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  1. Creu Paradwys Trychfilod ar Gyfer Bioamrywiaeth

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    English article here

    Ar gychwyn fis Mehefin bu grŵp o bobl ifanc yn cymryd rhan mewn Gweithdy Gardd Wyllt yn Institiwt Glynebwy. Bu’r criw yn creu gwestai trychfilod a bomiau hadau fydd yn help i’r trychfilod peillio a gwella’r ardal o amgylch yr adeilad.

    Yn cymryd rhan yn y gweithdy arbennig yma wedi’i gynnal gan Eggseeds roedd pobl ifanc o Llamau, Hyfforddiant ACT a Gwasanaethau Ieuenctid Blaenau Gwent. Mae Eggseeds yn sefydliad sydd yn dysgu addysg awyr agored am natur a bioamrywiaeth. Trefnwyd y gweithdy fel rhan o gyfres o fesurau cynaliadwy yn yr EVI, wedi’i wireddu o ganlyn Cynllun Cymunedau’r Dreth Gwarediadau Tirlenwi, prosiect sy’n cael ei gefnogi gan yr WCVA.

    Tai chwilod yn cael eu peintio - paradwys trychfilod
    Peintio’r gwestai trychfilod mewn lliwiau llachar hyfryd

    Llefydd ar osod yn y gwesty trychfilod

    Cychwynnodd y gweithdy wrth adeiladu gwestai trychfilod, adeiladau pren bach gall fod yn gartref i bob math o bryfaid a rhai adar hyd yn oed. Mae’r adeiladau pren yma wedi cael eu gosod ar slab mawr o AstroTurf a’i osod o fewn yr ardd gymunedol o flaen yr EVI. Bydd hwn yn creu stryd fach uchel i’r trychfilod ffynnu ynddi.

    Ond cyn i’r adeiladau fod yn barod i groesawu’r trychfilod roedd rhaid tacluso tipyn arnynt er mwyn tynnu sylw unrhyw un sydd yn cerdded heibio. Dechreuodd y bobl ifanc wrth beintio’r tai a gwestai trychfilod!

    Tu mewn i'r tai chwilod
    To bwrdd sialc, gyda llenwad gwellt a bambŵ

    Denu’r trychfilod

    “Bydd y tri adeilad mwyaf yn denu pryfaid sy’n hedfan. Efallai bydd gwenyn, pili-pala ac adain siderog (lacewing) yn hoff o nythu ynddynt,” eglurodd Sam o Eggseeds.

    “Bûm yn stwffio’r tai llai llawn llwch lli gydag ychydig o fylchau bychan i gael i mewn. Mae hwn yn berffaith i chwilen dyrchu iddo. Ychwanegwyd tyllau crwn mwy i rai o’r tai llai hefyd, i greu gofod nythu perffaith i adar.”

    Ar ôl peintio’r rhain, gosodwyd y toeau bwrdd sialc (perffaith i ysgrifennu negeseuon arnynt) gyda hoelion ac offer pŵer. Llenwyd y tai gyda llwch lli a thiwbiau bambŵ wedi’u torri. Mae stwffin llwch lli yn creu awyrgylch hydrin i’r trychfilod dyrchu a nythu ynddo. Meddyliwch am yr holl arwynebedd ychwanegol sydd i fedru llithro eu cyrff bach i mewn iddo ac ymlusgo ar ei hyd. Gobeithir bydd y tiwbia bambŵ yn dod yn le i’r gwenyn ddodwy wyau.

    bomiau hadau gorffenedig
    Mae bomiau hadau yn ffordd wych o blannu blodau gwyllt

    Bomiau’n blodeuo

    Gyda’r adeiladau trychfilod yn edrych yn wych roedd hi’n hen bryd symud ymlaen i’r gweithgaredd nesaf – creu’r bomiau hadau. Mae bomio hadau yn hen dechneg ffermio organig Japaneaidd, ffordd o hadu sydd yn well i’r tir ac yn amddiffyn yr hadau rhag cael eu bwyta gan adar a bywyd gwyllt fel arall. Dyma ffordd wych i gynyddu bioamrywiaeth yn eich ardal leol.

    Defnyddiwyd hadau blodau gwyllt gwydn. Gan fod yr hadau yn cael eu cau mewn pridd wedi’i bacio’n galed, nid yw’n hawdd i adar eu bwyta ac mae hyn yn rhoi cyfle iddynt ddechrau tyfu.

    dwylo mwdlyd yn rholio bomiau hadau
    Dwylo mwdlyd wrth greu bomiau hadau

    Sut i greu Bomiau Hadau eich hun:

    Cam 1: Defnyddiwch ychydig o glai gwlyb a’i gymysgu gyda phridd. Rholiwch hwn yn belen a rhoi tolc ynddo gyda’ch bys

    Cam 2: Dewiswch dau neu dri hedyn a’u gollwng i mewn i’r tolc. Os ydych chi’n rhoi mwy yna bydd yr hadau yn cystadlu am yr adnoddau yn y ddaear a ddim yn tyfu i’w llawn botensial

    Cam 3: Tylinwch yr hadau i mewn i ganol y belen

    Cam 4: Taflwch y bom hadau ar unrhyw dir ffrwythlon neu ddiffaith a gobeithio bydd y planhigion yn tyfu

    tai chwilod yn eu lle
    Y gwestai a thai trychfilod yn edrych yn wych y tu allan i’r EVI

    Byddwch yn arwr bywyd gwyllt

    Mae’n eithaf hawdd cyfrannu at fioamrywiaeth eich ardal leol. Beth am gymryd rhai o’r syniadau uchod a chreu paradwys i adar a thrychfilod yn eich gardd chi? Roedd y cyfranogwyr yn hapus iawn gyda’r canlyniadau ac i ffwrdd â nhw adref wedi dysgu sgiliau gwerthfawr diolch i’r tîm Eggseeds am eu profiad a’u gwaith caled.

