Ebbw Vale Institute is a regenerated building full of story and culture. For a long time it existed to promote cultural exchange in the neighbourhood; now EVi’s doors are open again, with a wide variety of cultural events and activities on offer for all ages and interests… more
About ProMo-Cymru
ProMo-Cymru works towards building positive change and lasting relationships between individuals, families and communities…more
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2017 was a busy year at the EVi, the community and cultural centre at the heart of Ebbw Vale regenerated and developed by ProMo-Cymru. Chris Phillips, EVi Events Officer, looks back at the past year and the diverse and exciting variety of music and theatrical events.
January is normally notoriously slow in the events business because of the unpredictable weather, especially up here in the mountains of Ebbw Vale. The fact that most customers are bereft of funds after the excesses of the Christmas period doesn’t help either. When we were approached with a guaranteed fee for the whole of January to use the main hall we were more than happy to oblige.
The Public Service Broadcasting (PSB) bandwagon arrived on 2 January. For the next four weeks, they transformed the hall into an impromptu studio.
Guest musicians and all sorts of weird and wonderful instruments arrived on a daily basis, whether it was James Dean Bradfield from the Manic Street Preachers or a glockenspiel. We had to keep the utmost secrecy. Visitors with prying eyes all wanted to know exactly what was going on behind the boarded up doors.
Work finished in early February and we had our hall back. It looked eerily empty after the multitude of electronica and soundproofing had been stripped out. When the album was released in July 2017 it stormed the charts outselling Jay–Z in first few days of release. It finally peaked at number four in the UK Charts. Rather an impressive start to the year with more to come from the PSB boys with two sell-out launch shows… but more of that later.
Interactive theatre
2017 was definitely a diverse year and with the hall back in our possession, our first show was an interactive theatre piece by Be Aware Productions. The play was funded by the Arts Council of Wales. Written by Turkish playwright Meltem Arikan, directed by Memet Ali Alahora and starring Maddie Jones, Pinar Ogun, Francesca Dimech and Emma Daman Thomas. The show was in the form of a gig. Band members talked about experiences of sexual violence by real people through song and very dark humour. The show was very hard hitting and very thought-provoking and included a lively Q&A session at the end.
A sell out tribute
Along with the spring, March brought our first full house when the Bon Giovi tribute act sold 300 tickets. I’m told there were people so desperate to come that they were offering double the entrance fee to ticket holders on Facebook. The evening was such a hit that the Bon Jovi tribute act was booked again for December. That too sold out months in advance.
Tribute bands may not be to everyone’s taste, and may not be everyone’s idea of art, but they are very popular. With a healthy balance of the real and the ‘fake’ we can continue to offer something for everyone.
Charity fundraisers
Charity events are always welcome here at the EVi. We had a fantastic night when Faith Parry put on an evening of acoustic music to celebrate her struggle with mental health. Her fathers’ band Mattraffia also reunited for the evening to raise money and awareness for Mind, the mental health charity.
The fundraising continued in April with an event to raise funds for the local cinema. The local authority was threatening closure. Bands from all over the area played to a healthy crowd and the cinema was eventually kept open. We don’t know what effect our event had on the decision, but “every little helps”.
UK Subs at the EVi
Not all rock and metal
There may have been some criticism in the past that there was too much rock and heavy metal at the EVi. April dispelled a lot of that. We had a night of hardcore dance with hoards of ravers in hot pants and waving glow sticks. We also had punk legends UK Subs performing a set of rarities and standards to celebrate 40 Years at the forefront of youth rebellion. Yes, youthful rebellion with Charlie Harper… a sprightly 73 years young!
Summer lovin’
The EVi can be hired for personal parties and events. In May the local vicar held his retirement event here. A personal highlight for me was my own daughters’ wedding. Throw in another sell out, this time from a Guns N’ Roses tribute act. The end of spring saw an eclectic mix of events at the venue proving we provide something for most tastes.
The summer and wedding season really kicked off in June. We had a steampunk union that was an absolute joy and a pagan handfasting ceremony. It’s not all confetti and lace. The halfway point of the year also saw the return of a major musical event. Odin’s Rock Club held their fifth annual two-day festival with acts from all over the country playing.
Showing gratitude
Public Service Broadcasting returned for two sold-out shows to launch Every Valley, the album lovingly created in the concert hall at the EVi. Ever since the recording of Every Valley PSB Management and myself had been in constant email contact. We talked about the possibility of the band playing some shows as a thank you to the area for being so welcoming to these “middle-class Londoners” who came to write about their industry and struggles.
The album was now ready and the dates were set and announced. The 400 general sale tickets were put online and sold out in less than two minutes. The band gave us 50 half-price tickets to sell for each night. The condition was that buyers had to provide evidence that they lived within 15 miles of the venue. These tickets lasted a little longer, about an hour and a half. People were waiting for the box office to open to get their hands on these “once in a lifetime” golden tickets.
