd – disgo pŵer pedal, bwffe, gwin poeth a mins peis – a glywsoch chi ei fod yn rhad ac AM DDIM? Ymunwch â ni i ddathlu a chreu gan gofrestru’ch diddordeb yma:


    Erthyglau perthnasol:

  10. Join Us To Celebrate A Sustainable Christmas

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    Erthygl Gymraeg yma

    Over the last few months the EVI has been doing lots to improve the sustainability of the building and the surrounding area. As we come to the end of this period of our special sustainability drive we’re inviting the residents of Ebbw Vale to join us in a Christmas Celebration and create some environmentally friendly decorations.

    On Wednesday, 27th November we invite all members of the community to join us between 4pm and 7pm for our Festive Family Fun event. There will be a pedal powered disco, a buffet for the kids and a glass of mulled wine and a mince pie for the parents. We’ll also have some fun recycling workshops turning driftwood into fun Christmas trees and creating Christmas baubles… and we’ll be doing all this for FREE.

    Festive Fun Day - a Sustainable Christmas

    The event is being held to celebrate the end of our sustainability project that has been running for the past few months with £32,523 funding from the Landfill Disposals Tax Communities Scheme through WCVA. A load has been going on at the EVI as a part of this project.

    EVI light - a Sustainable Christmas

    The Light Fantastic

    The first thing we did was attempted to reduce energy consumption at the EVI. An energy review that had been carried out previously at the EVI highlighted where energy was being wasted the most in the building. The funding the EVI received allowed us to carry out improvements based on recommendations made in the energy review report. Lighting was a huge energy waster therefore some of the funding was used to convert all the lighting to LED, which uses 90% less energy. New eco driers that use cold air rather than cold air were also fitted in the bathrooms.

    Drafts and heating were also an issue in this large, historic building. Doors being left open, heating empty rooms and expensive electric heaters being used was a big issue. This was solved by fitting automatic door closers on all the doors, automatic controls were fitted on radiators and energy meters were installed. The portable electric heaters were banished as new energy efficient wall heaters were fitted with 10-minute timers. The air source heat pumps that were installed when the EVI underwent restoration over a decade ago were in dire need of repair works as they had become inefficient meaning that in the winter we had to rely on heating the building with a back up gas boiler. The fund allowed the repairs to take place meaning the EVI was once again being heated primarily through the energy efficient pumps.

    Bug houses - a Sustainable Christmas

    Community Spirit

    As a part of our sustainability project we wanted to involve the community by offering volunteering and training opportunities. The aim was to teach skills and inform the public about sustainability and what they could do. In April we ran a plastic pollution workshop at the EVI for Earth Day. Here we shared information about the prevalence of plastics in our lives and what we could do to cut down on this.

    In June we held a wildlife gardening workshop with Eggseeds to increase the biodiversity of the area. Young volunteers built bug hotels and made seed bombs. The colourful bug hotels take pride of place at the front of the EVI.

    Knowledge is Power

    An important part of the project for us is that we encourage people in the area to help us share the sustainability message. We invited those that were interested in helping us spread the word to attend two separate training sessions. The first was a blogging and video creation workshop. Attendees learnt skills on how to plan and create their own videos. They also, despite only having a day to fit in everything, managed to create the following video detailing all the work that had gone on at the EVI so far.

    The second session was a blog writing workshop. Attendees chose a subject that interested them and created a number of articles to promote the sustainability and energy efficiency message.  Articles included how to cut down on carbon, planting trees, sustainable tea and more. All these articles have been published on the EVI website. Check them out in the related articles below.

    Join us

    This Festive Fun event is our way of celebrating all the work that has been done and to keep spreading the sustainability message in a fun way by creating some Christmas goodies to take home. To reiterate – a pedal powered disco, buffet, mulled wine and mince pies – and did we mention it was FREE? Join us to celebrate and make by registering your interest here:


    Related articles:

    5 Steps To Live A More Sustainable Life

    5 Things You Can Do To Help The Earth

    The Ultimate Guide To Sustainabili-TEA

    Planting Trees To Save The World

    Easy Ways To Cut Carbon For The Environment

  11. Easy Ways To Cut Carbon For The Environment

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    Erthygl Gymraeg yma

    This article was written by Thomas Morris during a recent workshop held at the EVI. Community members volunteered themselves to create content focusing on environmental issues. During these video and blogging workshops they were taught the skills to create their own online content. This was all made possible with funding from the Landfill Disposals Tax Communities Scheme. Check out the related articles at the bottom of the page.

    It’s tempting to think that it’s someone else’s problem to fix our totally screwed environment. But we all have a responsibility to show the powers-that-be that we care about our planet and the human race’s future existence. I’m going to show you some easy ways to cut carbon in your daily life.

    Rolls of material for cutting carbon article

    Make it your outfit of the day, every day

    Apparently some people only wear an outfit once! Considering the massive amount of energy and resources used by the textile industry, this is a terrible idea! Think about how much money you waste by only using something once. Re-wear all your clothes. Look stylish every day and send a message to fast fashion – this has to stop!

    Move greener

    There are many ways to make your day-to-day travel green. The great thing about greenifying your transport is that it improves the local environment as well as the global. However, this may require some legwork (ha!) in terms of the politics.

    • – Use you car less by using alternative methods of transport when you travel alone
    • – When thinking about moving house, consider the public transport and active transport potential of your location. Let housing developers know that you won’t buy a house if it’s not near a railway station
    • – Write to railway companies to ask for more and better bicycle parking at railway stations
    • – Instead of buying a second car, consider an electric bike
    • – Educate your friends eg. did you know that hybrid cars are not as environmentally friendly as advertisers would like you to think? Many are worse polluters than petrol cars. (but not diesel)
    • – Instead of buying your own car, consider joining a car sharing club for the times when you need a car
    • – Ask the Government to subsidise active and public travel more than they currently subsidise private car travel through cheap fuel, free parking etc.
    • – Work to make streets and towns liveable and walkable – if our hometowns are utopian, we’ll want to go on holidays less and therefore fly less
    Wind farm image for cutting carbon article

    Switch to a green energy tariff

    Whilst all energy on the National Grid is mixed together (they don’t know whether it comes from coal or wind power) you can choose to pay your bills to an energy company that only puts electricity into the grid from sustainable sources. 

    Change to LED and double-glazing

    But not if you already replaced your lights and windows recently. This will save money. This is what the EVI has been doing with funding from the Landfill Disposals Tax Communities Scheme.

    Take a staycation

    Commit yourself to one return flight a year if you can help it. There are probably plenty of places in the UK that you have never visited. Consider a multimodal bike-on-a-train trip for yourself or pack up a car with your whole family and head somewhere new. 