    Ariannwyd y gweithdy hwn drwy Gynllun Cymunedau’r Dreth Gwarediadau Tirlenwi trwy’r WCVA. Derbyniodd yr EVI arian i wella effeithiolrwydd ynni’r adeilad, cynyddu bioamrywiaeth yn lleol a chynnwys y gymuned drwy wirfoddoli.

    Dyma’r diweddaraf mewn cyfres o erthyglau ar y sawl ffordd rydym yn hyrwyddo cynaladwyedd yn Institiwt Glynebwy. Darllenwch y gweddill yma:

  2. Creating a Bug Paradise For Biodiversity

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    Erthygl Gymraeg yma

    At the start of June a group of young people took part in a Wildlife Garden Workshop at the Ebbw Vale Institute. They created bug hotels and seed bombs to help pollinating bugs and improve the area around the building.

    Young people from Llamau, Act Training and Blaenau Gwent Youth Services took part in this special workshop run by Eggseeds, an organisation that delivers outdoor education teaching people about nature and biodiversity. The workshop was organised as part of a series of sustainability measures taking place at the EVI as part of a WCVA supported project made possible through the Landfill Disposals Tax Communities Scheme.

    bug houses being painted
    Painting the bug hotels in lovely bright colours

    Vacancies at the Bug Hotel

    The workshop began by building bug hotels, small wooden buildings that can house all kinds of insects and even some birds. These wooden structures will be attached to a big slab of AstroTurf and placed just outside the front of the EVI. This will create a small, elevated street for bugs to thrive in inside the community garden.

    Before the buildings could be made ready for the bugs to move in though, it was time to smarten them up a little to catch the eye of passers-by. The young people got to work by painting the bug houses and bug hotels!

    The inside of the bug houses
    Chalkboard roofs, with straw and bamboo filling

    Attracting the bugs

    “The three taller structures will mainly attract flying insects. Bees, butterflies and lacewings might like to nest inside them” explained Sam from Eggseeds.

    “We stuffed some of the smaller houses full of sawdust with just a few small gaps to get in. This makes it ideal for beetles to burrow through. We added larger round holes to some of the smaller houses too, to make an ideal nesting place for birds.”

    Once painted, the chalkboard roofs (good for writing messages on) were nailed to the buildings with power tools. The houses were then stuffed with sawdust and cut bamboo tubes. Sawdust stuffing creates a malleable environment for insects to burrow and nest inside. Think of all the extra surface area for their tiny bodies to slip into and crawl along. It’s hoped that the bamboo tubes will become a place for bees to lay eggs.

    finished seed bombs
    Seed bombs are a great way of planting wildflowers

    Bombing for blooms

    With the bug buildings looking fantastic it was time to move on to the next activity – creating seed bombs. Seed bombing is an ancient Japanese organic farming technique, a way of seeding which is kinder to the land and protects the seeds from birds and other wildlife. This is a great way to increase biodiversity in your local area. 

    They used seeds that sprout hardy wildflowers. As the seeds are encased inside hard-packed earth, birds can’t easily eat them, giving them time to start growing.

    dirty hands rolling seed bombs
    Getting muddy creating seed bombs

    How to create your own Seed Bombs:

    Step 1: Scoop up some wet clay and mix it with some soil. Roll into a ball and make a dent with your finger

    Step 2: Pick up two or three seeds and drop them into the dent. Any more and the seeds will be competing for resources and won’t grow to their full potensial

    Step 3: Knead the seeds into the centre of the ball

    Step 4: Throw the seed bomb onto any fertile or waste ground and hope that plants will grow

    bug houses in situ
    The bug hotels and houses standing proudly outside the EVI

    Be a wildlife hero

    It doesn’t take much to make a difference to the biodiversity of your local area. Why not take some of the ideas above and create a paradise for birds and insects in your own garden? The participants were really happy with the finished results and headed off home having learnt some valuable skills thanks to the Eggseeds team for all their expertise and hard work.

    This workshop was funded through the Landfill Disposals Tax Communities Scheme through the WCVA. The EVI received funding to improve energy efficiency at the building, increase the local biodiversity and involving the community through volunteering.

    This is the latest in a series of articles on the many ways we’re promoting sustainability at the Ebbw Vale Institute. Read the others here:

Foundation Funders:

National Lottery Community Fund Logo
Welsh Government Logo

Current Funders:

Lloyds Bank Foundation Logo
Landfills Tax Scheme Logo
Blaenau Gwent County Council Logo
UK Gov Wales

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