Media interviews with PSB at the EVi
A huge production
Most bands arrive in vans and PSB were no different, except they had four vans and a large truck full of rigging, lights and equipment. It was all hands on deck as myself and our local volunteers set about helping the crew. We put up the magnificent structure that held the giant screens and the myriad of lights. The hall was once again transformed. It was hard to believe that you were still in Ebbw Vale with the sheer size of the production.
The morning of the show saw media arrive from across Wales and even journalists from France. Janice Long arrived from Radio Wales and held an extensive interview with J from the band. The show was to be streamed as a 360degree production. The EVi was a hive of activity and the way everything came together was miraculous. There were a few teething problems. The generator that powered the show was too big to get through the doors. They had to hire a crane as the driver would not leave it on the street. It was lifted over the fence and retrieved after the shows.
Happy fans
Both shows were fantastic and locals and the PSB fan club still rave about it six months later. A really lovely story came out of this too. After the first show, we heard that an eight-year-old in his pyjamas had been sat in the car park listening. The show was for ages 14 plus but the child was a massive fan. I relayed this story to J and the management. They agreed that the boy and his parents could sit on the balcony above the bar with the bands’ guests and watch the show. The child got to meet his heroes and it was a great way to finish the shows off. It seems PSB hadn’t quite finished with us but more of that later.
EVi Events Officer Chris Phillips with James Dean Bradfield
Video shoot with a Manic Street Preacher
July brought another three weddings and a funeral and a return to live action when Swansea rockers Buffalo Summer rocked the hall.
August saw PSB return, this time with the Manic Street Preachers’ James Dean Bradfield. They were here to shoot a video for their collaboration single from the album. They also kindly donated a Ludwig drum kit, Fender Stratocaster guitar and the bands old touring bass amp for young musicians to learn to play. All in all they are a great bunch of people and this was a mutually advantageous union with the album being the bands highest charting. Hopefully, there will be more to come in 2018… watch this space!
Autumn Blues
After a few tributes, engagements, funerals and children’s parties, musically the autumn saw the return of local heroes Henry’s Funeral Shoe. They brought their down n’ dirty blues driven rock back to the Valleys.
Charity events started again in September with two nights in aid of Musicians Against Homelessness. Both were well attended and worked to raise the profile and funds of this fledgeling charity.
Dan Reed performing at the EVi
Hooked on the EVi
Once acts play the EVi they invariably want to come again, whether it is the audience, staff or well-stocked bar, they usually return. Mike Peters of The Alarm has played twice. Most of the local acts have been numerous times. In October, rock legend Dan Reed made his third visit. It coincided with a 50th birthday for one of the Odin’s Rock Club booking staff. They had a party in a back room and all bought tickets to Dan’s show. So Dan basically played to a birthday party and full gig audience. Long after everyone else had gone home he held court for hours playing his acoustic and regaling with tales of touring with the Stones and other musical royalty.
Paying with batteries
Diversity in music and entrance fee came next when Heavenly Records brought the unique Make Noise event to the EVi. Instead of an admission fee customers had to bring an old electrical item to recycle as ‘payment’ for a gig featuring quirky Cardiff indie troubadour Sweet Baboo. The payment included everything from a handful of batteries to a chainsaw (well hedge trimmer but still vicious looking!).
Orbs show up in photos during a paranormal investigation at the EVi
Spooky goings on
A paranormal investigation by the Ebbw Vale Paranormal Society made me uneasy to be in the venue alone at night for a few weeks. They found a fair bit of activity in the shape of orbs, voices and unexplained noises. I am more than a little sceptical, but it did make me think twice about certain things that go bump in the night in this very old building
Motown and Indie
I mentioned before that bands like to return to the venue and in November Big Mac’s Wholly Soul Band paid us their fifth visit to celebrate their 25thAnniversary. A sell out crowd danced the night away to the glorious hits of Motown. After the success of the PSB events, it seemed we were in demand by touring bands and SWN in Cardiff asked us if we could accommodate We Are Scientists for a late-announced gig as part of a whistle-stop tour of only three UK gigs. We gladly agreed and had a fantastic evening with the New York Indie Stars.
The Church at the Brain Freeze Festival
Brain freeze
The saying goes you can never have too much of a good thing and that was evident when Charlie Harper brought the UK Subs back for another visit in late November. This was just a warm-up for the third annual staging of Pity My Brain’s Brain Freeze Festival. This event always delivers the best in local, national and international rock music with previous acts including Atomic Bitchwax and Crobot.