    You’ll not be contributing to the erosion of famous places like Venice by tourism, and you’ll be contributing your hard earned pounds to British local economies that are often suffering.

    Divest and boycott fossil fuel

    Don’t put money in banks that invest in oil. Ask your school, company etc. to take stocks out of oil. Check what your pension is invested in.

    Prepare when shopping

    If you’re trying to reduce your plastic waste, you need to be prepared when you go shopping. Bring boxes and jars to the shop with you, this way you can buy things loose but keep them clean. You might spend less also by only buying what you came for.

    In order to further reduce car journeys you could consider cycling to the shop or ordering online. Businesses can even consider getting money off a cargo bike through the Energy Saving Trust.

    Steak with red cross over it for cutting carbon article

    Eat local and eat less meat

    Beef in particular is known as a big producer of greenhouse gases. Cutting down on meat such as beef, lamb and pork is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint.

    However, even a vegan diet can end up costing the Earth if it’s all fresh produce being flown in from overseas. Look for food which is grown in Britain or at least Europe- this may mean adopting a more seasonal diet.

    Teach people how to recycle better

    Help the people around you to do better when it comes to recycling. If you know them well and they trust you then you’ll know how to get on their good side!

    Leave your lawnmower to rust

    Improve local biodiversity by growing your garden wilder- don’t mow or use grass. Here’s why:

    • – Obviously most mowers run on petrol or electricity, so that’s less fossil fuel being used
    • – You’ll be contributing to local biodiversity. In modern cities, bees, butterflies and many other insects will be looking for a place to nest. Your garden of delights – rather than a boring patch of cut grass – provides them with a handy home
    • – Letting your garden grow wild not only helps the planet but also functions as a local carbon sink
    • – Plant wildflowers using seed bombs and have a small pool – perhaps you could use an old tyre and tarpaulin to create a wet area for bugs. We did this at the EVI in our bugs and flower bomb workshop.

    So there you go, hopefully some of the tips above will help you to cut your carbon use and do your bit to help the environment. Just one person cutting their carbon use might not make much difference, but if we all decide to make these small changes then it can make a huge difference.

    Related articles

  12. Ffyrdd Hawdd i Leihau Carbon i’r Amgylchedd

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    English article here

    Ysgrifennwyd yr erthygl hon gan Thomas Morris mewn gweithdy diweddar yn yr EVI. Gwirfoddolodd aelodau’r gymuned i greu cynnwys yn canolbwyntio ar faterion amgylcheddol. Yn ystod y gweithdai fideo a blogio yma dysgwyd sut i greu cynnwys ar-lein eu hunain. Gwnaed hyn yn bosib gydag arian o’r Cynllun Cymunedau’r Dreth Gwarediadau Tirlenwi. Edrychwch ar ein herthyglau eraill ar waelod y dudalen.

    Braf yw meddwl bod trwsio ein hamgylchedd anniben yn broblem i rywun arall. Ond mae gan bawb gyfrifioldeb i ddangos i’r rhai sydd mewn grym ein bod eisiau gofalu am ddyfodol bodolaeth ein planed a’r dynol ryw. Byddaf yn dangos ffyrdd hawdd i leihau carbon yn eich bywyd bob dydd.

    Rolls of material for cutting carbon article

    Gwisg y dydd – bob dydd

    Yn ôl pob sôn, mae yna rai pobl sydd yn gwisgo gwisg unwaith yn unig! O ystyried y swm enfawr o ynni ac adnoddau defnyddir gan y diwydiant tecstilau, mae hyn yn syniad ofnadwy! Meddyliwch am yr arian sydd yn cael ei wastraffu wrth ddefnyddio rhywbeth unwaith. Ail-wisgwch eich dillad i gyd. Edrychwch yn steilus bob dydd a gyrru neges i ffasiwn sydyn – mae’n hen bryd i hyn stopio!

    Symud yn fwy gwyrdd

    Mae yna sawl ffordd i deithio o ddydd i ddydd yn wyrdd. Y peth da am wyrddeiddio eich trafnidiaeth ydy bod hyn yn gwella’r amgylchedd lleol yn ogystal â byd eang. Ond, efallai bydd hi’n dipyn o her yn nhermau’r wleidyddiaeth.

    • – Defnyddiwch eich car llai wrth ddefnyddio dulliau eraill o drafnidiaeth pan fyddech chi’n teithio eich hun.
    • – Wrth feddwl am symud tŷ, rhaid ystyried potensial trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus a thrafnidiaeth weithgar eich lleoliad. Dywedwch wrth ddatblygwyr tai na fyddech chi’n prynu tŷ os nad yw’n agos i orsaf trenau.
    • – Ysgrifennwch i gwmnïau rheilffordd i ofyn am fwy o barcio i feiciau mewn gorsafoedd rheilffordd, a pharcio gwell.
    • – Yn hytrach nag prynu ail gar, gallech chi ystyried beic trydan.
    • – Addysgwch eich ffrindiau e.e. oeddech chi’n ymwybodol nad yw ceir hybrid mor gyfeillgar i’r amgylchedd ag y mae’r hysbysebwyr yn ceisio dweud? Mae llawer yn achosi mwy o lygredd na cheir petrol (ond nid disel)
    • – Yn hytrach na phrynu car eich hun, gallech chi ystyried ymuno â chlwb rhannu ceir am y cyfnodau pan fyddech chi angen car
    • – Gofynnwch i’r Llywodraeth i roi mwy o gymhorthdal i deithio cyhoeddus ac actif , yn fwy nag y maent yn cymorthdalu teithio car preifat gyda thanwydd rhad, parcio am ddim ayb yn bresennol.
    • – Gweithio i greu strydoedd a threfi y gellir byw a cherdded ynddynt – os yw’n trefi genedigol yn iwtopaidd, yna ni fydd angen cymaint o wyliau a bydd llai yn hedfan.

    Newid i dariff ynni gwyrdd

    Er bod holl ynni’r Grid Cenedlaethol wedi cymysgu â’i gilydd (nid oes posib gwybod os yw’n dod o ynni glo neu wynt) gallech chi ddewis talu eich biliau i gwmni ynni sydd yn darparu ynni i’r grid o ffynonellau cynaliadwy yn unig.

    Newid i LED a ffenestri dwbl

    Ond nid os ydych chi wedi newid eich goleuadau a’ch ffenestri yn ddiweddar. Bydd hyn yn arbed arian. Dyma sydd wedi bod yn digwydd yn yr EVI yn ddiweddar gydag arian o Gynllun Cymunedau’r Dreth Gwarediadau Tirlenwi.

    Gwyliau Gartref

    Ceisiwch lynu at un daith awyren y flwyddyn os yn bosib. Mae’n debyg nad ydych chi wedi ymweld â llawer iawn lefydd yn y DU. Beth am ystyried taith amlfodd beic-ar-drên i chi’ch hun, neu bacio’r car a mynd i rywle newydd gyda’r teulu i gyd.

    Ni fyddech yn cyfrannu at erydiad llefydd enwog fel Fenis oherwydd twristiaeth, a byddech yn gwario’ch arian ar economïau lleol Prydeinig sydd yn aml yn dioddef.

    Dihatru a boicotio tanwydd ffosil

    Peidiwch roi arian i fanciau sydd yn buddsoddi mewn olew. Gofynnwch i’ch ysgol, cwmni ayb i dynnu stociau allan o olew. Gofynnwch beth mae eich pensiwn yn buddsoddi ynddo.

    Paratoi wrth siopa

    Os ydych chi’n ceisio lleihau eich gwastraff plastig, bydd angen i chi baratoi cyn mynd i siopa. Gallwch chi gario bocsys a jariau i’r siop i brynu pethau rhydd a’u cadw’n lân. Efallai byddech chi’n gwario llai hefyd wrth brynu’r pethau rydych chi eu hangen yn unig.

    Er mwyn lleihau eich teithiau yn y car ymhellach dylech chi feddwl beicio i’r siop neu brynu ar-lein. Gall busnesau ystyried cael beic llwyth yn rhatach trwy’r Ymddiriedolaeth Arbed Ynni.

    Bwyta’n lleol a bwyta llai o gig

    Un o’r bwydydd sydd yn cynhyrchu nwyon tŷ gwydr uchel yw cig eidion. Mae bwyta llai o gigoedd fel cig eidion, cig oen a phorc yn ffordd dda i leihau’ch ôl troed carbon.

    Ond os yw’r holl fwydydd ffres yn cael ei hedfan o dramor yna mae byw ar ddiet fegan yn gallu bod yn ddrud iawn i’r Ddaear hefyd . Chwiliwch am fwyd sydd yn cael ei dyfu ym Mhrydain, neu Ewrop o leiaf – efallai bydd angen mabwysiadu diet mwy tymhorol.

    Dysgu pobl sut i ailgylchu’n well

    Helpwch y bobl o’ch cwmpas i ailgylchu’n well. Os ydych chi’n eu hadnabod yn dda yna byddech chi’n deall sut i gael ar yr ochr dda ohonynt!

    Gadael y peiriant torri lawnt i rydu

    Gallech chi wella bioamrywiaeth leol wrth adael i’ch gardd dyfu’n wyllt – peidiwch torri’r lawnt. Dyma pam:

    • – Mae’r mwyafrif o beiriannau torri lawnt yn gweithio gyda phetrol neu drydan, felly bydd hyn yn defnyddio llai o danwydd ffosil.
    • – Byddech chi’n cyfrannu at fioamrywiaeth leol. Mewn dinasoedd modern bydd gwenyn, glöyn byw a llawer o drychfilod eraill yn chwilio am le i nythu. Bydd eich gardd o hyfrydwch – yn hytrach nag darn o lawnt ddiflas wedi’i dorri – yn cynnig cartref clud iddynt.
    • – Mae gadael i’r ardd dyfu’n wyllt yn helpu’r blaned ond mae’n ymddwyn fel sinc carbon lleol hefyd.
    • – Defnyddiwch fomiau hadau i blannu blodau gwyllt a chael pwll bach – efallai gallech chi ddefnyddio hen deiar a tharpolin i greu ardal wlyb i drychfilod. Fe wnaethom hyn yr EVI yn ein gweithdai bomiau blodau a thrychfilod.

    Felly dyna chi, gobeithio bod rhai o’r awgrymiadau uchod yn eich helpu i leihau eich defnydd o garbon a chwarae eich rhan i helpu’r amgylchedd. Efallai nad yw un person yn gostwng ei ddefnydd o garbon yn cael llawer o effaith, ond os yw pawb yn penderfynu gwneud y newidiadau bach yma, yna gallai wneud gwahaniaeth mawr.

    Erthyglau perthnasol

  13. Plannu Coed i Achub y Byd?

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    English article here

    Ysgrifennwyd yr erthygl hon gan Jamie Lee Morris mewn gweithdy diweddar yn yr EVI. Gwirfoddolodd aelodau’r gymuned i greu cynnwys yn canolbwyntio ar faterion amgylcheddol. Yn ystod y gweithdai fideo a blogio yma dysgwyd sut i greu cynnwys ar-lein eu hunain. Gwnaed hyn yn bosib gydag arian o’r Cynllun Cymunedau’r Dreth Gwarediadau Tirlenwi. Edrychwch ar ein herthyglau eraill ar waelod y dudalen.

    Mae datgoedwigo yn un o’r materion amgylcheddol sydd yn cael ei anwybyddu fwyaf, un sydd angen mwy o  gydnabyddiaeth. Mae colli coed neu lystyfiant arall yn gallu arwain at nifer o broblemau pryderus i’r byd a’n planed.

    Mae’r problemau yma yn cynnwys:

    • – Newid hinsawdd
    • – Llifogydd
    • – Cynyddiad mewn nwyon tŷ gwydr
    • – Diffeithdiro
    • – Dinistrio Cynefinoedd

    Newid hinsawdd

    Yn ôl y Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, mae datgoedwigo yn cyfrannu at dros 18% o holl allyriadau’r byd. Mae hynny’n fwy nag allyriadau byd-eang trafnidiaeth i gyd – gwarthus!


    Darganfuwyd hefyd bod datgoedwigo yn gallu cynyddu’r perygl o lifogydd. Mae llystyfiant yn amsugno ac yn rhyngdorri’r dŵr i gydbwyso’r lefelau dŵr.

    Mae Cymoedd De Cymru yn llawn cerrig anathraidd (tywodfaen yn benodol, sydd yn boblogaidd gyda dringwyr), sydd yn cynyddu’r dŵr ffo. Gall hyn gyfrannu at lifogydd.

    Cynyddiad nwyon tŷ gwydr

     Mae torri coed i lawr yn golygu bod anghydbwysedd o nwyon tai gwydr yn yr atmosffer. Mae hyn yn cynyddu lefelau carbon deuocsid. Mae hyn yn cyfrannu at gynhesu byd-eang a chwalfa cynefinoedd oherwydd newid hinsawdd.


    Datgoedwigo yw prif achos colli llystyfiant mewn ardaloedd, ac felly’n creu anialwch mewn lleoliad oedd unwaith yn dir ffrwythlon. Mae hyn hefyd yn chwalu bywyd gwyllt a chartrefi anifeiliaid.


    Mae’n amlwg bod yr effaith mae coed yn ei gael ar ein hamgylchedd yn enfawr pan ddaw at gynnal byd cynaliadwy. Dychmygwch fyd heb goed a’r canlyniadau niweidiol fydda hyn yn achosi. Gall pawb wneud gwahaniaeth. Helpwch ni i ganiatáu i’r byd ffynnu.