On the menu this year was the lauded Jim Jones and the Righteous Mind, Church of the Cosmic Skull, Virginmarys and an outstanding array of local talent. Add in a record fair and local ales from the Tudor brewery plus acoustic acts such as Brandy Row and Aled Clifford and you get the best value two-day festival money can buy.
The Church had the most people in a band on stage (apart from Gruff Rhys’ nine-piece band a few years back) and what a sight they were all bedecked in white (as well as a fair portion of the audience avec blanc). It was like a cult sermon but what a heavenly racket they made.
Festive celebrations
The festive season arrived and we had a tremendous party night with our own Dean Richards providing the cabaret, a free party for local children complete with buffet and magician, and another sell-out show from those Bon Giovi guys.
In conclusion, what a year it has been, from international touring megastars, local bands at the start of their journeys, raves, thought-provoking plays, mediums, debates and all manner of family functions – hatches, matches and dispatches! Add in a top five album recorded at the EVi and you have a pretty diverse and satisfying year. Who knows what 2018 will bring but it sure has a lot to live up too!
The weekend of November 24th and 25th sees some Giants of the Underground arriving at the EVi as part of Pity My Brain’s Brainfreeze festival. To celebrate festival big wig Jamie Richards went on Radio 6 with Radcliffe and Maconie to chat about this unique event. Follow the link and click 2.13 in to hear about this diverse weekend, including Real Ales, Record Fair and acts of the calibre of Jim Jones and The Righteous Mind, VirginMarys and Church of the Cosmic Skull
Hot on the Heels of the Public Service Broadcastings shows, more Indie Heavyweights came to the EVi to perform an intimate show. It was a tremendous evening but do not just take our word for it, this is what the South Wales Argus had to say.
IT’S not often you see a big name band come to a small venue, but We Are Scientists brought in a huge crowd on their visit to Gwent on Wednesday night.
The indie rock band – who are well-known for their hit song Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt from their 2005 album Love & Squalor – brought a mixture of music from five of their top albums to the Ebbw Vale Institute.
Lead singer and guitarist Keith Murray and backing singer and bassist Chris Cain not only got the crowd jumping but managed to squeeze in some comedy in between sets with some off the cuff humour.
The band – who hail from New York City – managed to fit in quite well into the valleys and brought in some jokes about the terrible transport.
And along with the free comedy show, Keith Murray made the crowd go wild after jumping off the stage and dancing round the room while singing 2005 tune Textbook.
The whole band performed with an amazing energy that got everyone excited and entranced into the music.
We Are Scientists make you feel like you are an actual member of the band with their relaxed show style and comical references.
Their tour is one not to be missed – and lets face it – any band that isn’t from Wales that can properly pronounce Welsh town names is always a winner.” Alice Rose
Public Service Broadcasting record their highly anticipated Third album at Ebbw Vale Institute and play Two sell out shows. To find out more how it came about and the successful shows, leading up to the album charting at Number 4 on the week of release, click on link below
http://www.promo.cymru/tag/psb/Director Richard Crandon was present for the duration of our stay in Ebbw Vale and has made a short documentary about the making of the album. We hope you enjoy it.
Last Summer our Partners at Leeders Vale Studios approached us with the prospect of hiring our main hall out to a prominent recording artist for a secret project.
January 2017 arrived along with the Public Service Broadcasting collective complete with Dusty The Dog. After five weeks of wondrous soundscapes emanating from our transformed Hall the album was completed and we were sworn to secrecy.
We can now let you all in on the great news that Every Valley by Public Service Broadcasting is complete and that Public Service Broadcasting are performing two preview shows on June the 8th and 9th as a thank you to the community and to give their dedicated fan-base the chance to absorb tracks from the album in the very room they were recorded.
On his TunMlr site J Willgoose Esq writes
“We recorded Every Valley in Ebbw Vale, historically a Steelworker’s town but one surrounded by coal mines, in the former lecture hall of their worker’s institute. It seemed important to record in the valleys, as i wanted this album to feel connected to the area it was written about in ways our previous albums hadn’t been.”
An astounding 33% off Recording in our January Sale. Enter before the 28th February 2017 to be entered into the Prize Draw to win a Single Deal worth £475
Drakeford are an American Country Duo who were touring South Wales, having both worked as volunteers in Turkey they saw the sign for Kahve and were intrigued. After speaking to Bulent they treated us to a traditional Turkish Folk Song.
After a couple of months of designing and planning, we are delighted to announce the launch of our new website.
We wanted a new website to better display the exciting new events, performances and facilities that will be held at EVI. We hope you like the fresh new look to the website and the improved navigation that will allow you to find the information you need more quickly and easily.
What do you think of the new website? Let us know how we can improve the site even more.
About ProMo Cymru
ProMo Cymru, Charity and Social Enterprise operates and is the custodian of the Ebbw Vale Institute.
We are proud to have saved EVI for future community use.