    Erthyglau perthnasol

  14. Planting Trees To Save the World?

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    Erthygl Gymraeg yma

    This article was written by Jamie Lee Morris during a recent workshop held at the EVI. Community members volunteered themselves to create content focusing on environmental issues. During these video and blogging workshops they were taught the skills to create their own online content. This was all made possible with funding from the Landfill Disposals Tax Communities Scheme. Check out the related articles at the bottom of the page.

    Deforestation is the most unacknowledged environmental issue that needs to be recognised. The loss of trees and other vegetation can result in a plethora of concerning problems to the world and to our planet.  

    These problems include: 

    • – Climate change 
    • – Flooding 
    • – Increased greenhouse gases 
    • – Desertification 
    • – Habitat Destruction 
    Image of tree with text saying "Planting Trees Can Save The World"

    Climate change 

    According to the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, deforestation accounts for more than 18% of all global emissions. That is more than the global emissions from all transport- outrageous! 


    It also found that deforestation could increase the risk of flooding. Vegetation absorbs and intercepts water to balance water levels. 

    The South Wales Valleys are made up of impermeable rocks (sandstone in particular, which is popular with climbers), which increase the surface run off. This can result in floods.  

    Increase in greenhouse gases 

    Cutting down trees results in an imbalance of greenhouses gases in the atmosphere. This means that there is a rise in carbon dioxide levels. This contributes to global warming and the disruption of habitats from climate change.  


    Deforestation is the main cause of the loss of vegetation in areas, thus creating a desert in what was once fertile land. This also destroys wildlife and the homes of animals. 


    It is evident that the impact trees have on the environment is major in regards to maintaining a sustainable world. Imagine a world with no trees and the detrimental outcomes that would bring. We can all make a difference. Help us allow the world to flourish.  

    Related articles

  15. Trafod Cynaladwyedd Dros Baned o De

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    English article here

    Ysgrifennwyd yr erthygl hon gan Victoria Williams mewn gweithdy diweddar yn yr EVI. Gwirfoddolodd aelodau’r gymuned i greu cynnwys yn canolbwyntio ar faterion amgylcheddol. Yn ystod y gweithdai fideo a blogio yma dysgwyd sut i greu cynnwys ar-lein eu hunain. Gwnaed hyn yn bosib gydag arian o’r Cynllun Cymunedau’r Dreth Gwarediadau Tirlenwi. Edrychwch ar ein herthyglau eraill ar waelod y dudalen.

    Mae pawb yn bwriadu bod yn ecogyfeillgar a chael effaith positif ar ein byd, ond oeddech chi’n gwybod bod yfed eich paned arferol yn gallu achosi difrod?

    Pam? Prydain yw’r drydedd wlad sydd yn yfed y mwyaf o de yn y byd (y tu ôl i Dwrci a’r Iwerddon), ond nid yw’r te yma yn cael ei dyfu gartref. Mae’r mwyafrif yn dod o’r Affrica (Kenya yn enwedig), Sri Lanka, India a Tsieina. Mae hyn yn llawer iawn o amser teithio i’n hoff ddiod boeth.

    Yn ogystal, mae’r bagiau yn aml yn cynnwys plastig ac nid ydynt yn troi’n gompost yn iawn – felly mae’r miloedd rydym yn ei yfed bob dydd, fel arfer, yn mynd i dirlenwi. Hyn i gyd cyn hyd yn oed ystyried y trydan ychwanegol sydd ei angen i bweru miloedd o degellau am hanner amser pan fydd y bêl droed ymlaen.

    Yn ôl Cyfrifydd Bwyd Newid Hinsawdd y BBC, mae yfed ychydig gwpanau’r dydd, bob dydd, am flwyddyn yn allyrru 30kg o garbon bob blwyddyn – cymaint â gyrru car petrol am 78 milltir. Y newyddion gorau i de ydy bod coffi, cwrw a gwin yn waeth nag hynny.

    Paned eco-ymwybodol

    Mae yna gwmnïoedd yn bodoli sydd yn ceisio gwneud gwahaniaeth. Os ydych chi’n dymuno gwneud dewis mwy cynaliadwy pan ddaw at eich hoff baned, yna edrychwch ar y rhestr isod.

    1. Cornish Tea Company

    Box of Cornish Tea for sustainabili-TEA article
     Delwedd gan Cornish Tea Co

    Mae prynu a defnyddio bagiau te yn rhywbeth sydd yn rhaid gwneud i chi gael yfed te. I helpu’r amgylchedd newidiwch i fagiau bioddiraddadwy. Mae “bagiau ymdoddiad” arbennig Cornish Tea yn cynnwys sawl blas ac wedi’u creu o fagiau 100% corn startsh bioddiraddadwy.

    Delwedd gan teapigs

    2. Tea Pigs

    Brand cynaliadwy arall ydy Tea Pigs. Maent yn creu amrywiaeth eang o flasau ar gyfer unrhyw dymer a sefyllfa. Maent yn credu dylai te fod yn bur ac yn syml, ac maent yn gwireddu hyn wrth beidio ychwanegu unrhyw beth niweidiol. Mae’r pecynnu yn gwbl rydd o  blastig a nhw yw’r brand cyntaf i dderbyn y Plastic Free Trust Mark.

    Delwedd gan Clipper

    3.Clipper Tea

    Mae Clipper yn frand naturiol a chwbl organig. Maent yn derbyn arweiniad o egwyddorion organig ac wedi ymrwymo i fod yn rhydd o organebau wedi’i haddasu’n enetig (OAG) wrth ddefnyddio cynhwysion o ffynonellau sydd ddim yn OAG. Mae’r brand ei hun yn canolbwyntio ar ddarganfod ffyrdd newydd i fod yn naturiol yn gyson.

    Delwedd gan Numi Tea

    4.Numi Teas

    Mae Numi yn cyflawni ymhob agwedd pan ddaw at gynaladwyedd. Nid yn unig wrth ddefnyddio cynhwysion sydd yn dod yn syth o’r planhigion 100% ond wrth ddefnyddio pecynnu cynaliadwy hefyd. Maent hefyd yn cyfrannu rhoddion i osod yn erbyn eu hallyriadau carbon a chefnogi sefydliadau amgylcheddol dielw.

    Felly dyna chi, y brandiau gorau i ganiatáu i chi fwynhau eich paned o de heb deimlo euogrwydd amgylcheddol. Mwynhewch!

    Erthyglau perthnasol:

  16. The Ultimate Guide To Sustainabili-TEA

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    Erthygl Gymraeg yma

    This article was written by Victoria Williams during a recent workshop held at the EVI. Community members volunteered themselves to create content focusing on environmental issues. During these video and blogging workshops they were taught the skills to create their own online content. This was all made possible with funding from the Landfill Disposals Tax Communities Scheme. Check out the related articles at the bottom of the page.

    We all aim to be eco-friendly and make a positive impact on our Earth, but did you know that by drinking your regular brew you could be doing more damage than good? 

    Why’s this? Whilst Britain is the third-most tea-drinking country in the world (just behind Turkey and Ireland), that tea is not homegrown. Most of it comes from Africa (especially Kenya), Sri Lanka, India and China. This means a lot of travel-time for our favourite hot drink. 

    What’s more is that the bags often contain plastic and do not compost properly- thus the millions we consume each day generally go to landfill. And that’s before we even think about all the extra electricity needed to power a million kettles at half time when the football’s on.    

    According to the BBC’s Climate Change Food Calculator, drinking a few cups a day, every day, for a year emits 30kg of carbon a year- as much as driving a petrol car 78 miles. The good news is that’s not nearly as bad as the equivalent amount of coffee, beer or wine.  

    An eco-conscious cuppa

    But there are some companies who are trying to make a difference. If you want to make a more sustainable choice when it comes to your favourite brew then take a look at the list below.

    Box of Cornish Tea for sustainabili-TEA article
    Image from Cornish Tea Co

    1. The Cornish Tea Company  

    Buying and using tea bags is something you just have to do if you want to drink tea. In order to help the environment switch to biodegradable bags. Cornish Tea’s signature “fusion bags” feature a variety of flavors and the bags are created from 100% biodegradable cornstarch. 

    Teapigs logo for Sustainabili-TEA article
    Image from teapigs

    2. Tea Pigs 

    Another sustainable brand is Tea Pigs. They create a wide variety of flavors for every mood and situation. They believe tea should be pure and simple, and they keep it this way by never adding anything harmful. Their packaging is 100% plastic free and they are the brand first brand to be awarded the Plastic Free Trust Mark. 

    Clipper logo for Sustainabili-TEA article
    Image from Clipper

    3.Clipper Tea 

    Clipper is a natural and completely organic brand. They’re guided by organic principles and are committed to being GM-free whilst using ingredients from non-GM sources. The brand itself focuses on constantly finding new ways to be natural. 

    Numi logo for Sustainabili-TEA article
    Image from Numi Tea

    4.Numi Teas 

    Numi delivers on every aspect when it comes to sustainability. Not only are their ingredients 100% real coming straight from the plants but they also feature sustainable packaging. They also make donations to offset their carbon emissions and support environmental nonprofits.   

    So, there you have it, the best brands to allow you to enjoy a cup of tea free from environmental guilt. Enjoy!

    Related articles:

  17. 5 Peth Gallech Chi Ei Wneud i Helpu’r Ddaear

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    English article here

    Ysgrifennwyd yr erthygl hon gan wirfoddolwr mewn gweithdy diweddar yn yr EVI. Gwirfoddolodd aelodau’r gymuned i greu cynnwys yn canolbwyntio ar faterion amgylcheddol. Yn ystod y gweithdai fideo a blogio yma dysgwyd sut i greu cynnwys ar-lein eu hunain. Gwnaed hyn yn bosib gydag arian o’r Cynllun Cymunedau’r Dreth Gwarediadau Tirlenwi. Edrychwch ar ein herthyglau eraill ar waelod y dudalen.

    Mae yna sawl ffordd i helpu’r Ddaear. Mae rhai yn effeithlon, rhai ddim. Bwriad y blog yma yw dangos y ffyrdd fwyaf effeithlon i helpu’r Ddaear ynghyd â’r rhesymau pam bod y rhain yn effeithlon.

    Water tap for 5 Things You Can Do To Help The Earth article

    1. Bod yn ddifrifol am ddŵr

    Rydym yn defnyddio dŵr bob dydd, rhai yn defnyddio mwy nac eraill, ond ta waeth am hynny. Os oes dŵr yn gollwng rhywle yn eich tŷ yna trwsiwch hyn mor sydyn â phosib i atal colli dŵr a gwella’ch amgylchedd lleol.

    Peth hanfodol arall gallech chi ei wneud gyda’r dŵr yn eich cartref ydy diffodd unrhyw dapiau sydd ddim yn cael eu defnyddio. Er esiampl, mae rhai pobl yn gadael i’r tap redeg wrth iddynt frwsio eu dannedd – yn gwastraffu dŵr gallai roi i ddefnydd gwell.

    Awgrymiadau i arbed dŵr gan yr Energy Saving Trust

    smart tech 5 Things You Can Do To Help The Earth article

    2. Gosod technoleg ‘smart’

    Mae gosod mesurydd ‘smart’ yn eich cartref yn caniatáu i chi gadw golwg ar yr ynni rydych chi’n ei ddefnyddio, a’i gost. Gallai weld faint o ynni rydych chi’n ei ddefnyddio go iawn eich annog i wneud newidiadau a lleihau eich defnydd ynni. Mae mesurydd ‘smart’ yn cysylltu trwy’r cysylltiad Wi-Fi ac yn gyrru eich defnydd o ynni i’ch cyflenwr, sydd yn golygu nad oes rhaid i chi gyflwyno darlleniadau ynni eich hun. Mae hyn yn rhoi bil mwy cywir yn cyfrifo’r ynni rydych chi yn ei ddefnyddio go iawn, yn hytrach nag dyfalu.

    Mae gosod thermostat ‘smart’ yn gallu’ch helpu chi i gwtogi ar eich costau ynni. Mae’n caniatáu i chi reoli’r gwres yn eich tŷ trwy app ar eich ffôn; gallech chi fod yn y gwaith a chysylltu i’ch thermostat ‘smart’ i droi’r gwres i lawr gartref.

    Gwybodaeth bellach am fesuryddion a thechnoleg ‘smart’ – Energy Saving Trust.

    LED light 5 Things You Can Do To Help The Earth article

    3. Bylbiau ynni effeithlon

    Mae pawb yn defnyddio bylbiau golau – ni fyddai’n bosib gweld y tu mewn hebddynt. Mae’n bosib helpu’r amgylchedd i ddefnyddio bylbiau golau LED yn hytrach nag bylbiau twngsten hen. Mae bylbiau golau LED yn llawer mwy effeithlon, yn gallu cael eu newid yn hawdd, yn parhau’n hirach ac yn goleuo’n fwy llachar hefyd!

    Mae’r goleuadau yn yr EVI wedi cael eu newid am rai LED diolch i arian gan y Cynllun Cymunedau’r Dreth Gwarediadau Tirlenwi. Darganfyddwch fwy yma.

    solar panels for 5 Things You Can Do To Help The Earth article

    4. Gosod paneli solar

    Ffordd arall i gael ynni o’r haul ydy trwy osod paneli solar. Mae paneli solar yn cymryd gwres a golau o’r haul ac yn ei newid i ynni at ddefnydd bob dydd. Nid yw paneli solar yn cynhyrchu ynni yn y nos gan nad oes haul, ond mae’r ynni sydd ddim yn cael ei ddefnyddio yn ystod y dydd yn cael ei storio mewn batri sydd yn cael ei ddefnyddio yn y nos neu os nad oes digon yna rydych chi’n gallu cael ynni o’r grid os oes angen. Mae unrhyw ynni solar sydd ddim yn cael ei ddefnyddio yn gallu cael ei werthu i’r grid, sydd yn gallu rhoi ychydig o arian i chi.

    Edrychwch ar y wybodaeth yma gan uSwitch am sut mae pŵer solar yn gweithio yn y DU.

    reusable water bottles for 5 Things You Can Do To Help The Earth article

    5. Ailgylchu ac ailddefnyddio

    Mae ailgylchu yn hanfodol os ydym am achub y ddaear. Mae ailgylchu yn defnyddio ynni yn ei hun, felly mae ail-ddefnyddio yn well os yn bosib. Mae yna ddau beth syml gellir ei wneud i gychwyn – ailddefnyddio poteli i yfed a gofyn i’r cyngor lleol ychwanegu mwy o finiau ailgylchu yn y dref fel bod y moroedd a chynefinoedd bywyd gwyllt lleol yn gallu aros yn ddiogel ac yn lân.

    Efallai byddech chi’n darganfod ychydig o syniadau i ailddefnyddio eitemau bob dydd o’r rhestr Canllaw Ailgylchu yma – fel defnyddio hen ddillad i greu clustogau neu roddi hen gartonau wyau i ysgolion.

    Erthyglau perthnasol:

  18. 5 Things You Can Do To Help The Earth

    Comments Off on 5 Things You Can Do To Help The Earth

    Erthygl Gymraeg yma

    This article was written by a volunteer from a recent workshop held at the EVI. Community members volunteered themselves to create content focusing on environmental issues. During these video and blogging workshops they were taught the skills to create their own online content. This was all made possible with funding from the Landfill Disposals Tax Communities Scheme. Check out the related articles at the bottom of the page.

    There are many ways to help the Earth. Some are efficient, and some are not.  This blog will show you the most efficient ways to help the Earth along with the reasons why they are efficient. 

    1. Getting serious about water 

    We use water everyday in our lives, some people use it more than others but that doesn’t matter.  If there are any noticeable leaks in your home then make sure to fix them as soon as possible to prevent any water loss and to improve your local environment. 

    Another essential thing you could do with the water in your household is to turn off any taps that are being unused. For example, some people leave the tap on while they are brushing their teeth – wasting water that could otherwise be put to good use. 

    Tips to save water from the Energy Saving Trust.

    2. Installing smart technology

    Installing a smart meter in your home will let you keep track of the energy you’re using and it’s cost. Seeing how much energy your actually using might encourage you to make changes and cut down on your energy use. A smart meter connects through your Wi-Fi connection and sends your energy usage to your supplier meaning you don’t have to submit energy readings yourself. This gives you a more accurate bill based on the energy you’re using rather than a guesstimate.

    Installing a smart thermostat can also help you cut down on your energy costs. This allows you to control the heating in your home through an app on your phone; you can be at work and connect to your smart thermostat to turn the heating down at home.

    Further information about smart meters and technology – Energy Saving Trust

    3. Energy efficient light bulbs 

    We all use light bulbs- we couldn’t see inside many internal rooms without them.  A way to help the environment is to use LED light bulbs instead of the old tungsten bulbs.  LED light bulbs are more efficient, can be easily replaced, last longer and they shine brighter too! 

    The lighting at the EVI has been replaced with LED thanks to funding from the Landfill Disposals Tax Communities Scheme. Find out more here.

    4. Installing solar panels 

    Another way we can get energy is from the sun via solar panels.  Solar panels take heat and light from the sun and convert it to energy for our everyday usage.  Solar panels don’t produce energy at night due to there being no sun but energy that isn’t used during the day can be stored in batteries to be used during the night, or if there isn’t enough you can get still get your energy from the grid if you need it. Any solar energy you don’t use can be sold to the grid, which can make you a little money.

    Check out this How Solar Power Works in the UK information from uSwitch.

    5. Recycle and reuse 

    Recycling is a must if we want to save the Earth.  Recycling itself uses energy, so re-using is better where possible. There are two simple things you can do to start – reuse bottles to drink out of and ask your local council to add more recycling bins around town so that the oceans and local wildlife habitats can stay safe and clean. 

    You might find some ideas to reuse everyday items from this list on Recycling Guide – like using old clothes to create cushions or donating old egg cartons to schools.

    Related articles:

  19. 5 Cam i Fyw Bywyd Mwy Cynaliadwy

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    English article here

    Ysgrifennwyd yr erthygl hon gan wirfoddolwr mewn gweithdy diweddar yn yr EVI. Gwirfoddolodd aelodau’r gymuned i greu cynnwys yn canolbwyntio ar faterion amgylcheddol. Yn ystod y gweithdai fideo a blogio yma dysgwyd sut i greu cynnwys ar-lein eu hunain. Gwnaed hyn yn bosib gydag arian o’r Cynllun Cymunedau’r Dreth Gwarediadau Tirlenwi. Edrychwch ar ein herthyglau eraill ar waelod y dudalen.

    Yn 2019, oherwydd tyfiant cyflym yn y boblogaeth a threfoli, disgwylir bydd cynhyrchiad gwastraff blynyddol yn cynyddu 70% o lefelau 2016 i 3.40 biliwn tunnell yn 2050.

    Ond mae’n gyfnod gwahanol nawr ac mae pobl wedi darganfod ffyrdd newydd anhygoel i gynnal y bywyd rydym yn ei fyw ac efallai bydd yn newid dyfodol dynoliaeth.


    Plastic straws for sustainable article

    Mae llygredd plastig yn bryder mawr, yn llygru ein moroedd a niweidio bywyd gwyllt. Ond mae dylanwadwyr mawr fel y YouTuber Jeffree Star ac enwogion eraill wedi dod yn ymwybodol o’r sefyllfa ac yn awyddus i wneud gwahaniaeth. Mae Star wedi creu gwelltyn metel sydd yn gallu cael  ei ailddefnyddio ac yn ecogyfeillgar (o gymharu â gwelltyn plastig, sydd ddim yn gallu cael ei ailddefnyddio).


    radiator for sustainable article

    Wrth ddefnyddio’r system gwresogi yn ein cartref, rydym yn cynyddu’r defnydd o danwydd ffosil a nwyon tŷ gwydr. Mae gan y mwyafrif o bobl systemau gwres canolog yn eu cartref sydd yn cael ei ddefnyddio trwy gydol y dydd. Gall pawb ddefnyddio llai o wres wrth lapio’n gynnes a gwisgo mwy o ddillad.


    bicycle for sustainable article

    Yn 2019 amcangyfrif bydd dros 79 miliwn o geir wedi’u gwerthu. Er bod gan lawer o bobl gar, maent yn defnyddio llawer iawn o garbon yn y broses cynhyrchu yn ogystal â gyrru. Mae mwy a mwy o bobl yn arloesol pan ddaw at drafnidiaeth weithredol, fel beicio a cherdded. Mae ceir yn fwy cynorthwyol mewn sefyllfaoedd ble mae pobl yn teithio pellteroedd hir. Mae yna restr ddefnyddiol o lwybrau beicio yng Nglynebwy ar RouteYou.com.


    balloon for sustainable article

    Mae’r cyfnod wedi newid, ac yn ôl ymchwil, mae profiadau yn gwneud rhywun yn hapusach yn hirach nag y mae pethau materyddol, sydd ag ystyr cyfyngedig fel arfer. Y tro nesaf rydych chi eisiau dangos i rywun pa mor bwysig ydynt i chi, rhowch eich amser iddynt, a phrofiad sydd yn annhebyg i ddim arall – un na fyddech yn anghofio. Mae pethau materyddol yn aml yn cael ei daflu ac yn cael ei anghofio, sydd yn gwastraffu darn bach, ond sylweddol, o’n byd. Dyma restr Going Zero Waste am 50 syniad am anrhegion profiad sydd yn amrywio o ran cost – o goffi i wyliau.


    Yn olaf, wrth ddefnyddio bwyd dros ben o’r oergell a’r rhewgell gall pobl ddod yn gynaliadwy. Wrth gadw trac o’r hyn sydd yn cael ei brynu a’i daflu, byddech chi’n gwastraffu llai o fwyd. Mae yna dystiolaeth hefyd bod dyddiadau ‘Best Before’ yn gamarweiniol ac yn golygu bod pobl yn taflu bwyd yn rhy fuan. Edrychwch ar rai o’r ryseitiau yma gan Hoffi Bwyd Casáu Gwastraff yn defnyddio bwyd dros ben.

    Ar y cyfan, prif syniad cynaladwyedd ydy canolbwyntio ar anghenion y presennol heb gyfaddawdu gallu cenhedlaeth y dyfodol i gyfarfod eu hanghenion. Yn fyr, mae angen i ni wneud newidiadau bach yn y ffordd rydym yn byw fel nad yw cenhedlaeth y dyfodol yn gwneud yr un camgymeriadau.

    Erthyglau perthnasol.

  20. 5 Steps To Live a More Sustainable Life

    Comments Off on 5 Steps To Live a More Sustainable Life

    Erthygl Gymraeg yma

    This article was written by a volunteer from a recent workshop held at the EVI. Community members volunteered themselves to create content focusing on environmental issues. During these video and blogging workshops they were taught the skills to create their own online content. This was all made possible with funding from the Landfill Disposals Tax Communities Scheme. Check out the related articles at the bottom of the page.

    In 2019 due to rapid population growth and urbanization, annual waste generation is expected to increase by 70% from 2016 levels to 3.40 billion tonnes in 2050.

    However times have changed and people have found amazing new ways to sustain the life we live and it may even change the future of humanity.


    Plastic pollution is a massive concern, polluting our oceans and harming wildlife. However major influencers like YouTuber Jeffree Star and other celebrities have become aware of the situation and are committed to making a difference. Star has released a metal straw that is reusable and eco friendly (compared to plastic straws, which can’t be re-used).


    By using the heating system in our home, we increase the use of fossil fuels and greenhouse gases. Most people have central heating systems in their homes and use them throughout the day. Everyone can reduce their use of their heating by wrapping up warm and putting on layers of clothing.


    In 2019 it is calculated that over 79 million cars were sold. Though many people have cars, they require a great deal of carbon in production as well as for driving. More and more people are innovating in active transit, like cycling and walking. Cars are most helpful in situations where people have to travel long distances. Here’s a handy list of cycle routes in Ebbw Vale from RouteYou.com.


    Times have changed and, according to research, experiences result in longer lasting happiness for people as opposed to materialistic things that usually have limited meaning. Next time you want to show someone how much they mean to you, give them your time, and an experience like no other- one that neither of you will ever forget. Materialistic things are usually thrown away and forgotten about, which wastes away a small but meaningful part of our world. Here’s Going Zero Waste’s list of 50 experience gift ideas of varying costs from coffee to a holiday.


    Finally, by using leftover food from the fridge and freezer people can become sustainable. By keeping track of what they buy and throw away, you can waste much less food. There is also evidence that Best Before dates are often misleading and lead to people throwing away food too early. Check out some of these recipes from Love Food Hate Waste using leftover food.

    Overall the main idea of sustainability is to focus on the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. In short we need to make small changes in the way we live so that future generations don’t make the same mistake.

    Related articles:

  21. Taclo Llygredd Plastig yn yr EVI

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    English article here

    Mae ‘cynaladwyedd’ i’w weld ym mhobman ar y funud, ac mae Institiwt Glynebwy yn hapus i fod yn cyfrannu at hyn gyda’i yriant cynaladwyedd cyfredol yn yr adeilad, ac yn y gymuned. Yn ôl yn fis Ebrill bu Llamau, elusen ddigartrefedd yng Nghymru, yn cynnal gweithdy llygredd plastig ar gyfer Diwrnod y Ddaear.

    Mae Laura Wheeler o Llamau, oedd yn cyflwyno’r gweithdy, yn angerddol iawn yn bersonol am lygredd plastig. Cychwynnodd Laura wrth ddangos delweddau brawychus o lygredd plastig i’r bobl ifanc, fel adar a bywyd gwyllt y môr yn cael eu mygu gan y rwbel plastig, neu bysgotwyr yn hwylio trwy’r riff gwenwynig. Yna, gofynnodd sut roedd hynny yn gwneud iddynt deimlo.

    Sut mae llygredd plastig yn gwneud i ti deimlo?

    “Yn sâl”, oedd ateb un.

    “Trist”, meddai rhywun arall.

    “Euog. Isel. Cywilydd. Sioc. Ffieidd-dod.”

    Mae’n glir nad yw neb yn falch o’r effaith mae angen pobl am blastig wedi ei gael ar foroedd y blaned. Ond sut mae hyn yn effeithio arnom ni?

    Plastig, plastig, ym mhobman

    Roedd yn amser meddwl am gyffredinrwydd plastig ym mhob agwedd o’n bywydau. Mae yna micro-ddarnau o blastig mewn cynnyrch gofal croen a phlastig mewn dillad polyester. Mae pethau sydd wedi’u creu o gerdyn, gwydr neu bren yn gallu cael darnau bach ychwanegol o blastig ynddynt. Pan fyddech chi’n golchi dillad synthetig mae darnau bach, bach o micro-ffibr plastig yn mynd i’r cyflenwad dŵr. Mae’r pysgod yn bwyta’r plastig yma ac yna rydym ni’n bwyta’r pysgod. Edrychwyd ar offer meddygol hefyd, fel pympiau asthma, diferion, pigiadau ac ati. Cytunwyd bod y rhain yn eithriad buddiol.

    Bu’r grŵp yn ystyried y dadansoddiad cost a budd o leihau’r defnydd o blastig. Mae’r oedolyn arferol yn prynu tair potel dŵr plastig yr wythnos. Os ydym yn talu am fotel gellir ei ail-ddefnyddio, pa mor hir nes y byddem wedi adennill y buddsoddiad yma? Ond pan rydych chi ar gyllideb dynn, mae’r gost gychwynnol yn gallu atal pobl yn anffodus. A ddylai’r llywodraeth a’r corfforaethau mawr fod yn gwneud pethau’n haws i unigolion fedru gwneud dewisiadau cynaliadwy?

    Gwneud gwahaniaeth

    Soniodd un mynychwr bod ei brawd yn mynd i’r archfarchnad weithiau ac yn gadael yr holl ddeunydd pacio plastig ar y ddesg talu. Wrth drafod hyn fel grŵp, penderfynwyd bod hyn yn achosi anhwylustod i’r gweithwyr yn yr archfarchnad a’r neges yn annhebygol o gyrraedd y rheolwyr uwch neu’r cyflenwyr.

    Dangosodd Laura ychydig o bethau oedd yn ddewis gwahanol i blastig. Er esiampl, wrth wneud brechdanau, mae’n eu lapio mewn defnydd cŵyr gwenyn yn hytrach nag ‘cling film’. Gallech chi ddefnyddio defnydd cŵyr gwenyn fel caead ar jariau hefyd – ei osod ar y top a bydd gwres eich llaw yn cau’r bwlch aer. Mae’n wrthfacteria, yn ddiwenwyn, ac yn gwbl fioddiraddadwy hefyd wrth gwrs. Mae posib creu hwn eich hun adref os hoffech.

    Yna dangosodd Laura lwyth o gynnyrch sydd yn rhydd o ddeunydd pacio a phlastig, o sgrwb corff i siampŵ, un o’r ffyrdd hawsaf i leihau plastig yn ein bywydau yn sylweddol.

    Un awgrym olaf gan Laura: os oes rhaid prynu rhywbeth mewn potel blastig, prynwch mewn poteli mwy ac/neu ei brynu’n ddwys (concentrate), ac felly’n lleihau eich defnydd o blastig.

    Ar y cyfan, roedd hwn yn sesiwn lwyddiannus iawn yn meddwl pa gamau bychan gellir ei gymryd i wella ein hymarferion cynaladwyedd.

    Mae’r EVI wedi bod yn gwella cynaladwyedd yr adeilad ac yn cynnal gweithdai cynaladwyedd fel rhan o brosiect sydd yn cael ei gefnogi gan WCVA, diolch i arian gan y Cynllun Cymunedau’r Dreth Gwarediadau Tirlenwi. Rydym wedi cwblhau gwaith i wella’r pympiau gwres o’r awyr a’r goleuadau yn yr EVI.

  22. Tackling Plastic Pollution at the EVI

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    Erthygl Gymraeg yma

    ‘Sustainability’ is everywhere at the moment, and the Ebbw Vale Institute is on board with this and has an on-going sustainability drive at the building and in the community. Back in April Llamau, a leading homelessness charity in Wales, held a plastic pollution workshop at the EVI for Earth Day.

    Llamau’s Laura Wheeler, who was hosting the workshop, is herself really passionate about plastic pollution. Laura started by showing the young people attending some shocking images of plastic pollution, like birds and marine wildlife being choked by debris or fishermen sailing through toxic reefs. She then asked them how that made them feel.

    How does plastic pollution make you feel?

    Sick“, came one answer.

    Sad“, said another.

    Guilty. Depressed. Ashamed. Shocked. Disgusted.

    Clearly, nobody is proud of the effect mankind’s hunger for plastic has had on the planet’s oceans. But how does it affect us?

    Plastic, plastic, everywhere

    It was time to think about the prevalence of plastics in all areas of our lives. There are microbeads in skincare products and plastic in polyester clothes. Things made of card, glass or wood can even have small plastic additions. When you wash synthetic clothes tiny plastic microfibres get into the water supply. The fish digest this plastic and then we eat the fish. They took a look at medical equipment too, like asthma pumps, drips, jabs and more. It was agreed that this was a worthwhile exception.

    The group considered the cost-benefit analysis of reducing our plastic usage. The average adult buys three plastic water bottles each week. If we stump up the extra cost for a nice reusable bottle, how long until we start making back that initial investment? When you’re on a tight budget, sadly, even a small initial cost can be a big deterrent. Should the government and big corporations be making it easier for individuals to make sustainable choices?

    Selection of plastic alternatives for plastic pollution article

    Making a difference

    One workshop attendee mentioned that her brother sometimes goes into the supermarket and dumps all his plastic packaging on the checkout. Discussing this as a group they decided that this probably just inconvenienced the workers at the supermarket and rarely got through to anyone higher up in management or the supply chain

    Laura showed some serious alternatives to plastic. When making sandwiches, for example, she packs them with beeswax wraps rather than cling film. You can use beeswax wraps as a lid on a jar too – pack it over the top and the heat of your hand will close the air gap. It’s antibacterial, nontoxic, and of course fully biodegradable. You can even make it at home should you wish to.

    Then Laura showed a whole series of packaging and plastic free products, from body scrubs to shampoos, probably one of the easiest ways to cut plastic quite significantly from our lives.

    One final tip from Laura: if you do have to buy something in a plastic bottle, buy it in bulk and/or in concentrate, thus reducing your plastic usage.

    All in all it was a really successful session thinking about what little steps could be taken to improve our sustainability practices.

    The EVI has been improving the sustainability of the building and running sustainability workshops as part of a WCVA supported project made possible through the Landfill Disposals Tax Communities Scheme. We have already carried out work to improve the air heat pumps and the lighting at the EVI.

Foundation Funders:

National Lottery Community Fund Logo
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Current Funders:

Lloyds Bank Foundation Logo
Landfills Tax Scheme Logo
Blaenau Gwent County Council Logo
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